“Energy recovery to 15%!”

“Energy recovery to 16%!”

“Not enough, I need…, more!!!”


The more two characters at the end were almost made by Huo Tianci violently. On the other hand, when hearing this, the decent Xuanhuangs who would use thunder and lightning moves immediately all left their palms and thunder, and they attacked together. Huo Tianci.

“Are those people stupid!” Seeing the decent Xuan emperors still stabbing knives in the back, and the demonic path Xuan emperors on the opposite side, they couldn’t laugh.

But when Huo Tianci’s cluster gun formidable power and the laser formidable power between the palms exploded more than doubled suddenly, they couldn’t laugh anymore.

“What’s the matter!” The worst of them is the impermanence ancestor, because Huo Tianci’s formidable power has suddenly risen in this second. More than doubled, and its formidable power is still increasing continuously.

After discovering this, the ancestor of impermanence was completely panicked. In the end, he had no choice but to turn to the demonic path behind him for help.

“Everyone, come and help me!” But with his roar, almost no one went to help him, because he was fighting with Huo Tianci and the decent Xuanhuang. You die, both factions are hurt, then Other people, that is, other profound emperors on the demonic path, have a greater chance to snatch the Fire Spirit.

In other words, these profound emperors of the demonic path wished this impermanence ancestor to die. After all, if he survived, then they would have no chance at all.

“Are you all fools! If the ancestor is injured or even killed, then they think that the armored man on the opposite side will spare you? Or will they let you go?” The Sect Master of Impermanence Sect can’t stand these idiots.

And this is Demon Sect’s consistent style, that is, as long as it doesn’t interfere with me, then you die, and has anything to do with me.

But after the Sect Master of Impermanence Sect, they all panicked after saying this, because it has a big relationship with them, so they immediately gathered their Spiritual Qi, moved towards impermanence old Ancestor’s body was transported over.

On the other side, Huo Tianci uses thunder and lightning as its source, and the ancestor of impermanence here is based on Spiritual Qi.

In the end, these two forces, the huge strength that had been strengthened, collided firmly, but the so-called changeable situation covered the sky.

It is estimated that the power has reached the extreme. In the end, the two forces that slammed together collapsed. Then, a loud noise, above the 100 meters high, shook and opened. Come.

During this period, the ripples of the power in circles, like ripples, swept through endlessly.

Here, Huo Tianci’s Iron Man battle clothes were completely shattered in this trembling sound. On the other side, the Yinling and Impermanence monument of the ancestor of impermanence was also Completely shattered and exploded.

In this brief moment, the two factions of Zhengmo spit out a mouthful of blood one after another. Those who were severely injured directly lost the energy of the sky, thus from 100 meters High in the sky, fell to the ground.

Looking around, the scene can be described as extremely tragic.

“cough cough cough!”

After the Iron Man battle clothes were smashed, Huo Tianci also lost the power of the air. Fortunately, the defense of battle clothes, Helped him withstand most of the impact. In the end, although the battle clothes were completely shattered, he still didn’t suffer much damage. It’s just a pity that Iron Man battle clothes that’s all.

After coughing several times, Huo Tianci fell from the sky to the ground. He turned around and stopped the downward trend. A closer look revealed that it was the top of Huo Tianci’s head. Above, there appeared a baby that kept spinning.

And this is exactly the bamboo dragonfly.

Afterwards, with the help of the power of the bamboo dragonfly, Huo Tianci once again returned to the sky. At the same time, he carried a large kitchen knife on his shoulder.

Swastika! ! !

The general power of moonslash certainly cannot kill the Emperor Xuan, even if he is injured, so Huo Tianci immediately turned backhand and smashed the moonslash, turning it into a moonslash.

The crescent moon is in the sky! ! !

After that, a black crescent-shaped blade slash across the sky, violently from the moonslash in Huo Tianci’s hand, slashed out.

Seeing this, the profound emperors of the demonic path all looked like ashes, because at this time they were no longer like an arrow at the end of its flight, so they would resist the power of these moves.

“MD, I knew I would not go to this muddy water!” There are some demonic path profound emperors, regret it, regret that they just lent their spirit Qi and Strength to That impermanence ancestor, now he is fine, he didn’t kill Huo Tianci, he was still affected by the splash of that power, and finally backlashed himself, causing himself to be injured.

At this time, the ancestor of impermanence also suffered a lot of injuries, because he didn’t have that. Iron Man’s battle clothes were next to him. After taking a Healing Medicine Pill, he immediately patted with both hands. Using half of his power, Huo Tianci’s crescent moon attack was resolved.

Crescent Moon Tianci was blocked, Huo Tianci was a little surprised, because he didn’t expect that the impermanent ancestor would have more power.

But the most terrible thing is still to come.

Just after everyone was wounded and died, a half powerhouse hiding by the side suddenly arrived.

No one knows this half-zong powerhouse, whether it is a decent Xuanhuang or a demonic path martial artist.

Finally, looking at the clothes, everyone’s eyelids trembled, because this person does not seem to be this, the martial artist of the seven-star chain mountain range.

“When the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it’s the fisherman who benefits, this sentence passed down from ancient times is really true.” This half powerhouse is indeed as everyone guessed. , Comes from the outside world, that is, is not a person in this seven-star chained mountain range.

However, such people and such powerhouses have actually come a lot today, because Fire Spirit is such a treasure, who is not jealous, it is not good to say it, even if it is sold for money, it is hua hua’s screaming Spirit Stone was obtained, and it was precisely because of this that some foreign forces sneaked into the Seven Stars Chain Mountain, this volcano group.

“Who did I think it was? It turned out to be He Yanwu of the Yansha School. Do you think you will catch the fisherman both?” At this moment, another half of the family also quietly arrived. .

He Yanwu of Nayansha faction saw the facial expression grave first, but then he was relieved, because there was news that Fire Spirit was about to be born, as early as a few months ago, he was already in Hundred Sects. It is spread within the ground, so it is not surprising that people of other religions Sect know.

“It turned out to be Brother Qiu of Liesha Mountain, disrespectful and disrespectful, should we join hands and take down the Fire Spirit together?” He Yanwu said to Qiu Wenhong like this.

He Yanwu came alone without help. He was afraid that the powerhouse would show up after a while, and he would be hard to beat by one punch. Therefore, he must first form an alliance with others.

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