“It’s really disturbing.” In the end, there was no way, Konghao could only give in one step. Besides, this was originally the fault of their Qinghong school’s discipline.

In the end, Kong Hao pressed Juan and came to Huo Tianci.

Juan was so crushed, it was a moment of ignorance, because his savior turned into his killer star in this brief moment: “Senior Brother Kong, I did it by accident , I hope to forgive me, and this Little Brother, I just said casually, and I hope you will not remember the villain, let me go, and you have the right to be farting when I just said. “

When Juan arrived here, he was completely desperate, because the first Head Disciple of the Qinghong Sect, the Number One Person he was looking up to in the sect, turned his head back at this moment to help Huo Tianci.

“Brother Huo, in fact, the senior brother Hu, he was just unintentional. After all, your strength is too exaggerated. In the end, he accidentally attacked you with words. I hope you will be magnanimous and let him go. A horse.” To be honest, Zhang Hui is also a little bit awkward at this time, because Huo Tianci has made so many friends in the time when this cup of tea is not there, and these friends have a background is. quite extraordinary.

Rank Seven Sect’s, Rank Eight Sect’s, and their true story First Senior Brother, Konghao’s friend, really, this surprised Zhang Hui, and even shocked it.

But in the final analysis, Juan is still a member of the Qinghong sect. Now that the Qinghong sect is in trouble, Zhang Hui really can’t sit idly by. What’s more, this Juan has helped him once before. In the end, it also resulted. Zhang Hui asked for an invitation for Juan just now, even if this Juan just wanted to “borrow” his points.

“This Little Brother Huo, I was really unintentional just now. After all, they said that the Great Profound Master killed the Profound Spirit Expert. Who can believe this? That’s why I thought , They are boasting. If there is an offense just now, I hope you Haihan.” Juan also explained again and again, because he is completely afraid now.

“Great Xuanshi, killed Xuan Spirit Realm!”

Everyone was stunned when these words came out, because it was too exaggerated, especially, Konghao who just arrived here.

However, when other people thought that Huo Tianci would turn into a fire in a high-level way, they didn’t feel anything.

Only Kong Hao, still shocked, the last time I checked Huo Tianci’s strength, it turned out to be the Great Profound Master Realm.

“It’s no wonder that Little Brother Huo has so many friends.” Konghao finally understood that he was a super genius.

Don’t say so, Huo Tianci was also appreciated by the golden sun Taoist, and finally the golden sun Taoist also introduced Huo Tianci to the half-level great character, Heavenly Fire daoist as True Disciple.

Kong Hao’s friend told him some matters about Huo Tianci.

After Konghao listened, he was even more surprised.

Fortunately, he came here in time, otherwise this trivial matter, perhaps in the future, will become the major event.

“This Huo Little Brother, if the discipline of the Qinghong Sect is offensive, I’m Konghao here, I’m here to accompany you, it’s just the saying, don’t you know if you don’t fight.” Konghao Said fairly politely.

After seeing Zhang Hui begging for mercy, Kong Hao was also very polite, Huo Tianci waved his hand and let it go. Otherwise, Huo Tianci would definitely not let this Hu off today. An, because this guy was too mad just now, Huo Tianci just sat there and didn’t go to provoke him, so he was yelled at by the guy. It is estimated that this guy will be very violent. Unhappy.

Of course, in addition to the other party’s being very polite, there are other factors in it. The first is that Huo Tianci is a newcomer, if it directly conflicts with a small sect, there is a conflict, right He is not good.

The second and most important point is that the Great Liang Nation is under the sphere of influence of the Qinghongzong. It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci gave way.

“It turned out to be a misunderstanding. Since it is a misunderstanding, then I will forget it. After all, now everyone is in the same hatred of Demon Sect. If there is a contradiction over such small things, then we can be in the middle The people of the demonic path are pregnant.” Huo Tianci will also say, just throw this pot directly on the bodies of the demonic path martial artists.

After other people around heard it, it was nodded again and again, because Huo Tianci said so.

“Yes, there must be no contradictions within us. After all, we are now fighting with those Demon Sects!”

“Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, and everyone now It’s all here, not equal to me. How about we go to destroy some demonic path martial artists together?”

“It’s a coincidence, I happen to know that there is a place where a large number of demonic path martial artists gather. No, let’s just walk right there? Kill them all?”

“Okay! That’s it! By the way, we can also earn some points.”

As they said, everyone turned this nasty breath toward the Demon Sect martial artists.

Huo Tianci thought to himself that he was self-defeating unexpectedly.

In the end, it was precisely because of this that Konghao temporarily let go of Juan.

Hu An was relieved, and at the same time, he also told Konghao a little thing.

After listening, Kong Hao took Huo Tianci to the point where he received the token.

There are some restrictions on the collection of points tokens. Of course, these restrictions are only for individual martial artists.

The quickest and easiest way is to let the Head Disciple in Ten Great Sects, that is, outer sect Head Disciple, Inner Sect Head Disciple, etc., to be the recommender, that is, the guarantor, This is to prevent the demonic path martial artist from mixing in.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Hui and Lin Ye’er will tell Huo Tianci about Huo Tianci, because they want Juan to be Huo Tianci’s recommender.

But Juan, simply don’t believe it, but now, he believes it completely.

And just now, Juan told Kong Hao about this matter again, and finally Kong Hao took Huo Tianci to the point where he received the points token.

Kong Hao was also polite, and he directly gave Huo Tianci the title of Honorary Disciple.

At the same time, Konghao also explained: “Brother Huo, don’t get me wrong, I just want you to enjoy the bonus points that’s all more, because the individual martial artist is a martial artist from the sect. In the meantime, there are some differences in the redemption of points, because there are some things that the martial artist cannot redeem, but the sect disciple can. As for Brother Huo’s Honorary Disciple title, I will erase it directly for you after the event, no It will bring you any trouble.”

Huo Tianci nodded, and then thanked Kong Hao for his kindness: “It turns out that this is the case, then I would like to thank Kong brother first.”

“Anywhere, it’s just a small matter.”

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