Only Huo Tianci can see these exploded things, so Huo Tianci doesn’t have to worry about what other people present will find out, but after Huo Tianci picks them up, they can go freely.” Deal”.

“It turns out that Brother Huo wanted to do it himself. Did you say that earlier? I thought you were too soft to do it.”

Seeing this, everyone else is. Suddenly realized.

“Royong, you guys continue to guard the Great Liang Nation, the same sentence, if there is any change, execute without any mercy!”

Complete with Rayong and the others After these words, Huo Tianci continued to follow everyone, moving towards Qinghongzong and hurried away.

At this time, under the gate of the Qinghongzong Mountain, more than a hundred demonic path martial artists are attacking the gate of the Qinghongzong.

Because of the previous message from the Qingfeng Daoist, Li Ang, Vice Sect Master of Qinghongzong, directly opened the Mountain Protecting Great Array as a defense.

This Mountain Protecting Great Array is an ancestor of the Green Rainbow Sect, left by a six-star level talisman Array Master.

The defensive power is extremely powerful, but the so-called expert above the realm of right and wrong is absolutely unbreakable.

On the other hand, the demonic path martial artist under Binglin is no more than the Seventh Emperor Xuanhuang.

And this Xuanhuang Seventh Expert is the Great Elder of Soul Sect.

At this time, he was above the gate of the Qinghongzong in the Royal Sky, with his hands around his chest, overlooking the entire Qinghongzong. If it were not for the demonic path martial artist behind him, he was holding a weapon and exposed There was a murderous-looking appearance, and it is estimated that no one could tell that he was here to attack the mountain gate.

What’s more, he hasn’t tried to crack the Mountain Protecting Great Array of Qinghongzong until now.

This makes the Green Rainbow Sect discipline in the Mountain Protecting Array stand in the Green Rainbow Sect, but I can’t understand it a bit, especially, the Vice Sect Master of the Green Rainbow Sect-Li Ang.

“Why doesn’t this Qi Jian do it yet?” Soul Sect’s Great Elder, named Qi Jian, when Li Ang saw that this person had not done anything, but he had a complete look. Li Ang didn’t know why, his back had one’s hair stand on end to the extreme. At the same time, there was an extremely bad premonition that flooded his heart.

Because he felt it, it was very wrong.

After half the time of burning incense, suddenly, I saw the halo of Qinghongzong’s Mountain Protecting Great Array, disappearing bit by bit.

“This is…what’s going on!”

Seeing this, Li Ang’s face was as gray as death. Although he thought there would be an accident, he didn’t expect it. It will be so big.

“Everyone, withdraw back to the hall!” Li Ang hurriedly signaled the disciples to retreat. As for him, he hurried to the Formation room to check the Mountain Protecting Great Array. What was wrong.

“Master Xia, why are you here? Are you here…” After Li Ang rushed to control the Mountain Protecting Great Array array house, he saw that Xia Wencheng had just walked out of it and was in Li Ang. I thought that Xia Wencheng, like him, came to see why the Mountain Protecting Array failed.

Suddenly, Xia Wencheng stuck out his palm and patted Li Ang’s shoulder hard.

“So you are… a traitor!” Li Ang was shocked and took a dozen steps back. As for that Xia Wencheng took advantage of this moment and fled immediately.

Because of Xia Wencheng’s realm of strength, he is not as good as this Li Ang. Just now, if he succeeded in the sneak attack, he is considered Luck That Goes Against Heaven’s Will.

Li Ang, who suffered a heavy shoulder at the end, could only watch Xia Wencheng, the traitor, flee here.

“MD! Let me just say it, there must be something wrong with this guy!” Li Ang had previously told Qingfeng Taoist more than once that Xia Wencheng’s hateful face, but Qingfeng Taoist wanted face, after all, five-star talisman. Array Master, after all this, Qinghongzong also has a light on his face, so he endured this Xia Wencheng again and again.

But didn’t expect today, this Xia Wencheng turned out to be a traitor, and directly pushed thousands, and even tens of thousands of Qinghong school disciplines, into the deep waters.

“It’s over, this time is completely over!” Without the defense of the Mountain Protecting Great Array, the remaining Qinghong school discipline is just like a group of sheep besieged by a tiger, simply helpless.

The most terrible thing is that the powerhouse leading the team this time is still Grade 6 Demon Sect, Soul Sect’s Great Elder-Qi Jian.

On the other hand, the Qinghongzong is Grade 9, and nothing else, the power gap has actually declared the demise of the Qinghongzong.

What’s more, at this moment, Li Ang was still injured by Xia Wencheng, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

“Even if the old man is a ghost, he won’t let him go!” Li Ang now, but the so-called hate Xia Wencheng, because if he is not a traitor, he can at least have 50% The above opportunities have survived until reinforcements arrive, but now…

After walking out of the Formation room with his injured shoulder, Li Ang’s first glance was the powerhouse of countless Demon Sects, swarming from the sky.

Because at this time, the Mountain Protecting Great Array, which is protecting the Green Rainbow Sect, has completely disappeared.

Turning his head and looking behind him, the explosions roared constantly, because at this time the several halls of the Azure Rainbow Sect had been destroyed one by one and dumped one by one under the hands of these demonic path people.

Seeing this, Li Ang felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

But he has nothing to do, because these demonic path martial artists are among the half-emperors, and he is only the 9th layer Peak of the Profound King. What’s more, he still suffers. hurt.

After that, Li Ang scanned the sky, looking for the trace of Xia Wencheng, because even if he died, he would still drag the traitor together! !

At this time, Xia Wencheng, already Spiritual Qi Huayi, flew to Qi Jian’s side like a man, and then the boy bowed his waist, bowed his head, and smiled. To Qi Jian, he asked: “Qi Elder, you explained the villain’s affairs, the villain has already done it for you, in that case, three Yellow Dragon Pills that we said in advance…”

Xia Wencheng rubbed his hands, looking expectant.

As for what the Yellow Dragon Pills are, the martial artist of Xuan Wang’s 9th layer Peak knows that this is the most useful medicine pill to increase the probability of Xuan Wang’s breakthrough to the half-emperor level.

It is precisely for these three Yellow Dragon Pills that Xia Wencheng betrayed the Qinghongzong. As the saying goes, human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, and Qinghongzong can’t give it. If he does this, he will only have to find someone else.

Fortunately, he found this “other”.

Looking at Qi Jian in front of him, Xia Wen’s achievement was a little excited, because he finally could break through to the half-emperor realm. If he then breaks through to the Xuanhuang again, it would be a full increase of three. 1000 years of lifespan.

When I thought about this, Xia Wencheng couldn’t help but laugh out excitedly.

“Take it!”

Finally, Qi Jian reached out and threw the three Yellow Dragon Pills that he had said beforehand to Xia Wencheng.

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