“You can rest assured, little friend. As for the word please, it should actually be my opinion.” Because the life and death of the decent martial artist is now in the hands of Huo Tianci alone.

“Huo Xiaoyou, old man, please.” At the end, the Taoist Golden Sun bowed deeply to Huo Tianci, because without Huo Tianci medicine pill, then the entire seven-star chain mountain range , But all will have to be completely captured by Demon Sect. By then, it is absolutely the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, plus corpses everywhere across the field.

This is not everything they want to see as a decent martial artist.

“I know.” Of course Huo Tianci knew this, and then faced the Taoist Golden Sun, Zi Yun and Yue Changfeng, after explaining some things, he stepped into a secret room and buried his head. Go to refine Sanhua Yuludan.

“This place is quite quiet.” Although the secret room is underground, it is as bright as daylight inside. This should be the golden sun Taoist, specially built for Huo Tianci, so Huo Tianci doesn’t have to worry at all. Will come to disturb him.

But before the pill concocting, Huo Tianci must first figure out some matters after the breakthrough to Xuan Ling.

Sure enough, there has been a change, that is, the profound energy value of Huo Tianci has been replaced with the spiritual Qi value.

For this, Huo Tianci still understands, because after reaching the profound spirit, the profound energy of the martial artist within the body will automatically be sublimated to Spiritual Qi, so his profound energy value becomes Spiritual The Qi value is not strange, but it would be strange if it is unchanged.

Finally, Huo Tianci checked his current attributes from head to toe.

Huo Tianci, male, 16 years old, grade: Xuan Spirit Realm I (18 billion / 100 million), the current cultivation base value is full, but you need to complete the breakthrough task at this stage before you can break through to Xuan. Spirit Realm 2nd layer realm.

Status at this time: a face of confusion

Spiritual Qi value: 200/200 (transformation of profound energy into Spiritual Qi, 1:200). Comprehensive battle strength evaluation: Same realm is invincible.

spirit strength: Three Rank 11 (hundred thousand), when the number of points reaches the upper limit, you can break through.

“Fuck, my TM now has 18 billion cultivation base values!” And this is why Huo Tianci looked confused.

But after thinking about it, Huo Tianci was also relieved, because he had killed a lot of the mysterious Spirit Realm powerhouse before then. As for the mysterious king, he also had a few swordsmen, apart From this, half emperor, Xuan emperor, he also killed a lot of them, so it is not surprising that he saved 18 billion cultivation base points.

It鈥檚 just such a sudden look, I rely on, there are 18 billion, which is somewhat scary that鈥檚 all.

But from now on, even if Huo Tianci is a small realm’s breakthrough, it needs to do the breakthrough task.

To be honest, this is a little bit cheating, but even if it’s cheating again, he has to do it. After Huo Tianci thought, Xuan Ling repeated the small task of breakthrough to Xuan Ling’s 2nd layer, and he took it in his hands.

After a closer look, I saw Huo Tianci’s face just now, and he immediately became a little happy, because this breakthrough task is very simple.

“Help the decent martial artist in the seven-star chain mountain range to refine ten, three-flower jade dew pill.” Huo Tianci just wanted to say, this is a task given him for nothing.

At this moment, the system hints: “The difficulty of small-stage breakthrough tasks is very low, and they are automatically generated based on what is happening around the host.”

“It turned out to be like this. It is no wonder that I will be allowed to refine the three-flower jade dew pill.”

“As for why starting from the mysterious Spirit Realm, each stage of breakthrough needs to complete a small task, then It is because from now on, the cultivation base value will not only be used for the breakthrough strength realm, the activation of some magic weapons, the activation of the formation, and even the use of taboo tricks, all need to consume some cultivation base value before it can be completed. “System explained.

Huo Tianci sounded a little hazy, because system seemed a little messy.

For this, system is also helpless, because this guy is very stupid. In the end, system explained in a relatively straightforward sentence: “Ordinary skills, consumption of mana (Spiritual Qi value) can be released, However, some special skills require the consumption of a cultivation base, or even a life force, before they can be used.”

“Did you say that earlier.” With such an analogy, Huo Tianci understood it instantly.

At the same time, he also knows why. The breakthrough at the small stage has begun to do tasks. That is because it allows him to control freely and use the value of cultivation base, because From now on, the value of cultivation base is also a weapon for him, and it doesn’t stop at, it just allows him to break through.

As for the function of Spiritual Qi value, it is the same as before, but the usefulness of cultivation base value has become more extensive that’s all.

After that, Huo Tianci took out five special lottery fragments from Heaven and Earth Bag.

Immediately there is a movement of the mind and it is directly synthesized.

“ding” system hint: the synthesis is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining a complete special lottery coin.

Looking at other lottery coins,

Platinum lottery coins, Huo Tianci now has as many as six on his body, one diamond, and as for the extraordinary lottery coins, there are also Holding one.

Afterwards, because the platinum lottery machine was turned off by the system, Huo Tianci could only synthesize these six platinum lottery coins.

The synthesis of “ding” is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining a diamond lottery coin.

Fortunately, it succeeded.

Finally, Huo Tianci turned on the diamond lottery machine, because he was going to start pumping up from the lowest one, which was also counted as used as a cushion.

The six rewards in the diamond lottery machine have been taken away by Huo Tianci. They are [DNF Resurrection Coin], [Burning Fruit], [Great Heaven and Earth Shift] and [League of Legends Intermediate Spree].

As for the ones that weren’t taken away, it was the [Double Gouyu Writing Round Eye] and [Dragon Boxing].

[Shuanggou jade writing round eyes] is a necessary reward for Huo Tianci, because this reward not only allows Huo Tianci’s blood round eyes to evolve to double gou jade, at the same time, it can also Huo Tianci , Gain another kind of ability, blood wheel eyes, and in the end, it can indirectly enhance Huo Tianci’s certain spirit strength class, but the so-called, kill three birds with one stone.

[Dragon Boxing] is Sun Wukong鈥檚 strongest physical move in the anime “Dragon Ball”. There are three forms, but these three forms are not common for ordinary people. exist.

Yes, the second third form of it needs to be transformed into a Super Saiyan before it can be used, so it is a bit embarrassing, but the first form, the higher the rank, kills the profound king, Huo Tianci I should think there is no problem, but his Zanpaku knife moonslash can now make him do this, so now it is a bit of a shame to get Dragon Boxing.

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