At this time, there are many people in this private room, all kinds of, old and young, male and female, the last number, large and small, there are as many people as seventeen-eighteen, but the so-called fish and dragons mixed in together.

However, only the ten people sat down last. As for the others, they should all follow.

After that, according to the number on the seat, the first old man on the far left spoke.

“The old man is a six-star Refiner Master. I came this time to ask for a piece of high grade chalcedony stone to be used as a refining magic weapon. If Fellow Daoists have it, I Three thousand-year-old Spirit Rank quality medicinal herbs can be used, plus a free opportunity to help refiners in exchange.”

After the old man finished speaking, I saw a middle-aged man on the opposite side. From Heaven and Earth Bag, I took out a fist-sized high grade chalcedony stone.

“I have the goods, but your three thousand-year-old Spirit Rank medicinal herb, the price is too small, if you add to four, I will consider swapping.”

“Fellow Daoist, I still promised to help refine the tool once for free. At least, it can be worth a thousand-year-old Spirit Rank medicinal herb.” The old man reiterated.

As for the middle age person, he said again: “Of course I know it’s worth it, but I don’t need a refiner now, so you can just discount it to me. “

“It turned out to be that, okay, four plants are four.” Finally, the old man clapped his hands and finalized the deal.

After that, the old man said a few more things. The things he needed are still the same. Negotiations on the spot are like going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and bargaining. , If you can’t agree, then give up. As for if no one has any, then you can only shake your head and secretly say that your luck is not very good.

After the old man has finished speaking completely, it will be the old man’s turn to the left. The young little brother has spoken, that is, one by one, one by one, otherwise, all Everyone is talking, then this small gathering will inevitably turn into a pot of porridge, and no one knows who is talking.

And this little brother wanted to use a few Tianyuan Crystals in exchange for some Fire Attribute spiritual grass Spirit Fruit.

As a result, as soon as the little brother had said this, three of the ten people on the spot immediately jumped out and said anxiously:

“I have it!!!” This The three of them spoke almost in unison, but in this case, every small gathering would appear.

“Then it depends on the ability.” Seeing this, the little brother’s eyes squinted happily, because things are more expensive, and more people are more expensive, when the time comes these three people compete with each other, so the benefits he will get will inevitably be more.

Among Number One Person, he took out four fire red flowers and said: “My four red cloud flowers are 800 years old, and they also meet your requirements, Fire Attribute, I Get ready, in exchange for a piece of Tianyuan Jing.”

But another person, immediately came out to lift the bar: “As far as I know, the Red Cloud Flower has no Spirit Rank quality in a thousand years, just rely on your four Mysterious Grade medicinal herb, and want to change to Tianyuanjing? In my opinion, it’s just a daydream!” After lifting the bar, this person took out a scarlet-red vine-like spiritual grass and said: “My red flame vine, but the genuine Spirit Rank herbal medicine, and the age has reached 1300 years, my little friend, how about me?”

The young little brother heard this red flame vine, After a full 1300 years, his face was overjoyed: “Yes, I just need Fire Attribute medicinal herb of this quality.”

Although overjoyed, this young little brother, not at all, just chose to agree. , Because this guarantee is inaccurate, someone will offer a higher price.

No, the third person jumped out to speak, and the third person is Huo Tianci.

I saw Huo Tianci pull out a Yan Yang Fruit from Heaven and Earth Bag.

After that, Huo Tianci introduced like this: “My fruit, named Yan Yang Fruit, has a thousand years in terms of vintage.”

More words, Huo Tianci I didn’t say anything, because everyone who understands understands.

Although the year of Yan Yang Fruit is not as good as that of Chi Yan Yang Fruit, Yan Yang Fruit belongs to the column of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and Chi Yan Teng is just an ordinary medicinal herb. It is a fundamental difference, so even if the year is almost the same, this Yan Yang Fruit is not inferior to the Chi Yan Vine.

“What? Yan Yang Fruit!” When these three words came out, not only was the young little brother’s eyes widened, but the others around were also extremely surprised, because Yan Yang Fruit The growth of, but only in the land of the volcano, as to reach the millennium, it is not easy.

It is precisely because of this that Yan Yang Fruit is listed as heavenly materials and earthly treasures. This is not the existence of the Chiyan Vine, which can be compared.

When I saw Huo Tianci’s treasure, which seemed to be better than my own, the owner of the Chiyan Vine was a little panicked: “This little brother, my Chiyan Vine, but It has a full 1,300 years. How about you think about it?”

“Don’t think about it, I will change with this Senior.” Huo Tianci’s current appearance is a bad old fogey, so this Young little brother, Huo Tianci is called Senior. As for why it looks like old fogey, it is because Huo Tianci uses Body-Transformation Technique.

“little brother, do you still have Tianyuanjing?” The owner of the Chiyan Vine asked again.

“Yes, there are three more.”

“Very good, then I will replace one with you.” Just when I thought that I could finally get it this time .

I saw Huo Tianci took out another three thousand-year-old Yan Yang Fruit, and said: “This, I also asked for the remaining few pieces. There are four thousand-year-old Yang Fruit here. “

The young little brother has a total of four Tianyuan Crystals in his hands. On the other hand, Huo Tianci’s body, but the so-called so-called Yan Yang Fruit, then how many Yan Yang Fruit, because Huo Tianci You can use the Heaven Wielding Bottle to grow and breed without restriction.

“Good, good.” The young little brother heard this, his face was excited, plus mad and nodded. On the other hand, the owner of the red flame vine was extremely flustered and exasperated.

“MD, this old fart guy, dare to snatch my Wei Chifeng’s things!” In the end, the master of Chiyan Vine directly stared at Huo Tianci fiercely and muttered these words. Come.

As for the previous person who took out the four red cloud flowers, he was laughing heartily, because of this tone, Huo Tianci actually helped him out.

It’s just what it said—if you don’t believe me, look up, who has been spared by the sky.

“Wei Chi Feng?” The muttering of the master of Chiyan Vine was not heard by other people, but Huo Tianci, the so-called heard it clearly, after all, it was easy to hear.

“It’s really a bit like.” Finally, Huo Tianci looked up and took a closer look. This boy was really similar to that Wei Chi Meng, seven or eight points.

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