The task of collecting Fire Spirit Stone is that for every ten Fire Attribute Spirit Stones Huo Tianci obtains, one platinum lottery coin can be obtained.

The last one hundred and nine 13 platinum lottery coins were synthesized by Huo Tianci into 19 diamond lottery coins.

Adding some original lottery coins on his body, Huo Tianci finally got a total of two extraordinary lottery coins, and a diamond lottery coin.

After that, it’s time for the exciting, big prize draw.

Huo Tianci waited for this moment, but had been waiting for a long time.

“Let’s put the knife first.” Thinking, Huo Tianci called the diamond lottery machine out of his mind.

Huo Tianci has drawn three of the six rewards on the diamond lottery machine, namely [Burning Fruit], [Great Heaven and Earth Shift] and [League of Legends Intermediate Gift Pack].

As for the rewards that have not been taken away, they are-[DNF Resurrection Coins], [Shuanggou Jade Writing Round Eyes] and [Dragon Boxing].

Because it is a cushion for an extraordinary lottery machine, Huo Tianci does not matter. What’s more, these three rewards are of little use to the current Huo Tianci. After all, Huo Tianci But in countless Xuan Wang Xuan Huang powerhouse, to snatch the Fire Spirit.

For Huo Tianci to do this, you must have a big reward in hand. Obviously, the diamond lottery machine does not meet this requirement. There is only the superior lottery machine above. Only then can Huo Tianci’s wish be satisfied.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for winning a reward-[DNF Resurrection Coin].

“Fuck! It’s really a mat!” Huo Tianci thought, these three rewards, the resurrection coin has the least battle strength. As a result, I didn’t expect to get it, but I thought about it again. Life-saving is not bad.

After all, the next step is the highlight.

As soon as my mind moved, I saw the diamond lottery machine, which instantly turned into an extraordinary lottery machine.

Just looking at this appearance, Huo Tianci knows that it is out of the ordinary, and it reveals nobleness in simplicity. Not to mention, the lottery machine is also inlaid with a large emerald, which is luxurious to the extreme. It’s like driving a Mercedes to pick up trash, while being low-key, it’s also very soily.

I didn’t think much about it afterwards, so I just smoked it.

“ding” system hint: an extraordinary lottery machine, there are five kinds of grabbing rewards, now grabbing rewards, please wait for the host.

Because it is the first lottery, so before lottery, the lottery machine will first grab the rewards corresponding to the quality.

While Huo Tianci was almost out of breath while the extraordinary lottery machine was grabbing rewards, because the rewards that appeared above were the key to saving Zi Yun.

Because of this, Huo Tianci is extremely nervous.

However, at this moment, something abnormal happened on the super lottery machine.

The golden light of the whole lottery machine flashed straight, all directions, and even made a crash-bang cheering sound.

“Is this!” Huo Tianci saw this, his original stiff expression instantly became excited, because of this appearance, he had seen it once before, if you add In the case of a colorful lottery machine, it is twice. It often indicates that the lottery machine will have a rhythm of good things.

Sure enough, after the golden light sound disappeared, the system promptly reminded again.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for the special reward-Grand Slam.

“Fuck, it turned out to be a grand slam! No wonder it will be golden light!” Huo Tianci finally knew why golden light appeared this time. It turned out to be the largest in lottery machine. A reward has appeared, I believe anyone who has played the Old Hu machine knows it.

And here, the reward effect of the Grand Slam is to grab randomly, any reward among all orange rewards.

In other words, in this round of lottery, all of the five rewards will be orange rewards. The most terrifying thing is that this is the orange reward in the extraordinary lottery machine.

Huo Tianci just want to say, system you are very good to me.

At the last moment when the golden light disappeared, the five extraordinary quality orange rewards gradually revealed their true identity.

After that, Huo Tianci excitedly looked at the five orange rewards from top to bottom.

“Character Card?”

The first reward is a character card, but Huo Tianci has never seen it before. Which character card can achieve the quality Orange is so much.

“Just presumably, there must be something out of the ordinary.” Huo Tianci thought this way, and after a closer look, it really was.

Because the pattern printed on this orange character card turned out to be Sun Wukong, the man who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace in the ancient Chinese mythology!

“Could it be that the types of character cards are not limited to League of Legends?” Huo Tianci murmured to himself, because the character cards he had drawn earlier were all the same as the heroes in League of Legends. It’s related, but this time, something different came, and it turned into the Victorious Battle Buddha, Sun Wukong, in Journey to the West, comparable to the gods and Buddhas.

“Is it possible that this character card can give me the ability of Victorious Battle Buddha?” Huo Tianci thought with enthusiasm.

But after checking the attributes, it was even more powerful, because this character card is even more powerful than Huo Tianci imagined.

[Character Card: Victorious Battle Buddha Sun Wukong]-Card Grade: Divine Grade! The host can be used after crushing it. At that time, the host can come to help with the Avatar of the summon Victorious Battle Buddha Sun Wukong! Help time: ten minutes.

In other words, Huo Tianci can directly invite Sun Wukong to help him fight.

Of course, this character card can only be used once, and it only lasts for ten minutes, but this is enough. After all, this is Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Victorious Battle Buddha, even if only a strand of Avatar appears, it is not an existence that other people can block in this World.

Or you can say that, Great Saint kills this World in seconds. As for ten minutes, Huo Tianci estimates that it can kill this World ten times in seconds.

“I fuck, this reward is really silly!” Huo Tianci thought, this is indeed the highest quality orange reward among the extraordinary lottery machines.


After taking a deep breath, Huo Tianci turned his attention to the second reward afterwards.

“Large kitchen knife, No way!”

The second reward is a huge kitchen knife, which can show Huo Tianci, it is almost ashamed.

“This is an extraordinary orange reward, system impossible will give me a big chopper.” Huo Tianci thought.

If it’s a bronze lottery, Huo Tianci probably won’t doubt it, but this is an extraordinary lottery. What do you mean by giving a big chopper?

The last time I checked the attribute, it was a bit tricky.

[moonslash]: In the famous anime “Death God”, the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo’s “Zanpaku”, after the host obtains this sword, he can have this Zanpaku with all abilities.

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