“Brother Huo, what kind of spiritual fluid are you?” Wei Liangji couldn’t help it when he got here, and then he immediately spoke out and asked Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci bluntly said: “Same as Senior Brother Wei you just guessed, it is a medicinal liquid that can restore Spiritual Qi. One of its characteristics, like Spiritual Qi Dan, is an instant recovery. But there is another characteristic that Spiritual Qi Dan does not possess.”

When he said this, Huo Tianci paused for a while, then he pointed to Wei Liangji’s inferior quality in his left hand to spiritual medicine. Water, then said: “The inferior spiritual liquid in your left hand can be taken again only after half an hour.”

“What! Half an hour!” Before Huo Tianci could finish speaking, Wei Liangji was already shocked, because the Spiritual Qi Dan was repeatedly used, but it would take an hour. Now half an hour, Wei Liangji only feels that this spiritual medicine water is definitely a golden mountain.

“Wait a minute, is this just inferior spiritual liquid?” Wei Liangji finally found the point, that is, the word inferior.

“Huo Brother, what is the effect of such a low-quality potion?” Wei Liangji hurriedly asked.

“I can’t make a potion that is not inferior, but I have refined it for a low-level potion.” At the end of the word, Huo Tianci pointed to the one that Wei Liangji held in his right hand. That low-level return to spiritual medicine water.

After that, Huo Tianci said again: “The effect of this low-level spiritual medicine water can be restored instantly, but in the interval between use, it is more powerful than the inferior spiritual liquid just now, just , Ten minutes will be enough.”

When the last sentence fell, I saw Wei Liangji’s whole person, dumbfounded, because Huo Tianci actually said that his spiritual liquid for restoring Spiritual Qi was only It can be reused in ten minutes.

And the normal recovery of medicine pill, at least one hour up, this is almost, reduced by several times, even dozens of times the use interval.

Of course, these are not the main points, because the main point is still the prefix, the word “low-level”.

“Huo Brother, then what is the effect of this non-low-level spiritual solution?”

Huo Tianci looked embarrassed, because he had said everything just now: “I It hasn’t been made yet, because the material is still lacking, which is what I just said, three-leaf-quality purple Luo grass.”

When Wei Liangji heard this, he slapped his forehead: “Sorry, Huo brother, look at my brain, I almost forgot with excitement.”

“Huo brother, how do you plan to sell this spirit liquid?” Wei Liangji wants to buy some, after all Now, with Demon Sect, the time of the decisive battle, if there is an elixir that can be reused in half an hour or ten minutes, maybe when the time comes, he can kill more demonic path martial artists, or more Yes, in a critical moment, I can save my life, after all, can I take more.

In this regard, Huo Tianci is still outspoken: “Senior Brother Wei, in fact, my spirit is not going to be sold as Spirit Stone.”

“Not being sold as Spirit Stone “As soon as these words came out, Wei Liangji was confused in an instant, and then he hurriedly asked Huo Tianci: “If you don’t sell it in Spirit Stone, how can we sell it?”

“Points, kill demonic path martial The artist’s points.” Huo Tianci told Wei Liangji what he thought.

“Is it possible that Brother Huo, do you want to get the first place in the Ranking List?” Wei Liangji asked.

Huo Tianci nodded: “This is the intention.” Of course, Huo Tianci did this not for the first reward of the Ranking List, but for the tasks released by the system, because compared to the system The reward given, other things, Huo Tianci just wanted to say that, everything present was rubbish.

So Huo Tianci must get this number one.

“Of course, if Senior Brother Wei wants to buy Spirit Stone, in fact, my brother, I can sell some appropriately.” Huo Tianci said politely.

When Wei Liangji heard this, it was a joy to the sky. If not, Huo Tianci gave Wei Liangji a few bottles at the end. The first is because the relationship between the two is good, the second is That is, Huo Tianci wanted to use Wei Liangji’s powerhouse, the mysterious king, to help sell this spiritual medicine water, so it is reasonable to give some benefits in the end.

“Brother Huo, let me tell you a little thing. In fact, your jade bottle is of very poor quality, so I use it to hold this spirit liquid. I am afraid that if it is left for a long time, it will consume the spirit. The medicinal properties of the liquid, and what’s more, the cost of the jade bottle is not cheap, so I think it’s better for you to use a wooden bottle.” Wei Liangji told Huo Tianci about this matter.

Huo Tianci nodded, because he also realizes this. After all, these jade bottles of his were bought when he was in Longcun. They were even used to hold Yellow Grade quality medicine pill. , That’s not a problem, but now, the quality of medicine pill has reached Mysterious Grade Spirit Rank, so that these jade bottles are no different from that stone, because the quality is too low and simply cannot be protected. The medicinal properties of high-end medicine pill.

But if you use a wooden bottle to pack it, isn’t it more so, will it lose its drug properties?

Huo Tianci was strange, but after Wei Liangji explained it, he became clear.

“Huo brother, there is an inscription that can condense the medicinal properties. Engrave it on a wooden bottle to protect it. The medicine pill inside the medicine pill will not evaporate. As for why Instead of using jade bottle, it’s because engraving such inscriptions on jade bottle is more than ten times more difficult than on wooden bottles. What’s more, the value of good jade can be thousands of times more expensive than ordinary wood, even so. Ten thousand times, so it’s the most cost-effective and most suitable to use wooden bottles.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Huo Tianci suddenly realized that it happened that he was also worried about this “prestige”, because Refining this spiritual liquid in large quantities will inevitably require a large amount of “packaging”, but now listening to Wei Liangji’s words, this difficulty will be solved immediately.

Of course, Huo Tianci won’t be able to see such inscriptions, but some people will, Master Tan of Qinghongzong. No accident, it should be, when the time comes, he will give this matter to Tan. The master will do it, Huo Tianci can’t worry about it.

“Senior Brother Wei, I will trouble you with the three-leaf purple Luo grass. This is all my spirit Shi Family. In addition to the three-leaf purple grass, other This medicinal herb, please help me accept it. When the time comes, if the quality essence is really refined, I will be the first one and let Senior Brother Wei try it.” With that, Huo Tianci will give a Heaven and The Earth Bag was handed over to Wei Liangji, and 800,000 low grade black stones were stored in it.

Actually, Huo Tianci still has a batch of Fire Attribute Spirit Stones on him, but these Fire Attribute Spirit Stones, Huo Tianci cannot be used, because he wants to take these Fire Attribute Spirit Stones to “feed “The flame on my body.”

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