For a while, Yue Heavenly Fire and Golden Sun Taoists were all stunned, because they thought that Huo Tianci only succeeded once, and that would be thank God, but the result was completely beyond theirs. Imagine.

Yue Heavenly Fire thought that he was dreaming, that is, he did not wake up, but after he pinched his thigh, he was sure that this was true.

On the other hand, the Taoist Golden Sun on the side has swallowed seven or eight saliva continuously. This all shows that he is shocked at this moment, of course, besides shock, he still wants one Yi Yun Pill means, after all, Huo Tianci, didn’t it succeed twice?

“Little friend, what about Yi Yun Pill?” Yue Heavenly Fire looked impatient.

Huo Tianci opened the reversed hand and said, “Here it is.” After that, two Yi Yun Pills were delivered by Huo Tianci to Yue Heavenly Fire.

Yue Heavenly Fire is overjoyed, because in this way, he will be able to break through from the half-sect realm to the real Profound Sect realm.

As for the Taoist Golden Sun, he has not yet reached the realm of the half sect. Now, it is only the 9th layer realm Peak of the Emperor Xuanhuang.

And the Xuanhuang 9th layer Peak, the best medicine pill in the breakthrough to the half, is called Spirit Stabilizing Pill.

Spirit Stabilizing Pill, also known as Ann Soul Pill, can increase the cultivation base, calm the soul, and reduce the invasion of Heart Demon. The Xuan Emperor’s breakthrough is mostly Heart Demon, so Using Spirit Stabilizing Pill breakthrough is the most stable medicine pill.

As for the half-breakthrough to Profound Sect, as long as Yi Yun Pill is there, not to mention it’s pretty close.

Because you can break through to half of the time, it has already shown that you are absolutely capable. It’s just that there is still an opportunity that’s all. Now, the opportunity (Yi Yun Pill) is in hand, Yue Heavenly Fire immediately went into seclusion, because he wanted to enter the Profound Sect list before the Fire Spirit was born. By then, his chances of winning the Fire Spirit would inevitably increase.

For the Taoist golden sun, he wants Huo Tianci to help refine the Spirit Stabilizing Pill.

Huo Tianci of course agreed angrily, because the higher the strength of these two Seniors, the greater the probability that he can win the Fire Spirit by then will inevitably be greater.

Of course, Huo Tianci has Great Saint characters stuck in his hands, but it only takes ten minutes for summon to get out of Great Saint. And ten minutes ago, Huo Tianci had to be in the mysterious Emperor Xuan, even Banzong, remained immortal under the hands of Banzong, so he had to draw in more powerhouses, stand by his side, and protect him.

“Golden Sun Senior, you will refining the Spirit Stabilizing Pill material and Pill Recipe, hand it to me, or one day later, I will refining the medicine pill and deliver it to you.” Huo Tianci thought to myself, this kind of good thing, I never refuse, because his pill concocting success rate is relatively high compared to others, and it is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci can fall by himself in the end. Some, such as Yi Yun Pill, Huo Tianci, in the end, didn’t he just hide one by himself.

“Well, well, I will prepare now, little friend, wait for me for a while.” With that, the Taoist Golden Sun immediately returned to the Limitless Sect station and went to find the refining materials needed by Huo Tianci .

One day later, Huo Tianci sent three Spirit Stabilizing Pills to the hands of Taoist Golden Sun. When the Taoist Golden Sun saw three, the whole person trembled because of the success rate. TM is too high.

In fact, Huo Tianci made a total of seven pieces. Of course, this is also related to the Golden Sun Taoist who prepared five materials for him. In the end, he became three and failed two. In the three successful times, At most, three Spirit Stabilizing Pills were condensed in one time, and two were condensed in the other two times.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci finally made a small fortune, because the value of a Spirit Stabilizing Pill is at least 10,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. As for Yi Yun Pill, it is estimated that all It can break hundreds thousand.

Of course, Huo Tianci is not ready to sell it, because he might use it later.

As for Juan and Wei Liangji, the business of Chengfeng Dan and spiritual medicine water has progressed to the state of pinnacle, because now more and more people are aware of Huo Tianci’s refining spiritual medicine water.

And here, it is the joint station of the decent Ten Great Sects, so the martial artist is a vast crowd. There are too many to count. In the end, it led to the return of spiritual medicine. No matter how much water there is, the demand is in short supply. Apart from This, it is estimated that this is also related to spiritual medicine water, which is a consumable. After all, after drinking it, it will be gone, so the demand is particularly large.

What’s more, the martial artist who used the spiritual medicine water this time was full of praise.

“I followed the First Senior Brother yesterday to wipe out the demonic path martial artist of the Imperial Sect. In the end, we all fought until the Spiritual Qi was exhausted. The imperial artist on the opposite side was also the martial artist of the Imperial Sect. In the end, we were so good. Exhausted, I sat face-to-face for ten minutes, and then guess what, ten minutes later, I once again drank a bottle of low-level spiritual medicine water. At that time, the Imperial Sect martial artist saw that it was The whole person is confused, because this medicinal liquid can be used once in ten minutes, but he has never seen it again. In the end, hahaha, I directly attacked the Spiritual Qi sword and sent him to the west. Said, this time spiritual medicine water is really a god.”

“Me too, but I killed the discipline of the Blood Flame Sect. At that time, that guy, I didn’t have enough Spiritual Qi, Spirit Art. Xuanbao couldn’t even use it, and thought I was bullied. That was the mission moved towards me. Finally, I cringed for ten minutes and went straight to a bottle of low-level spiritual medicine. In the end, I not only saved myself but didn’t talk. , I also killed that guy. This speaking of which is really happy. By the way, who made the spiritual medicine water this time? If I meet him, I will definitely say thank you in person. “

When Huo Tianci passing by here heard this, he didn’t know that he thought to himself, that good man, just walked past your eyes, it’s just you, and doesn’t know that’s all.

Because of this, the price of spiritual medicine water in the past few days has risen sharply.

Just a week later, Huo Tianci’s potion business finally got on the right track. It was from here that Huo Tianci’s kill points began to skyrocket.

Resident Points Management Office.

“Elder Li, an Honorary Disciple of the Green Rainbow Sect, suddenly soared 30,000 hit points!”

On a stone tablet with the top ten points ranking, Suddenly the rays of light flashed, and then Huo Tianci didn’t know how many places he went from, but went crazy to the tenth place. That is to say, Huo Tianci was already on the top ten list.

Elder Li, who manages the kill points, was stunned for a moment when he heard this. When he thought, how could this be possible, the point stone tablet was sent out again The rays of light.

At the same time, the 35,000 thousand points broke forty thousand in an instant, and then came to the ninth place.

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