“Tie them all up to me, I will ask one by one later!”

“Yu Shao, I have no eyes! It’s me that damn it, I hope you must talk to this adult, Please plead! Because I really didn’t mean to contradict!”

Ye Yu, prepared to let him die: “It’s not a contradiction, it’s these tickets!”


As soon as the words came out, I saw the man named Zhang Ge, who immediately wilted like the eggplant that Shuang beat.

In the end, I saw Ye Yu and Huo Tianci, picking up all the tickets scattered on the ground, and then giving them free to those present who wanted to buy things in Taobao Auction House.

At the same time, Ye Yu also said: “I, Ye Yu, will give you an explanation for the high-priced ticket sale today! Here, I want to compensate you first, because after all , It’s my poor supervision, which has caused everyone’s misunderstanding. Finally, I will assure you that there will never be such a thing in the future!”

See Ye Yu, the Deputy Head President They all apologized so much, and the customers who were a bit angry before were relieved a lot.

“Almost a mouse shit, broke a pot of porridge! Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise, this Taobao Chamber of Commerce is the second Tianhe Chamber of Commerce.”

“I know Taobao Chamber of Commerce, I will definitely not do this kind of mischievous things, because these two silvers are not enough for them to give us free discounts!”

“This is also true, I Presumably, it must have been the ghosts of the few people just now.”…

When the misunderstanding was resolved, Huo Tianci was relieved, because he didn’t want his hard work and was It is ruined once, and there is, for the way of business, a word “faith” is the head, this can be considered Huo Tianci, the way of being a human being.

After the little episode, Huo Tianci returned to the crowd.

“It’s done, I got the admission ticket.” Huo Tianci gestured to the red wooden card in his hand and said to everyone.

The tickets for ordinary people are all paper, only VIP rooms, which are card-shaped, this can be considered Huo Tianci, I learned about VIP cards on the earth, of course, this card is made by redwood , And finally on it, the corresponding Formation is inscribed.

Finally, the array is carded, which echoes the array in the VIP Room, and the door of the VIP room is opened.

It’s kind of magical!

Taobao Auction House has three floors. The first floor is for ordinary seats and the second and third floors are for VIP boxes.

After that, Huo Tianci led the crowd and directly moved towards the second floor.

“Yo~, isn’t this the last last year, Fuzhou Academy.” Halfway through, a team of oncoming men and horses laughed at Huo Tianci and the others.

This group of people are wearing azure martial arts. The leader is two middle age persons wearing large and loose embroidered robes. As for the mockery just now, it is one of the middle age persons, chewing from the mouth Out of it.

As for some of the disciplines behind him, there are constant provocations.

“Fang Xing, I stepped on the sole of my foot last year, do you remember?” A tall man about 1.8 metres coldly said to Fang Xing who was walking behind.

Because Fang Xing, the second expert of Fuzhou Academy, was the last one last year and was rubbed on the ground by him. At that time, in order to humiliate the small city of Fuzhou City, this product would Star stepped on his feet and insulted in public.

After all, this dilapidated little city dared to yell at everyone that they were going to fly to the branches to become Phoenix and become County City. Obviously, Fuzhou Academy did not succeed last year, after all, it was the last one.

Even if Ye Lingfeng entered the top ten singles by the strength of oneself at the time, this still cannot be changed. The fact that Fuzhou City was the last one last year.

Because, except for Ye Lingfeng, everyone can use “garbage” to describe the truth.

But this year, it’s completely different, because this year Fuzhou Academy’s participating disciplines have all entered the realm of profound masters, including Huo Tianci, which has reached the peak of the 9th layer realm of profound masters. .

This level of strength, even in County City, is incomparable.

“Xuanshi 3rd-layer realm? This kind of rubbish strength, dare to come out and pretend to be forced?” Fang Xing did not dare to speak because he was so insulted last year that he faced this person again At that time, there was a shadow in his heart, but Huo Tianci would not be polite to him, just opened his mouth and shot back.

“Who are you talking about rubbish?” I was looked down upon by a 16-17 years old kid, who was big and tall, something uncomfortable.

However, Huo Tianci immediately made him feel refreshed to the extreme: “Sorry, I am not referring to you, I am just everyone present, all of them are rubbish strength!”

I didn’t wait for this afterwards. Help others to speak again, Huo Tianci has already revealed his strength.

The tall guy who wanted to do it saw this, and he staggered backwards immediately.

“Xuanshi realm, nine…nine…nine, 9th layer!” Not only this person, but other disciplines are also extremely shocked. As for the two middle age persons, their eyelids are already trembling. Come, because compared to the Peak Realm of the 9th layer of the mysterious master, their discipline is indeed rubbish strength.

Finally, Luoqiushan made a fiercely cut: “Xingyang County, a huge County City, does not even have a secret master’s 9th layer discipline. According to my opinion, Xing Xing Remove the county character of Yangjun, and replace it with the character of our city of Fuzhou!”

“You!” When the leader of Xingyang County heard this, it was annoying. At the same time, he was also speechless, because they did not have the discipline of the mysterious 9th layer realm. Because such disciplines basically went to the imperial city academy, how could they stay in their County? City among such small temples.

And this is why, the imperial city academy has always been a top-notch institution throughout the ages, because there are too many geniuses inside, and one person is enough to crush everything else.

“Good luck, even if there is a super genius, so what! Last year’s bottom, did you Fuzhou Academy, have you forgotten?” I guess there is nothing to say, the instructor of Xingyang County, It even talked about last year.

For this, I saw the disciplines of Fuzhou Academy, all unspokenly revealed the imposing manner on my body.

“No, no…impossible!” When the instructor of Xingyang County saw this, the whole person was completely stunned, because the strength of the ten people such as Huo Tianci is actually as high as a profound master. What’s more, the 5th layer of the Wu Qiushuang Profound Master Realm, the 6th-layer of the Ye Lingfeng Profound Master Realm, and the last Huo Tianci is the 9th layer Peak of the Profound Master Realm.

Such strength, really, is enough to beat them at Xingyang Academy, a County City Academy.

“This year, I will definitely make Fuzhou City a County City! Wait for you, just show me a look!” After dropping this sentence again, he flung his simple robe Qiu Shan led the crowd and left here.

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