“I said that your rare treasure building, TM is too dark, a bottle of ordinary heat-relief cream, I actually asked for 150 low grade black stones! You are stealing money!” A person walked into rare. After taking a look at the guests in the treasure building, there was a rant.

On the other hand, the second person in the rare treasure building immediately said with a smile on his face: “This guest, now this summer cream is at such a price, I can鈥檛 help it.”

“No way? That’s the price? Who are you fooling you!” When the customer heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

“I said, it鈥檚 no wonder no one came into your rare treasure building. I finally understand now. I won鈥檛 talk about anything else. People鈥檚 agreeable building, but when you buy something, it鈥檚 going to cool off. Ointment! Even if you ask for money, it’s so expensive! Ghosts come to you to buy things, and want to kill Laozi, I tell you, no way!”

Speaking, this guest, He threw the door directly, turned his head and left here.

After that, a mysterious Spirit Realm expert came into the store and asked if there were any Spiritual Qi pills on sale. When I heard that the 30% spiritual Qi pills cost 12 pieces of low grade Spirit Stone, this mysterious Spirit Realm expert, he left without looking back, because the 30% semi-medicinal Spiritual Qi pills on the opposite side of the building cost only 13 low grade black stones, and in the end, there is a 10% discount. In other words, if you buy 30% spiritual Qi pills here, you can buy the 30% semi-medicinal pills on the opposite side.

You said, the expert of the mysterious Spirit Realm, which store will he choose to buy in the end?

Because of this, from the time the door was opened in the morning to now, this rare treasure building has not even sold anything for a dime, because the guests come in and take a look, the next second I immediately patted my butt and left, because the contents inside are too expensive.

He Cangshui, the boss of the rare treasure building, came over at noon to see this. It was a straightforward comparison, because everything changed overnight, just like Cai Ruicheng did.

“What the hell is going on?” He Cangshui was impatient.

The shopkeeper in the shop is replied: “It’s a ghost from the Opposite Building, I don’t know why, all the guests went to him.”

“Nor know? Then you Can’t check it!” He Cangshui Bao shouted.

On the other hand, the shopkeeper in the shop has an innocent look: “Hey, the young man went out to find you two hours ago, but you are not at home at all.”

He Cangshui was a little embarrassed, because he went to Xiaosanjia for a walk in the morning.

“This, then you go now.” He Cangshui didn’t know what to say, but he felt a little uneasy in the vagueness.

I have to say that He Cangshui feels quite good, because his rare treasure building has collapsed, completely collapsed.

“Hey Lord, Cai Ruicheng, come back to life!” After investigating the matter, the shopkeeper hurried back immediately, and finally he reported the matter, short and long, to He Cangshui.

When He Cangshui heard it, he was shocked: “Free heat-relief ointment, and 30% semi-medicinal Spiritual Qi pills, the price is the same as my 30% Spiritual Qi pills!”

As soon as these two sentences came out, He Cangshui directly slumped on the ground.

But after turning his head and thinking about it, He Cangshui felt that Cai Ruicheng was trying his best. Because of selling things at such a low price, should he not have to die? What’s more, Cai Ruicheng鈥檚 Alchemist also Haven’t both the refining device master and the talisman master been dug up by him? In that case, how could Cai Ruicheng still have a supply of goods?

Finally, even if Cai Ruicheng finds the master again, can he let those masters refine so many goods overnight?

So, there must be something in it.

As for what this is, He Cangshui can’t guess, anyway, no matter what, if you sell things at such a low price, then in the end, you will definitely have to die.

So, He Cangshui did nothing, just waited for Cai Ruicheng to dig his grave, and then went bankrupt.

Don’t say so, He Cangshui also secretly asked his clerk to go shopping in the opposite Heyi Building.

“I bought all your stuff, let me see what tricks you are still playing with me!” He Cangshui is going to buy some cheap Spiritual Qi pills, and finally put them up and sell them later, because 30% The semi-pharmaceutical Spiritual Qi pills, he sold 16 low grade Spirit Stones here, and the Heyi Building can be bought at 13 yuan, and the final price is 10% off, so He Cangshui thought that now Some will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

But he didn鈥檛 expect that the Spiritual Qi pills in Cai Ruicheng鈥檚 store were all the broken pills he sold to Huo Tianci at the beginning, or the unwanted low-level medicine pill. Tianci, refined twice, followed by smelting.

Or maybe you can say that, Huo Tianci bought some things that they thought were rubbish in He Cangshui’s shop for a dime.

In the end, these rubbish items were processed into treasures by Huo Tianci twice. In the end, they were bought back by He Cangshui for ten yuan.

You said that in the end, who makes more money?

What’s more, Huo Tianci still has the double Gold Coin card bonus, and the sales profit is directly doubled. Therefore, even if Huo Tianci makes a 50% discount on the whole store, he will not lose. one cent.

In the evening.

In the still lively Desirable Building, several middle age persons wearing gray and black robes walked into it.

Huo Tianci did not know them, but after Cai Ruicheng saw them, he immediately cupped one fist in the other hand with both hands and said: “Hello, Lord Zhao.”

Zhao Chengye, with a 40-year-old appearance and strength, is the peak of the 9th layer of the mysterious spirit. He is the first of the five Great Elders in the Chamber of Commerce of the Zhao family. The Chamber of Commerce of the Zhao family is the largest in the flame city and even the flame middle school. One of the Chamber of Commerce family.

It is precisely because of this that Cai Ruicheng is respectful and respectful.

Zhao Chengye waved his hand, with a smile on his face, and signaled that Cai Ruicheng doesn鈥檛 need to give such a big gift, because he came this time to see if the Chengfeng Dan in Cai Ruicheng鈥檚 store really does that. Magical, possessing the ability of the spatial flight.

Hearing this, Cai Ruicheng did not dare to speak, because Zhao Chengye, The words mean more than they say, if the words mean more than they say, if the guess is correct, this product is here for cooperation, otherwise, this product can put down the shelf , Come here in person to agree building.

In the end, Cai Ruicheng glanced at Huo Tianci. After seeing Huo Tianci nodded, Cai Ruicheng dared to open his mouth.

“In fact, it’s not at all spatial flight as powerful, but the guests are increasingly distort the truth, exaggerating that’s all. As for what is going on, should you come into the back room with me, let’s talk in detail?” Finally, Cai Ruicheng, I also made a request.

Zhao Chengye was nodded, and then a group of people followed him to the back room of Heyi Building.

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