“Shopkeeper, you have the strength of the Profound Master Realm, and this Little Brother is just a profound practitioner. I think this has nothing to do with the steel knife, this is the crush of that hard power.”

“That’s right, even if your profound master does not use weapons, you can easily break this iron camphor wood, but our profound master is extremely difficult. I feel that you were fooling people just now.”

Finally, some onlookers even said that the “Taobao Chamber of Commerce” would treat them as monkeys and deceive them. Because of the comparison just now, there is no comparability at all, because the strength of the knife holder is too big. .

“Quite all of you, since you said that the strength of the sword-bearers is too large, it’s better to be like this. My kid, this year’s eleventh, strength, the realm of the 3rd-layer, let He is worse than the Little Brother.”

In the next second, I saw the little ghost head holding the Offensive Talisman Wengang knife in one hand, and moved towards the iron camphor wood body. Cut the past.

While swinging the knife, they saw everyone holding their breath, because they didn’t know why, they just felt that the iron camphor wood would break.

As a result, it really is.


I saw that iron camphor wood was cut off in an instant. At the same time, everyone was beaten in the face by pa pa pa.

“If anyone still doesn’t believe me, you can try it, but it’s a pity that Little Brother, who has worked so hard to save three years of silver, finally bought a bad knife, because The first-class steel knives for ordinary yellowware in our Taobao Chamber of Commerce are only sold at 998,000 taels! As for this fine-quality yellowware first-class steel knives in my hand, it only costs 110 100,000 taels.

Apart from this, we also have other types of high-quality steel knives for everyone to choose from. For example, this one, this one has a faster swing speed than ordinary Grade 1 Yellow Grade steel knives , As for this model, it has higher sharpness, and even can ignore the treasure armor on the opponent’s body, and this model can increase the speed of the use of swords and knives, Blade Technique Sword Art. “

These words from the shopkeeper are what made everyone hear them in the cloud, because they have never heard of these powers.

In the end, someone said: “shopkeeper, or you, just show me the demonstration.”

“That’s right, otherwise, we always feel that we are not at ease. .”

For this, shopkeeper’s only smiled slightly: “You don’t believe me, think I’m bragging, well, I’m just as you wish, one by one, with You guys have a good display.”

One hour later, the shopkeeper’s display was finished, but the expressions of these customer Lords have all become stunned, because they only knew from this moment. It turns out that weapons can still be played like this.

“Bring me a sword to speed up!”

“I want it to break the defense!”

“Speed ​​up the use of the Blade Technique That one, please bring me one!”


In the end, I saw Taobao Chamber of Commerce, which was crowded by countless martial artists because of comparison with Tianhe Chamber of The weapon in Commerce, Taobao Chamber of Commerce, is cheaper. However, this is not the point. The point is, it must be even more powerful.

“Then this knife of mine, didn’t you lose money.” This made Little Brother, who just bought the steel knife in Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, looked lonely.

For this, the shopkeeper of Taobao Chamber of Commerce immediately said:

“Little Brother, don’t worry, to celebrate the successful opening of our Taobao Chamber of Commerce, we start from From today to the end of the month, there will be an old-for-new event, that is, if you take your original weapon and make up a certain price difference, we can exchange you for a weapon of the same quality with the magical rune engraved on it. .”

As soon as these words came out, the audience was boiling, because this activity was too conscientious.

“Thank you shopkeeper, how much difference do I need to make up for?”

“The first five customers who enter the store to trade in for the old, we will exchange it for them for free, Little Brother , Congratulations, I grabbed the first place for free exchange!”

“What? Free exchange! Really or fake? This is too conscientious!”

“This is the Chamber of Commerce of conscience. Tianhe Chamber of Commerce used to be a big one. Now with this Taobao Chamber of Commerce, we have another choice.”

” Do I have to choose? Come to Taobao directly! What a conscientious Chamber of Commerce, anyway, I now buy things in this Taobao Chamber of Commerce, not to mention cheap, but also affordable.”

“That’s it.”

In this way, the counter for the trade-in event was instantly overwhelmed by many customers.

“Really sorry, five free exchange quotas are gone every day. After all, free benefits are given. We can’t lose money. Just go bankrupt, don’t you think.”


The customer finished listening, nodded, and expressed understanding, and then the customer said again: “It’s okay, I pay the money directly, I want the kind that can speed up the sword, by the shopkeeper, how much do I need to make up for? The price difference?”

“It’s definitely not expensive, just this number, but don’t, tell other people, I think you have a good eye, otherwise, you must definitely double. this can be considered, give you a small benefit.”

“Thank you shopkeeper, next time I buy something, I will definitely come to your Taobao Chamber of Commerce.”

“Thank you for your support Thank you for your support.”

In this way, with a little favor, Taobao Chamber of Commerce has won everyone’s heart.

However, the plans for these activities are all Huo Tianci’s methods. It has to be said that the sales methods on the earth are indeed a bit crazy. Huo Tianci only used a few tricks to make countless People who like his shop.

At the same time, Huo Tianci is still thinking about whether he wants to engage in a big event similar to “Double Eleven”, to be more happy, of course, the purpose of this is just to impact Tianhe Chamber of Commerce’s business dominance.

One week later, imperial city, Tianhe Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

“Mr. Qiu, the Taobao Chamber of Commerce today launched a high-end talisman, which was a secretly snapped up by a subordinate. I have to say, their sales methods It’s really amazing. The top ten shoppers can get a 10% discount, pay a deposit and book weapons, and you can get a 10% discount. It is precisely because of this that almost no one cares about the Tianhe Chamber of Commerce in the past few days.”

“How did these people appear!” This chief Qiu, whose name is Qiu Bin, is the chief chief of Great Liang Nation, Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, and the top leader. At this time, he is fast Turned white overnight.

Because it hasn’t arrived for a week, an anonymous little Chamber of Commerce has threatened the foundation of their Tianhe Chamber of Commerce. This is an unimaginable thing.

Just as Qiu Bin was at a loss, a piece of even worse news came.

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