“This Fellow Daoist, dare you to ask who you are?” On Xuanhuang’s side, the leader at this time is a half-sect named thunder-fire Daoist.

“Thunder-fire Senior, it’s me.” Huo Tianci showed his face, and then said to the thunder-fire Taoist. As for why Huo Tianci knows him, because this thunder-fire Taoist is Heavenly Fire Sect’s first Great Elder, at the same time, is the Junior Brother of Heavenly Fire daoist.

After learning that Huo Tianci is the creator of spiritual medicine water, this thunder-fire daoist went to visit Huo Tianci. In fact, the visit was fake. Ask him to refine more grades 1 time Spiritual medicine water is true, because when the time comes with unlimited recovery of Spiritual Qi potion use, then he will be able to win the battle today by one more point.

In the end, it was precisely because of this that Huo Tianci got acquainted with this thunder-fire daoist.

“Huo Xiaoyou! Why did you come here!” The thunder-fire daoist didn’t know that Huo Tianci had Iron Man battle clothes, so he didn’t know that this was Huo Tianci, until Huo Tianci showed his face , He suddenly realized.

“Come and help, by the way, look at yourself again, if you have that bad luck, you can get the approval of this Fire Spirit.” Huo Tianci said relatively directly.

But the expression of thunder-fire daoist is still very surprised, because Huo Tianci can actually fly.

“This god armor, is it your latest masterpiece of the god armor door?” After looking at Huo Tianci, the Taoist Thunder-fire turned his head and looked at the god armor door owner behind him.

Shenjiamen sect master shook his head, because if he has this ability, Shenjiamen can still rank Seven Sect?

“This is my treasure, not developed by others.” Huo Tianci explained a little bit, because he didn’t want to be misunderstood.

After the explanation, Huo Tianci said again: “By the way, Thunder-fire Senior, I refined some more Grade 1 spiritual medicine water yesterday. There are hundreds of bottles, you Now distribute it to everyone, and save when the time comes, seniors, will Spiritual Qi is insufficient.”

Huo Tianci said generously, because now he can only rely on these people to fight the opposite The demonic path Xuanhuang has.

“It turns out that Xiaoyou Huo sent us supplies!” After listening to the other emperors, they were extremely excited, because the grade 1 spiritual medicine water is so powerful, they are more or less, They have all experienced it personally, but even if they haven’t experienced it personally, they must have heard it. Now when they hear that Huo Tianci sends hundreds of bottles directly, they are excited to death, because this thing is expensive.

On the other hand, the Taoist of Thunder-fire, it is a face of ignorance: “One hundred… one hundred… one hundred, a hundred bottles!” Taoist Thunder-fire thought he had heard it wrong, but waited for him to take it. The Heaven and Earth Bag sent by Huo Tianci, and then opened it again, he was instantly confused, because there were really hundreds of bottles of Grade 1 spiritual medicine water inside.

“Everyone, quickly divide it!” Taoist Thunder-fire said in a panic. In the end, each Xuanhuang’s body was divided into at least three bottles.

“Huo Xiaoyou, I would take the liberty to ask you something.” Suddenly, a mysterious emperor asked Huo Tianci like this.

Huo Tianci was a little surprised, because you are a powerhouse in the Profound Emperor Realm. Is there anything you don’t understand? You want to ask me if this great Profound Master is not successful?

Of course, Huo Tianci is still quite polite: “Senior, if you ask, as long as I know, I must know everything and say nothing.”

“Since Huo Xiaoyou has said so , Then I also asked, that’s the case, because I heard people say that your spiritual medicine water must have at least a six-star Alchemist level before you can refine it. In this case, the five-star top Spirit Stabilizing Pill, with the six-star Yi Yun Pill, can you refine it?”

As soon as this Emperor Xuan asked what he said, other Xuan Emperors around immediately began to whisper because This person is right. Since Huo Tianci can refine this spiritual medicine water, that is to say, Huo Tianci’s pill concocting level is at least six stars. Otherwise, Huo Tianci can refine this spiritual medicine. Is medicine water refined?

The answer is that It’s definitely impossible!

In this case, the 5-Star level medicine pill and Huo Tianci will definitely be refined, maybe even the six-star level Yi Yun Pill and Huo Tianci can do it.

“Little friend Huo, you don’t have to worry about those demonic path martial artists who will hear it, because I have placed a Concealment Array in this area. What we say, they can’t hear, unless there is something between them There are martial artists in the Profound Sect realm. However, if there is a Profound Sect martial artist among them, they will have already attacked, so you can rest your mind.” Thunder-fire daoist looks at Huo Tianci a bit terrified and over-cautious, and then said so.

After Huo Tianci finished listening, he was slightly nodded with peace of mind, because Yue Heavenly Fire and Golden Sun Taoist were retreating at the breakthrough at this time. If this matter was heard by the demonic path martial artist opposite, then But it’s broken, because without these two battle strengths, those demonic path martial artists are not sure, and they will be dispatched immediately. It is also the so-called, if you are sick, you will kill you.

Fortunately, the demonic path martial artist on the opposite side doesn’t seem to know this, but if you drag it on, you will be discovered sooner or later.

However, Yue Heavenly Fire and Golden Sun Taoist, but they closed down a month ago.

“I hope that these two Seniors can have time.” Huo Tianci thought this way, and finally he told the many mysterious people present about how he would refine the Spirit Stabilizing Pill and Yi Yun Pill. Emperor martial artists.

“Senior, the five-star top Spirit Stabilizing Pill, and the six-star Yi Yun Pill, I can refine them, and I have successfully refined them once.” Huo Tianci said bluntly. Not mince.

On the other hand, the emperors present were all dumbfounded and surprised.

“Little friend Huo, you are really amazing! The old man has lived for thousands of years, but I have never seen you such a talented little friend!”

“That’s right, this is Our seven-star chain mountain range is the lucky star of decent martial artist!”

“By the way, Xiaoyou Huo, didn’t you just say that you want the Fire Spirit, or I will help you, of course, you just After it’s done, promise to help me refine a Spirit Stabilizing Pill. As long as you promise, my life today is yours!”

I learned that Huo Tianci is a six-star Alchemist. Afterwards, the emperors present, it was flattery pen-hold shooting, of course, this is not surprising, because the six-star Alchemist does not have the entire seven-star chained mountain range, whether it is an authentic sect or is Demon Sect Evil Sect .

But now, there has been one. You said that these Profound Emperors, and even Banzong powerhouses, can you not be excited, plus flattering and fawning?

“It’s no wonder that I haven’t seen Golden Sun Taoist and Heavenly Fire daoist anymore during this period. It turns out that they both have already obtained the Spirit Stabilizing Pill and Yi Yun Pill refined by Huo Xiaoyou, and then closed the door. The breakthrough is gone.”

A mysterious emperor said a little enviously, and this also explains the fact that Huo Tianci will refine Spirit Stabilizing Pill and Yi Yun Pill.

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