After selling a dozen of them, Juan suddenly thought that Huo Tianci was in urgent need of Luo Cao, and then Zhang Hui used the Luo Cao auction method, which was to bid for the Chengfeng Dan with Luo Cao as the price. , Sold a batch of Chengfeng Dan.

At the highest moment, there are people who are willing to exchange seven Luograss. For purple Luograss, it is almost one to one.

“Damn, it’s so crazy!” Huo Tianci was a little bit dumbfounded after listening.

But Huo Tianci’s next sentence made Huo Tianci instantly fall into an ice cave.

“By the way, Senior Brother Huo, did you buy Fengfeng Dan from Flame City?” Suddenly, Huo asked Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci froze for a moment, and then immediately said something bad, because the Chengfeng Dan in the city of flame is priced particularly low. Compared with this, let’s talk about the seven ordinary Luo Grass, the value is far more than two thousand low grade Spirit Stone.

As for the price of flame city, Huo Tianci only set a hundred.

If someone buys a large amount of Chengfeng Dan from the city of flame, and then sells them in this station, then Huo Tianci’s way of earning points will be robbed by others.

Finally, Huo Tianci didn’t buy this pill in flame city, but he made it by himself, and finally put it in flame city to sell it to make money that’s all.

But now I go back and inform Zhao Chengye and Cai Ruicheng to remove the Chengfeng Dan from the store. This seems to be a bit tight, because it takes at least a week to come and go. During this period, if the Fire Spirit is born, then Huo Tianci will be finished, so you must not take this risk. After all, this is the only chance to save Zi Yun.

“By the way, I have a return to the city talisman. This way, the time can be shortened by half, but it also takes three days.” When thinking of this, Huo Tianci shook again. the head, because he could never take this risk. After all, no one can tell the exact time when the Fire Spirit was born, just knowing that it will be that’s all in these months, but no one can say what day Accurate, because maybe, a full month, maybe, just in the next second.

“Then send someone who can be trusted to go back and let me know?” Huo Tianci thought of this method again, but this person must be trusted.

“Damn, it’s not over if you send yourself back.” Huo Tianci patted his forehead, thinking that he had just thought about things too complicated.

So, Huo Tianci’s hands were cross-shaped, and shouted:

Multiple Shadow Clone technique!

Although it is multiple, in fact, Huo Tianci only separates one person.

In the end, the Shadow Clone of Huo Tianci used the return to the city to return to the city of flame, and then notified Zhao Chengye and Cai Ruicheng to remove all the Chengfeng Dans sold in their shops and told them not to Sell ​​one more out.

After finishing this matter, Huo Tianci asked Juan, how did he know that this wind pill, flame is sold in the city.

“Senior Brother Huo like this, this is a friend of mine, who asked me, he said that he had seen such medicine pill before in flame city, and he was still buying One of them said that it only needs 100 low grade Spirit Stone, but it has never been used. This time when he saw me for sale, he asked me if I was reselling something, and then took the opportunity to send a small Choi.” Juan speak frankly.

Huo Tianci nodded, I thought, it was so, afterwards Huo Tianci said with a smile: “But now, flame city, there is no longer this waiting for Chengfeng Dan to sell, and finally I will clarify , I am the only one who can refine this wind-riding pill. Of course the ones in the flame city are also made by me.”

“I’ll just say it, it must be a masterpiece of Senior Brother Huo.” Hu Anxin I’m not happy, because it represents the absolute monopoly of the market, after all, only Huo Tianci can refine it.

“By the way, Juan, how did you get this three-leaf purple grass plant, is it also an auction?” Huo Tianci happily picked up the three-leaf purple grass, and Asked Juan.

Juan shook the head: “It’s not a bidding, but at the end, there is a discipline of another sect. He found me in private and prepared to change with me. Finally, I took 13 Rongfeng Dan and told him I changed this three-leaf purple Luograss. Actually, I don’t know whether it is profitable or not, but I think Senior Brother Huo you need it so much, so in the end I agreed.”

” Not bad.” Finally, Huo Tianci gave Hu San Zhang Hui and Lin Ye’er these four words.

After that, Huo Tianci took out some inferior spiritual medicine, and still asked the three of Juan to go to the Martial Artist of Xuanling to sell.

When they heard the effect of spiritual medicine water, they were all dumbfounded, because they normally didn’t talk about spiritual medicine water this time, even Spiritual Qi Dan, nothing happened. After all, it’s too expensive. It’s almost always taken at the most critical moment, and finally save your life. Otherwise, who is willing, after all, there are hundreds of low grade Spirit Stones, and where do they little martial artists consume it? Affordable, so under normal circumstances, they only take Spiritual Qi pills, so they can recover Spiritual Qi slowly.

Huo Tianci of course saw their surprise, and then Huo Tianci said again: “You can each take two bottles and keep them for your own use. As for the others, you have to sell them well. In the end, as long as I do a good job, then I will never treat you badly. On the contrary, when the time comes, don’t blame me for being ruthless!” When the time comes, I just feel Huo.”

Tianci’s eyes revealed a murderous aura.

When the three of Juan saw this, it was an immediate guarantee that they would never hide any tricks.

As for why Huo Tianci only sells inferior spiritual medicine water, it is because the inferior spiritual medicine water has poor effect, compared with the low-level spiritual medicine water.

To put it more bluntly, the martial artist of Xuan Spirit Realm does not have enough Spirit Stone in his pocket to buy low-level spiritual medicine water.

Because only the powerhouse of the mysterious king realm can be taken, after all, Huo Tianci has the lowest price, a bottle of 5,000 low grade Spirit Stone.

If you change to kill points, at least you have to have more than one hundred points. For more than one hundred kill points, you can exchange for a potion to restore Spiritual Qi. Seriously Huo Tianci himself couldn’t bear it, because instead of this, it would be better to go to the points exchange office and exchange weapons for use.

In other words, inferior potions are sold to the mysterious Spirit Realm martial artist, and potions above the lower level are sold to King Xuan by Huo Tianci.

After explaining everything in this way, Huo Tianci returned to his cabin.

Because he wanted to see whether the spiritual medicine water made with Sanye Ziluocao really has the medicinal properties of unlimited use.

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