Immediately afterwards, he opened the second advanced talisman gift package.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for obtaining-advanced avoidance rune.

Advanced evasion rune: When engraved on weapons and equipment, it can increase the host’s evasion rate by 1.5% and the evasion rate of ordinary attacks.

“Evasion chance? In League of Legends, is there such a rune?” To be honest, Huo Tianci really doesn’t know, but since they are all drawn, it must show that in League of Legends, it is indeed This thing exists.

But it can only avoid ordinary attacks. It鈥檚 a bit of a thing, it鈥檚 tasteless, because after the mysterious spirit, everyone鈥檚 way of fighting is not a magic weapon, that鈥檚 a magic weapon, otherwise, it鈥檚 Spirit Art, who will follow You go hand-to-hand.

But the face-slapped will always be in the next second, because that Weiwei is a martial artist in hand-to-hand combat, and his strength also possesses the realm of Profound Sect.

In other words, Huo Tianci avoids rune, Tianke is the servant, or you can say that, Tianke his cultivation method.

“Tianke’s cultivation fleshy body martial artist thing!” Suddenly, Huo Tianci only felt that this avoiding rune is not at all tasteless.

Although the martial artists of the overwhelming majority are all based on the spirit of self-cultivation, they also use Spiritual Qi as the source to cultivate their own realm, but there are also a small part of the martial artists who are mainly based on the body. Is to cultivation the body.

Huo Tianci thought to himself, that Wei Chi Meng, should be such a martial artist.

And the martial artist of physical cultivation, under the same realm, is to complete the martial artist of qi cultivation. It is like a wizard in an online game and a warrior, with the same equipment and the same level, then the warrior , It will definitely be better than that mage.

The same is true in League of Legends. Physical heroes equipped with Six Gods can definitely beat legal heroes equipped with Six Gods.

After the two advanced talisman gift packages were drawn, Huo Tianci took two Pill Recipe gift packages in his hands (not to talk about the operation).

銆怭ill Recipe Gift Pack銆? It contains numerous medicine pill production methods. After drawing, you can get one at random.

“Open it directly!” Huo Tianci thought like this, and immediately saw the reading of the Pill Recipe package, which immediately opened in Huo Tianci’s mind.

After the reading bar was full, I saw a ding sound, and system immediately issued a prompt.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for getting-Yi Rong Dan Pill Recipe.

銆怸i Rong Dan銆? Assist medicine pill, after taking it, it can change people’s appearance.

Huo Tianci has Body-Transformation Technique in his hands, so this Yirong Dan is somewhat too tasteless, so Huo Tianci opened the Pill Recipe package again.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for winning-too subtle Spiritual Pill Pill Recipe.

銆怲ai Xu Miao Spiritual Pill銆? Heavenly Grade ten-grade medicine pill, after taking it, it can directly improve the Profound Sect martial artist, and the strength of the first realm (Note: this medicine pill, one person can only Take it once, the second one is invalid, and the Profound Sect 9th layer is invalid.)

“Fuck, it directly enhances one level of strength, so domineering!” Huo Tianci is a bit dumbfounded, even if he can only take one in his entire life, Then this is also a profit, because after Profound Sect, even every small realm is like an insurmountable mountain.

Because some martial artists, even if they can breakthrough to Profound Sect, maybe they will not be able to pass from Profound Sect to the 2nd layer of Profound Sect for the rest of their life, but Huo Tianci is too imaginary Spiritual Pill. , Then these problems will no longer be a problem.

Of course, although medicine pill is powerful, it also needs to be refined. Refining Huo Tianci is not a problem. After all, Eight Trigrams Furnace is in hand, just these materials.

“Ten thousand years of jade tree liquid, thousand years of spirit pattern fruit…” As a result, of these refining materials, out of ten, Huo Tianci did not even know eight.

After that, I asked about Yue Heavenly Fire, and the result was that the ten thousand years jade tree liquid, the millennium spiritual pattern fruit inside, he only heard that’s all, as for the real thing, Yue Heavenly Fire is also embarrassing Because he had never seen it before.

But there is a place where these treasures must be sold, and that is in the land of Hundred Sects, or maybe you can say so, the treasures in the Kowloon region, if there is no land in Hundred Sects , Then these things must not exist.

“It seems that I am going to the land of Hundred Sects.” Huo Tianci thought like this, before it goes, everything in his hands must be settled first.

After thinking about this, Huo Tianci opened it again, the last three talisman gift bags.

[talisman gift package]: contains countless talisman drawing methods, after drawing, you can get one at random.

I didn’t think too much about it, and just smoked him.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for getting the drawing method of Asking Heart Talisman.

銆怉sking Heart Talisman銆? One of the auxiliary talisman, after using it on people, you can judge whether it is lying.

After reading the introduction, Huo Tianci just wanted to say that it was really helpful.

Next, the second one opens.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for the drawing method of Juli Talisman.

[Juli Talisman]: One of the Offensive Talisman urns. After use, with the talisman quality, it increases the user’s brute force, which can increase as much as 10,000 catties.

Talisman is generally divided into high, middle and low, plus top grade, four qualities, among which top grade is the best and low grade is the lowest. That is to say, the juli of top grade can directly increase users As for the low grade, Huo Tianci thought, this can only be known after he refines it.

“This huge power talisman is not bad.” Huo Tianci whispered, because the profound power is unstoppable.

If Huo Tianci鈥檚 Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique is used by then, Huo Tianci just wants to say that even if it is a martial artist of the Xuantong, that is what he kills with a single punch, even if it鈥檚 half of the time, you have to be afraid He is 30%.

After all, Huo Tianci has more than one, Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique exists. Eight Sects Dunjia, but it is also a brute force trick. Finally, the 3rd-layer is integrated, and Profound Sect is not afraid!

“One more!”

Finally, Huo Tianci opened the third [talisman gift package].

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for getting the sound transmission talisman production method.

銆恠ound transmission talisman 銆? One of the auxiliary talisman, write handwriting on it, and use a special method to determine the action to achieve the effect of ten thousand li sound transmission.

“This World, it seems that there is no sound transmission talisman yet.” Huo Tianci touched the chin, thinking carefully.

Because he previously sent the signal, he used the child and mother jade token to crush and communicate, that is, the mother jade token is broken, then the child jade token will also be broken. At that time, the person on the other side, You can get this message.

It’s as if the army was fighting in ancient times and using the beacon Fire Wolf smoke to convey messages.

But in modern times, this method has been eliminated, because at that time, the telephone appeared, and then it will be faster and faster to use the telephone to communicate, and this sound transmission talisman, It is equivalent to the phone in this World.

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