However, this is not good news, because these birds and insects are highly poisonous, and as long as they get a point, they will definitely die.

As for the trees and grass, the most terrible ones are the unknown vegetation densely on the walls.

“These vegetation, like poisonous snakes, will swim around. In other words, everyone must pay attention to their feet.” Xiang Zhen said.

For this, Huo Tianci thought to himself, is it necessary to be so troublesome?

Burn, how could Xiang Zhen not expect it, but fire can’t burn these plants.

Afterwards, in order to make Huo Tianci give up, Xiang Zhen also personally demonstrated it. In an instant, the unknown vegetation on the walls immediately acted like a whip and twisted the torch. In the air, in the end, the whipping was extinguished.

Because the vegetation is poisonous, Xiang Zhen didn’t dare to touch it, and this also caused the fire attack to be useless.

“Ordinary fire is of course useless, but what if I add some oil?” Huo Tianci said, but Xiang Zhen and the others were all stunned.

Because of this, they have never thought about it. What’s more, who will come out and bring oil, besides, how much oil is needed to burn it in such a big place, so it must be It is an unrealistic thing.

However, this is not realistic for Huo Tianci, it just consumes some profound energy that’s all.

Because of his fire escape and black rain technique, he can display it with just a little bit of profound energy.

“All back, let me come!” Finally, under everyone’s astonishment, I saw that there was a lot of black rain in the fourth test room.

The art of fire escape and black rain!

At the same time, two hot Fireballs also rushed out of Huo Tianci’s palms.

Fireball Technique!

In the end, the black oil caught fire and instantly burned.

After that, the unknown vegetation went forward and whipped and extinguished, but unfortunately, they directly affected their pond fish, because during the whipping, the oily juice directly contaminated the vegetation, that is, The more they want to extinguish, the fire will burn more vigorously.

“Let’s return to the third room first, and wait until the burning is over here.” Huo Tianci suggested.

While Xiang Zhen and Xu Sanfeng were nodded, they were all shocked, because this combination is a bit of a Major Perfection.

“Oil and fire! How many ultimate moves are there on this kid?” Xiang Zhen has now directly included Huo Tianci in the list of the biggest opponents.

And the people on this list are all the number one genius in the country, such as Xu Sanfeng from the Great Liang Nation, Qin Mang from the Huolan Country, and Zhang Yang from the Cooling Dragon Country, etc.

Now, there is one more, and that is Huo Tianci!

Xiang Zhen thought that the number one in the trial of the Seven Little Nations this time should have occurred among the eight of them.

But now, cooperation is the first priority.

So I don’t know how long it has been burning. Several of the two countries’ disciplines who were responsible for guarding the fire called out everyone who was waiting.

“Senior Brother! It seems I can go down!”

“Senior Brother Xu! The fire is almost burning!”

So, everyone Jumped down, directly moved towards the opposite exit and set off.


Just as everyone was halfway there, a discipline behind them suddenly called out.

Immediately everyone turned their heads and took a look. It turned out that it was an unburnt vegetation. It suddenly jumped up from the ground like a snake attack and took a bite of the discipline.

Suddenly, the disciple’s thighs are blue and purple.

Seeing this, Xiang Zhen immediately drew out the knife and prepared to cut off the thigh of the discipline directly, because otherwise, the venom would instantly attack his whole person, and in the end the venom would attack his heart. , It’s not a problem with one leg.

“Wait a minute! I have a Detoxifying Pill!” Huo Tianci stopped immediately.

But Xiang Zhen said anxiously: “It’s useless, I have tried it before, so get out of the way, otherwise it will be too late!” This poisoned discipline is from Xiliang country. How could Xiang Zhen not want to save him, but things were really unwilling, because last time, there were three or four brothers who died under this poison, and when they died, they were so hysterical.

Xiang Zhen really didn’t want to die in front of his eyes like someone else.

“Huo Brother, don’t hurt us!” Ning Qiankun and the others on the side immediately went over to drive Huo Tianci, because Huo Tianci is not saving people, but harming people.

“Believe me once!” Huo Tianci didn’t know how to explain it. In the end, only the two men and horses had drawn out their weapons.

“What do you mean? If Xiao Zhang dies, I will definitely let….” Before Xiang Zhen finished speaking, he saw the discipline of Huo Tianci Detoxifying Pill on his leg. The blue and purple is slowly disappearing at the speed that naked eye can see, until finally, it is restored.

Seeing this, Xiang Zhen horrible to see the extreme. It turned out that it was him who was harming people. Fortunately, Huo Tianci was firm enough to protect him. Otherwise, those small legs would be He was cut off, and for a martial artist, that is definitely the difference between heaven and hell, because if you lose a leg, it’s really better to die.

“I owe you a favor!” Xiang Zhen didn’t know what to say, but he would remember this favor.

“Nothing, just help each other.” For Huo Tianci, it was just a medicine pill, but for Xiang Zhen and Xiao Zhang, it was a lifetime guilt.

The former Xiang Zhen is guilty for being helpless. As for Xiao Zhang, he is guilty because he lost his leg and cannot go to cultivation. However, even if he can cultivation, the result of Xiao Zhang will definitely be Not as good as before, after all, I lost a leg.

Fortunately now, everything has been raining and sunny.

This also made the two parties, who had been slobbering and fighting incessantly, finally reached a consensus on real cooperation.

After passing the fourth test without any risk, both parties came to the door of the 5th Pass.

Looking down, there are two giant mud statues, with eyes closed in the middle and sleeping.

“Just try your best to escape and avoid the attack of the mud statues. In the end, as long as we all reach the opposite side, the two mud statues will automatically fall asleep.” Xiang Zhen was introduced as before, because He had broken through these five levels before.

For this, Huo Tianci said without thinking said: “Can that smash these two mud statues?”

This sentence makes the people of Xiliang country Disciples are all surprised, because this kind of adventure basically means no fight or no fight. Otherwise, when the time comes, it would be a fault.

“Then if there are treasures hidden in the belly of the two mud statues, then this fault will become a miss.” Huo Tianci used clairvoyance to see through the two mud statues. Within the body, he surprisingly discovered that there was something in it. As for what it was, he couldn’t see through it. That’s why he said these words, and wanted everyone to work together to defeat the two mud statues.

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