In the end, I saw Lin Yue’s illusory shadow, which appeared out of thin air in front of Qiu Bin, based on the momentum of Formation.

Lin Yue can see Qiu Bin’s appearance through Formation, and vice versa. Qiu Bin is the same. This feeling is a bit the same as the virtual phantom array, but in fact it is not, but the function is almost the same that’s all .

“major event? What’s the matter?” Lin Yue frowned, because under normal circumstances, no one would use these methods to contact him, unless there is a major event. Love happens.

“The subordinate found a half-page of the Demon Art fragment, so I immediately reported it. Otherwise, the subordinate might miss Young Master and you, as well as the major event of the temple! “Qiu Bin speak frankly. Finally, he opened the half page of Demon Art fragments, opened it in his hand, and showed it to Lin Yue.

“Skull…legs!” Seeing this, Lin Yue opened his eyes slightly.

At the same time, Qiu Bin also said: “Master Lin Yue, as far as his subordinates know, this half page of Demon Art fragments is still from the deserted ancient land. Of course, it was originally It was a whole page, but it was divided into two by the person who got it. The subordinate thought, it was probably that person who wanted to make more money. That’s why he resorted to these three kinds of tricks. Finally , The subordinates also suspect that this fragment of Demon Art is actually the Weeping Blood Demon Sutra that has been lost for many years in the temple!”

The last four words of the Weeping Blood Demon Sutra come out, only feeling Lin Yue’s whole Everyone revealed a frenzy, and finally Lin Yue said: “Quickly catch that person! Young Master and I will come right away!”

“Lin Yue, this Demon Art fragment, and Not at our Tianhe Chamber of Commerce auction.”

“Not Tianhe Chamber of Commerce?” Lin Yue frowned, and then said: “is it possible that Great Liang Nation, there are other auctions House?” Lin Yue was not in the Great Liang Nation during this time, so he did not know what happened to Huo Tianci’s Taobao Chamber of Commerce.

But now, he knows, because Qiu Bin told him everything.

“Asshole! There is such a major event, why not report it right away!” Lin Yue was mad, and most of them were shocked, because Huo Tianci’s Taobao Chamber of Commerce turned out to be like this Bamboo shoots have sprung up after the rain, and they have stood up in an instant, even threatening their status as the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe.

Qiu Bin was so frightened, he immediately explained on his knees: “Belonging to…belonging to…belonging, subordinates thought that subordinates could control it, but didn’t expect, that Taobao Chamber of Commerce, it will be so powerful.”

Lin Yue didn’t speak, but first glanced at the fragment of Demon Art, and then at Qiu Bin who was shaking with fright, and then slowly said “Looking at the fact that you found the fragments of Demon Art, the merits and demerits are equal, this time, I will not cure you, but, just this once!” The words fell, but Lin Yue’s illusory shadow disappeared instantly.

On the other hand, Qiu Bin, who was so scared before, immediately changed his face and said fiercely fiercely: “Dog stuff, you actually took credit for me! Sooner or later, I will kill you! Then eat your meat, drink your blood, and finally, sit in your place! Because I am the president of these seven small countries!”

Qiu Bin is so mad because of this Lin Yue actually used these little tricks to take all of his credit. This is a human being, and that would be unhappy, let alone those bloodthirsty and murderous people who have a demonic path that will avenge revenge.

Three days later, Lin Yue and the Young Master finally arrived at the imperial city of Great Liang Nation.

However, after looking at it for a long time, they didn’t see the half-page of the Demon Art fragment. What is the name of it, because it is only half a page, and it is the second half.

“The fragment of the first half of the page, that Taobao Chamber of Commerce, when will it be shot?” The Young Master wearing a black robe said with a bit of unpleasant words.

Lin Yue did not speak, but looked at Qiu Bin, Qiu Bin thought to himself, you old dog! Because this is obviously the Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Chīmèi Divine Method, let him be a dead man, but who made him a low-level official, in the end Qiu Bin had no choice but to say: “The subordinates have already found out, it is the day after tomorrow.”

“Then the person who sold the Demon Art fragments, have you found it?”

“The subordinates have already looked for it, but unfortunately, there is no clue.” Qiu Bin trembling with fear replied, for fear that it will provoke the master in front of him, with a slight displeasure.

But the absence of these two words has already made this Young Master very unhappy. However, it was discovered that the broken scroll has merit after all, so this Young Master will do that’s all once. Otherwise, this Qiu Bin, is already dead.

At this moment, Lin Yue, who had said nothing before, suddenly opened his mouth: “Young Master, the subordinates listened to some seniors of the temple, and talked about a way to verify the authenticity of the magic scriptures. Method.”

The method, this Young Master does not know it, but this Demon Art, there is not even a page, how to verify this.

“It’s better to try than not to try.” In the end, I saw Lin Yue and locked his eyes on Qiu Bin.

“Qiu Bin, Young Master lends you a blood essence to use it. It should be no problem.”

As soon as these words came out, I saw Qiu Bin in the heart. Let’s go through the eighteen generations of Lin Yue’s ancestors, because blood essence is the essence of martial artist within the body. If this is used, it will hurt the vitality. No matter how bad luck is, maybe even The cultivation realm of a martial artist will reduce retrogression.

But Qiu Bin dare not say no, because the consequence of saying no is definitely just a dead word. In the end, he can only put his fist on his chest and replied to the Young Master: “Mo Speaking of blood essence, even if the Young Master wants the life of his subordinates, the subordinates will be loyal immediately!”

When the words fell, I saw Qiu Bin, who immediately bit his tongue, and then he The pure blood essence was handed over to the Young Master.

The Young Master saw this, slowly nodded, because this is what a saint should perform.

“Very well, when this Demon Art fragment is over, you will go to the temple with me and accept the baptism of the Holy Lord! Because we Holy Sect, we will never treat our saints badly!”

“Thank you Young Master!”

In the end, I saw that Young Master. Using this blood essence, I painted a strange one on the half page of the Demon Art scroll. symbol.

Immediately, a weird scene appeared. I saw the skeleton on the painting, as if it had come to life, but this scene only existed in an instant. After all, this is only a half-page of Demon Art. Moreover, the weight of blood essence is not enough.

But to be able to see this is enough, because this is enough to show that this half-page of the Demon Art fragment is the Weeping Demon Sutra.

“Okay, very good! You guys, all of you have done a great job this time, and all have a great reward!” This also made this Young Master depressed for many days and completely disappeared, because last time Dayue Secret Realm The matter made him very unhappy, but now, it is not important anymore, because the appearance of this half-page Demon Art fragment has already helped him make up for all the previous losses.

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