The Senior Brother He understands, because of this, the male disciplines like Huo Tianci can be even more desperate. The Senior Sister Junior Sisters who watched their own senior Sister Junior Sisters were powerless by the wheel. The feeling was definitely tortured.

“You brat have a lot of ghost ideas, then do what you said, first round! By the way, I seem to remember that there is a female disciple among them, or this little girlfriend of Huo Tianci, right? Bring her out to me first, start with her first!” This Senior Brother He is going to make Huo Tianci completely desperate.

Wu Qiushuang’s face turned ashes when she heard this.

Because of these people, they are preparing to do things for the animals, but it is a pity that Huo Tianci will not let them succeed.


When I raised my hand, I saw nine Detoxifying Pills, which were moved towards Ye Lingfeng and other nine people’s mouths and flew away. At the same time, Huo Tianci stood up with a carp and went straight into the air. With a palm, moved towards the male discipline who wanted to capture Wu Qiushuang, fiercely blasted the past.

Cloud Parting Palm!

In the end, I saw that the male student’s clothes were all torn apart. As for his body, there was an extra bright red five-finger palm print. Looking back at his mouth, ears, mouth, nose and other seven orifices, Blood was overflowing. This shows that Huo Tianci’s Cloud Parting Palm has completely shattered his internal organs.

Seriously, as long as Huo Tianci wants to, then it is very easy to tear this person up directly, but he doesn’t want to make the scene, it’s too bloody that’s all.

As soon as this scene came out, I saw everyone at Yuzhou Academy who had been eating bananas like monkeys, their complexions instantly chilled.

“No, don’t!”

It’s a pity that Huo Tianci will not show mercy anymore this time, otherwise, the incident just now will definitely repeat itself again, he doesn’t want to Beware of these villains when you sleep at night.

“If you don’t kill them, they will kill you.” Tong Fang was a little bit unable to do anything, but when Huo Tianci said these words, he saw the steel knife in his hand, instantly It splashed red, because Huo Tianci said it was extremely true.

As for the bottom line of this matter, it is also these Yuzhou Academy people who provoked first and ended up like this. They can only be counted as themselves, having only oneself to blame.

“A bunch of beasts! It deserves death!” Feng Zhao said scornfully. As for Wu Qiushuang, he was also decisive. After all, these people’s thoughts just now were extremely ugly. To be honest, if it weren’t for Huo Tianci who had the [Ghost Valley Spit Nashu] next to his body and detoxified the cartilage, he would die now. People who are, it must be them, and it is still the kind of humiliated death.

For this, Huo Tianci just said: “Now, it’s just the beginning, because of this kind of thing, you will experience more later.”

Huo Tianci said in a deep voice. Although he was the youngest among the ten people, the people he killed were definitely more than the other nine people combined. As for the survival experience in the wild, that was even more true.

After disposing of the corpses of ten people at Yuzhou Academy, Huo Tianci and the crowd continued to set off.

On the way, Huo Tianci asked Ye Lingfeng.

“Ye Senior Brother, last year’s team game, was it here at Thousand-Fold Mountain?” Because looking at Ye Lingfeng and the others, it seems that they are all here for the first time. Here.

Ye Lingfeng shook the head: “I was in the mountainside of the imperial city academy last year, but I’ve been to this place several times, but it’s all near the periphery, because I got to the middle circle. After the zone, you will meet people from other countries anytime and anywhere, but as long as you encounter it, it must be life and death.”

As for the reason for life and death, it is very simple. If you are not my race, your heart will be different! So everyone is Kill Kill Kill, because if you don’t kill him, then he will come to kill you. This is the case for people in your own country, let alone people from foreign countries.

As soon as these words came out, I saw the people who were a little slack, and immediately all of them were concentrated, because here, it is not you who die, that is, I die.

This is a world of killing! A life and death world!


A few arrows slammed out of the grass in front of me on the way.

“It’s dangerous, gurgling, I almost got shot through my head!” Fang Xing swallowed deeply, because there was an arrow just now, and it fiercely brushed his cheek.

Fang Xing thought it was his good luck, but in fact it was not. Huo Tianci used Great Heaven and Earth Shift to shift an inch at the crucial moment, the trajectory of the arrow flying. .

“Unexpectedly!” The young eagle-eyed man holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, frowned slightly, because his arrows have been hit by a hundred shots.

However, this time, it was all a little bit short, one inch short.

“I don’t believe it anymore!” As he said, this eagle-eyed young man placed four-fingered arrows directly on his bow. The surface of these arrows was carved with wings like feathers. The lines of the arrow, these lines, can instantly accelerate the speed of the arrow several times as soon as the arrow flies out.

This is why, Fang Xing, who is also the 2nd layer realm of the profound master, can’t hide from this arrow at all, because the speed of the arrow has already passed the realm of the profound master. .

“Give me…in!!!”

Close your eyes and pull the bowstring to the extreme. In an instant, the five fingers loosen, and immediately I see the one placed on the bow Four arrows, a trembling buzz, all swished out.

Finally, these four sharp arrows flew to Huo Tianci, Ye Lingfeng, Fang Xing and Tong Fang’s body respectively.

And looking at the flying trajectory, it should all directly hit the eyebrows, just when the eagle-eyed boy was preparing to celebrate.

Suddenly, the trajectory of the four arrows deviated again.

Great Heaven and Earth Shift!

A naked eye invisible moving force, like a wind wall formed by a gust of wind, it protects everyone, and finally the arrow meets the wind wall, and the trajectory will inevitably be staggered .

Don’t say so, Huo Tianci also took advantage of his strength to return the four arrows intact.

I saw the arrow that was controlled by the power of shifting, making a perfect circle in the Huo Tianci ten-person room. Finally, Huo Tianci shook his arm, and these four arrows actually compared At a faster speed before, he circled and shot back, and the target was pointed at the hands and feet of the eagle-eyed youth.

The eagle-eyed young man is a good archer. When he saw these arrows of strength and speed fly, he gave up resistance, because if he moved, maybe these original The sharp arrow that flew towards both of his hands would shoot directly through his heart, causing him to die instantly.

However, his idea is indeed right.

In the end, it is estimated that the strength is extremely strong. The eagle-eyed young man hiding in the grass was shot through his hands and feet in an instant. In the end, the powerful arrow even took his whole person, moved Towards a tree behind, flew away, and in the end it felt like Jesus was nailed to the cross, making him impossible to move even a little bit.

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