Yan Shi waved his hand: “No trouble, no trouble.”

After that, the style of painting changed. Huo Tianci, Zi Yun and Yan Shi appeared together in the Temple of Laughing Wind.

“Master Laughing Wind, you can just stand still. I have practiced this level many times. I can pass it alone.”

Xiaofeng and Luo Yong are playing a game on Little Overlord-Ninja Divine Tortoise.

Seeing this, Huo Tianci thought to himself, shouldn’t this be Sunspot playing with Xiaofeng? How come he has become Luo Yong now?

After inquiring carefully, he found out that Kuroko had gone to Phoenix Mountain instead of Laughing Wind, and went to the Ten Thousand Beasts Rally.

This ten thousand beast rally is a grand gathering of the orcs. It will be held every hundred years. At that time, the six-winged Phoenix of Phoenix Mountain will invite the power of the orcs from all parties to come together.

On Liaofeng’s side, under normal circumstances, Yan Shi replaced him. As for why he was replaced by Heizi this time, it was because Liaofeng wanted to temper this Little Black Dragon.

In the end, it was precisely because of this, that no one was playing with him, so he called Rayong over, because Yan Shi was too clumsy and even better than him.

After seeing Huo Tianci coming, Liaofeng also stretched.

“Yes, I really didn’t underestimate you.” Seeing Zi Yun coming together, the smile on Laughing Feng’s face deepened, because only in this way can Huo Tianci match Yes, the owner of a Black Dragon.

“This little bit is the youngest son of the Emperor Heavens Devouring Mouse.” When I saw the sky-eating mice standing on Huo Tianci’s shoulders, the mocking wind was also nodded, but in the next second, I saw Laughing Feng’s brows suddenly froze.

Because he saw that the inner part of the sky-phagizing mice is out of the ordinary.

“This little within the body actually has the power to purify the human heart and soothe all things. It’s amazing.” Laughing Wind was very curious, and then he called the Sky-Eater Mouse into the palm of his hand.

However, this power is precisely the power of the Buddha lotus seed swallowed by the sky-eating mice. It can also be called Buddha power.

Fuli can ingest sentient beings and influence thousands of people, so it is not surprising that the within the body of the sky-eating mice now has the power to purify the human heart and soothe all things.

“It seems that there is a great character who gave you this little bit, a great opportunity, in that case, then I will give you one too.” Then, mocking wind extends the hand. At the center of the eyebrows of the Sky Biting Mouse, he lightly tapped.

“My force of True Dragon, although not as powerful as that incomparable power, but with good use, it can also help you become a saint, and help me the Orcs in the future, and continue to be immortal for millions of years! “

Laughing wind sees the future of Sky-Eating Mice, so this is the icing on the cake.

Looking at the Sky-Eater Mice, they immediately crawled in the palm of mocking wind and bowed for a while, this orc supreme powerhouse who gave him the opportunity.

At the same time, this also declares that the Heavens Devouring Mouse clan is about to prosper. This has already been revealed from the mocking of the sky-devouring mice.

After that, Laughing Feng waved his hand, Yue Changfeng, Wang Chong, and other five people all appeared in the hall.

Finally, the six young human beings who have been cultivated for several months said: “Although you six have very poor aptitude, very low perception, and clumsy hands, but fortunately, diligence can help. Assiduously, in the end, I will give you another good fortune. If Martial Dao achieves something in the future, I hope you don’t forget the blessings of my orcs today and give you all.”

Six members of Yue Changfeng It was said to be embarrassing, because in the eyes of Liaofeng, the six of them had really poor aptitude, very low perception, and clumsy, but during this time, Liaofeng and Yan Shi are still helping With them, they have been more or less favored by these two adults.

As the saying goes, one day as a master, a father for life, in the end I saw six of them, all kneeling on the ground respectfully, facing the orc supreme powerhouse in front of them, and struck three times in a row. He banged his head as a reward, and said: “We will remember the grace of the adults.”

Mocking Feng nodded, and then I saw his eyes condensed, and the six people including Yue Changfeng in front of him were all He immediately closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground.

“This is?” Huo Tianci saw that it was amazing, so he asked curiously.

Liaofeng didn’t speak, and Yan Shi on the side helped explain, “Don’t panic, Xiaoyou Huo, Master Liaofeng just sent these six people into his dreamland, and they will survive in the dreamland. The longer you spend, the greater the benefits you will get.” As he said, Yan Shi was a little envious. As for why the ridicule is like this, it is probably for Huo Tianci Face, otherwise, mocking the wind is impossible and will help these humans, so much.

“It turns out that this is the case, then Junior will do them for them, many thanks to the help of Master Laughing Wind.” Huo Tianci is also happy, because in this way, he has six powerful helpers.

“By the way, Master Laughing Wind, Heizi goes to Phoenix Mountain, when will he be back?” Huo Tianci asked curiously.

Laughing Feng did not speak, but once again, looked at Yan Shi who was aside. Of course, this time is not that he is too lazy to say, but that he really doesn’t know, because of the gathering of all animals He also only participated in that’s all once a hundred 10,000 years ago, that is, when it was first established. As for afterwards, all of the Red Lion clan, the servants of mocking wind, went for him.

For thousands of years, it was Yan Shi instead, so Yan Shi is more clear.

After that, Yan Shi said: “Probably, two or three years, anyway, there is not much time.” Yan Shi thought for a while, and then replied to Huo Tianci like this.

On the other hand, Huo Tianci, who heard this, was directly confused, because Yan Shi actually said, about two or three years, of course, this is not the point, the point is, Yan Shi said that tone , As if these two or three years, just like those two or three days.

So, after all, their powerhouses have lifespans for thousands of years, even over 10,000 years. These two or three years, really, it’s almost the same as their two or three days, but for For Huo Tianci, this is a long time.

Because of this, Huo Tianci, who was still happily just now, suddenly looked gloomy, because he will have two or three years before he can see a sunspot, and he doesn’t know he is a sunspot. People, will they take care of themselves, and what should he do if Heizi is bullied? After all, he, the Young Lord, is not by his side.

Seeing Huo Tianci’s face a little unhappy, Yan Shi stepped forward to comfort him: “Huo Xiaoyou, in fact, I think this is still a good thing, because the black Sir Long is now about to break through to Profound Sect is strong. You take advantage of this period to improve your strength. Otherwise, if Sir Long comes back, he will definitely laugh at you, be lazy and not cultivation.”

“What? Profound Sect !”

As soon as these words came out, Huo Tianci was taken aback, because this was too abnormal.

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