Speaking of the Qinghongzong, Huo Tianci thought of a task, namely, the black river tower, Zhuo Xing, revenge.

【Zhuoxing’s Revenge】: Kill Zhuoxing’s mutiny discipline, and let Xuchang pay the price!

The reward for the mission is a platinum lottery coin. In the past, the reward was very big, but now, it is too small, because from now on, the lottery machine below the diamond, Huo Tianci can’t draw anymore, that is to say, Huo Tianci now has to collect ten platinum lottery coins before he can go to lottery once.

But all the tasks were accepted, and Huo Tianci also agreed to Zhuo Xing. It just so happened that Huo Tianci was in the residence of the Azure Rainbow Sect, so it was time to do a good deed.

So, Huo Tianci asked Qingfeng Taoist in front of him: “Sect Master Senior, dare to ask Qinghong Sect, is there an expert named Xuchang?”

This Xuchang was the opponent of Xuan Wang Zhuo Xing.

Qingfeng Taoist is frowned, because Xuchang died more than a thousand years ago. Even Qingfeng Taoist himself was still young at that time. How did Huo Tianci know about this? This makes Qingfeng Taoist, somewhat curious.

“Is it possible that you are that, Xu Senior’s descendant?” Qingfeng Taoist asked like this.

Huo Tianci shook the head, and then said a little embarrassingly: “No…no, I am an acquaintance who knows Xuchang, who is now…?”

Review Qingfeng The Taoist also shook the head: “Thousands of years ago, the breakthrough Xuanhuang failed and fell.”

“That’s really a pity.” At this point, Huo Tianci did not continue to ask. It was a bit bad to directly ask this Qingfeng Taoist, after all, he was going to kill these people.

“Huo Xiaoyou, you come to my Qinghongzong, I have nothing to give, this treasure that I wore back then, give it to you.” Finally, Qingfeng Taoist, gave it to Huo Tianci, a Spirit Rank treasure.

Seriously, this makes Huo Tianci, it is somewhat sorry.

After that, the Qingfeng Daoist will leave, because after a while, Fire Spirit will be born. At that time, the ten decent sects and Demon Sect ten Sects will definitely have a big conflict, and even In that big battle, he is now going to discuss with other Sect Masters of Nine Great Sects to deal with demonic path ten Sects.

“Respectfully send Sect Master!!!” Huo Tianci and Kong Hao said in unison.

After the Qingfeng Daoist left, Kong Hao looked a little enviously, above the Spirit Armor in Huo Tianci’s hand: “Huo brother, you are really lucky, because this Spirit Armor, but Sect Master Master was the most powerful baby back then. After using Spiritual Qi to activate, this Spirit Armor will automatically form a circle of Spirit Armor, sheltering the wearer all around. Not to mention, that Spirit Armor can spread all around in the past. , Attacking the enemy, but the so-called offensive and defensive, no stronghold one cannot overcome.”

Kong Hao asked Qingfeng Taoist for this treasure before, but it is a pity that Qingfeng Taoist did not give him. It was given to Huo Tianci, he was a little bit jealous, but Huo Tianci gave him a thousand-year-old Yang Fruit, and then he will become the Profound King. This Spirit Armor will be useless to him.

“It is estimated that it is Sect Master Senior, please compare it with me.” After laughed, Huo Tianci asked Konghao: “Brother Kong, I have something here, want to ask you?”

“Just ask, who of us and whom?”

Finally, Huo Tianci asked: “In the Qinghong Sect, is there a person named Xia Wencheng? “

“Xia Wencheng? Isn’t it the Xia master? Could it be that Brother Huo, you want to find his rune inscription?” Kong Hao asked back.

As soon as Huo Tianci listened to the inscription of the rune, it was confirmed immediately. This Xia master is the discipline of the profound king Zhuo Xing, because Zhuo Xing himself is a master of the rune formation.

“Have this preparation.” Huo Tianci is nodded, but Kong Hao said: “The Xia master, the shelf is very big, I advise you, it is better not to look for him, otherwise, I Can I introduce another one for you?”

“The shelf is very big? What a Dafa?” Huo Tianci asked with interest.

Kong Hao looked at all around, and then said to Huo Tianci: “Because this Xia Master is the only five-star Array Master in our Qinghong Sect. Because of this, sometimes Sect Master Master goes to him for the rune-making inscriptions, he will not necessarily agree, but the so-called is a big Buddha, but there is no way, after all, he can’t be driven away. This guy.”

After hearing this, Huo Tianci said with a smile: “This shelf is indeed quite big.” Because this Xia Wencheng didn’t even listen to Sect Master’s words.

“To be honest, if there is another five-star symbol Array Master who comes to my Qinghongzong, I will be the first one, Konghao, let this guy get out!” Konghao said a little unhappy Said, it’s like being humiliated by Xia Wencheng before, but in fact, it is indeed humiliated.

It is precisely because of this that Kong Hao has a deep resentment towards Xia Wencheng.

But Konghao’s words, let Huo Tianci come up with an idea, that is to help Qinghongzong, find a five-star symbol Array Master, when the time comes, this Xia Wencheng, you can get out Okay, then Huo Tianci, can’t you just kill him?

But it seems a bit difficult to find it directly, but help is feasible.

So, Huo Tianci asked Konghao again: “In that Qinghong Sect, besides this Xia Wencheng, what other masters of rune formations are there?”

After that, Kong Hao gave Huo Tianci to Huo Tianci about the other characters Array Master.

“I have always been favored by Master Tan, not only that, but also the other disciplines in the sect, because Master Tan goes up to our True Disciple to Honorary Disciple, as long as someone asks him He will agree to the talisman inscription.”

“Then I will meet the master of Tan when I have the opportunity.”

“Don’t wait for the chance, Tan The master is now in this resident. Actually, Sect Master Master wanted Xia Wencheng to come, but he was unwilling to say that the environment here is not good and dangerous, so he refused, neither did Sect Master Master. He really strong forced him, so I had to give it up. In the end, Master Tan took the initiative to invite Ying and came to the depths of the volcanoes to make the inscriptions for our disciplines.”

Kong Hao brought Huo Tianci to the Fuzhen room on the west side of the Qinghongzong resident.

At this time, there are five people working in the Fuzhen room, one naive old man, and four young and vigorous disciplines.

Although they are sweating, the appearance of talking and laughing makes Huo Tianci a bit envious, because this is life.

“Xiaohao is here.” When the old man saw Konghao coming, he immediately beckoned him. When he saw that there was another person, the old man asked, “This is ?”

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