“I am among the Fellow Daoists. I have the oldest qualifications and the oldest. Why not, let me talk about it first.” While saying, Wei Liangji took out 17 Heaven and Earth Bags: “this time stones During the journey of pile, I killed a total of 17 people, the mysterious Spirit Realm expert of Blood Flame Sect, and one of them was strong enough to almost reach the half-king realm. This top grade Heaven and Earth Bag is exactly His baby.”

When the words fell, Wei Liangji pointed to the best quality of the 17 Heaven and Earth Bags.

As everyone sees this, they all praise Wei Liangji for his superb strength. As for what is in the Heaven and Earth Bag, Wei Liangji not at all open it, because everyone said beforehand that the treasure he won is at the end , We have to go evenly.

Followingly, Duan Hai of Limitless Sect placed 18 Heaven and Earth Bags on the ground: “My luck is better. I killed one more person than Senior Brother Wei, of course. I’m also trying to attract others.” After speaking, Duan Hai glanced at Huo Tianci on the opposite side. Although Huo Tianci was the youngest among them, and the lowest in strength, the people killed by Huo Tianci, but they could not kill all of them. Invisible, everyone is looking forward to what kind of treasure Huo Tianci will bring out in the end.

Finally, the other four experts of the mysterious king realm all took out the spoils they had obtained.

I have to say that the Xuanwang powerhouse is the Xuanwang powerhouse, because the six black kings headed by Wei Liangji actually killed 57 Blood Flame Sect disciples, including even Half king realm, there are as many as two people.

Kong Hao, the inheritance eldest disciple of the Green Rainbow Sect, was also not bad. He killed six Blood Flame Sect experts and said, finally it was Huo Tianci’s turn.

Huo Tianci didn鈥檛 hide it, and took out all the treasures directly, but it鈥檚 a bit embarrassing that he didn鈥檛 pack Wu Wenxiu鈥檚 Heaven and Earth Bag and brought it back, because he After killing Wu Wenxiu, he opened the Heaven and Earth Bag on the spot, and then started the search.

As for why this is the case, it is because Huo Tianci has forgotten this. Also, most of Wu Wenxiu鈥檚 things have been imprinted with the Blood Flame Sect mindset. This is even brought back. It is used, so Huo Tianci took the initiative to become the master. After all, he has a decomposition machine.

After that, Huo Tianci speak frankly, but other people are somewhat embarrassed, because who knows whether you really forgot or fake forgot.

There is also that those treasures with the imprint of mind can be directly brought back to this station, and then exchanged for the corresponding kill points. At that time, the expert in the decent martial artist will Erase the marks on these treasures, and then use them as your own, and this is why the treasures can be exchanged for points.

It’s a pity that Huo Tianci doesn’t know it, because he just came, otherwise, can Huo Tianci be willing to burn it all directly, or disassemble it directly.

But these embarrassments were all turned into nothingness after Huo Tianci took out the seven thousand-year-old Yan Yang Fruit, because compared with other treasures, this thousand-year-old Yang Fruit must be cherished even more. .

Limitless Sect’s Duan Hai, when he saw that it was seven Yan Yang Fruit, he immediately came out to say a fair word for Huo Tianci: “Huo brother just now, what he said is true, there is not a word It鈥檚 a lie, I, Duan Hai, can come out to vouch for him. As for why, I鈥檒l tell you below that it鈥檚 because of this Yan Yang Fruit, one extra one.”

At that time, Wu Wenxiu and Sheng Kui Duan Hai heard a little bit of the conversation. Wu Wenxiu said that there are actually only six fruits on the Yan Yang Fruit vine. As a result, Huo Tianci just took out seven of them. In other words, Wu Wenxiu had been facing Sheng Kui told a lie, just presumably, Wu Wenxiu wanted to get one more by himself, so he said one less.

Finally, Huo Tianci took out this precious Thousand Years Flame Yang Fruit, so it is necessary to swallow it alone, other treasures.

“Brother Duan said it very well. Actually, I want to say this too. After all, Brother Huo, he took out this thousand-year-old Yang Fruit. Let me ask, Wu Wenxiu’s body can There is something better than this, so I think Huo Brother simply didn’t lie, nor would he lie.” Then Wei Liangji also said.

Others heard this, and they are all nodded.

As for why Huo Tianci took out all of them, it was because of Wei Liangji and the others at the time. In order to help him buy time, they stopped all and went to block the hundred martial of Blood Flame Sect. Artist, in the end, because of this, a dozen brothers fell, so Huo Tianci did not monopolize it, because this is everyone’s credit. Huo Tianci is not a villain, the kind of guy who wants to make money.

“Wu Wenxiu, it was killed by Brother Huo. This thousand years of Yan Yang Fruit was also obtained by Brother Huo alone. So I suggest that you directly divide the three fruits and give Brother Huo?” Duan Hai belongs to that kind of honesty. People speak more directly, but in fact, it is true, because of these seven fruits, Huo Tianci is indeed the most powerful.

Kill the half king, kill the profound king!

This is so powerful. It is not black or blowing. Among the other people present, absolutely no one can do this alone.

But Huo Tianci did it, that is to say, without Huo Tianci, they would not be happy, they would not get this thousand years of Yang Fruit.

As soon as Duan Hai鈥檚 words came out, Wei Liangji took the lead and nodded. Then, the other four profound kings also did the same, because this is what Huo Tianci should do, and he should Some spoils.

Seeing that all six profound kings said so, of course the others had no opinion. After all, there were no six profound kings to protect them. They were killed by the people of Blood Flame Sect long ago.

In the end, Huo Tianci won three of the seven thousand-year-old Yang Fruit.

As for the other four, everyone is bidding for it. In the end, everyone will share the money from the bidding together. This is a fairly fair distribution.

“The market price of Millennium Yan Yang Fruit is generally around 3,000 middle grade Spirit Stones. Almost all major Auction Houses are sold and sold. You can feel free to inquire, I am Wei, is there any It’s a lie, of course, now we are bidding internally, so there is no such thing, and again, if you sell things in Auction House, you will have to deduct 10% of the handling fee and waste this Spirit Stone. It’s not as good as we can share it with everyone. In the end, I don’t think anyone other than the six of us should be able to come up with so many Spirit Stones. Or, how about the six of us bidding? Of course. , Must not be lower than these three thousand middle grade Spirit Stone.”

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