“Stop it all!” In the next second, he immediately raised his hand to signal to the people coming from behind, because the front 100 meters, there was a maze, and ordinary people would get lost in it.

“Mission? That Captain, they are not…” After hearing this, cold sweat broke out from his back, because seven full days have passed.

“Sacrificing for the Young Master and dying for the temple, this is a kind of glory!” The “sir” said with a pious face, and then only saw other people and put his left arm on He looked up at the sky and said: “For the Young Master! For the temple! For the Great Yue Kingdom!”

“Now those with high spirit strength, follow me, and the rest are on standby.” This “adult” was about to go in and find out, he even felt this way, that the fourth stone key must be in it.

However, he really guessed it right.

“It turned out to be here!” Huo Tianci, who opened his eyes for treasure hunting in the Blood Fiend Temple, finally found the stone key behind the giant portrait in front of the altar in the side hall.

This stone key is made of a black stone. It has no stronghold one cannot overcome. If it looks like this, it is 1/4 of a circle. It seems that four pieces must be collected to make a perfect one. The key, in the end, to open the door somewhere.

Huo Tianci guessed this way, but it was pretty close, because it was the case.

In the end, because the blood evil temple was cleaned up, Huo Tianci and Luo Yong had the intention to go out.

“Brother Huo, are you going to destroy this magic temple?” Luo Yong asked before leaving.

Huo Tianci looked around all around, thinking to himself, he is powerless, because of the profound tool, he can’t hurt this hall.

“This, too.” Luo Yong scratched his head, showing embarrassment, but it is still possible to seal the gate of the magic temple.

Huo Tianci, who left last, used the detonation talisman to blow up the gate of the magic hall.

To be honest, the gate was intact, but the rocks on the gate fell and finally sealed the stone gate that’s all. I have to say that Huo Tianci still thinks right, because this magic temple , But it was created by a Demon Emperor. How could this be a martial artist who could not reach the two mysterious Spirit Realms, a destructible existence.

The sound of the explosion resounded a little bit through the sky. In the end, it not only disturbed the demonic weapon ghost generals in this graveyard, but even the mysterious black robed man who had just stepped into the graveyard. I was taken aback. One was that it came too suddenly, and the other was that it was extremely weird, because this is the land of Secret Realm, and now there is a sudden explosion, which must be weird.

So these mysterious black robed man immediately followed the direction of the sound and rushed away.

“There is Ghost Soldier! There are ghosts! is it possible that, the legend is true, there is really a temple in it?” The leader of the “adult” was extremely shocked.

Looking at the other followers, they are all extremely excited, because if they find the temple, their souls will be “sublimated” forever, when the time comes into the “temple”, then But it is extremely glorious.

But the Ghost Soldier in front of them is not something they can resist, but they have a way to deal with it.

“Swallow demonic energy and disperse it!” said the “soul”.

This demonic energy is scattered. It is a special medicine powder specially made by the people of demonic path. After swallowing it, it can temporarily conceal the “popularity” of living people. In this way, they You can mix in the Ghost Soldier, these “dead things”.

Although medicine efficacy is so, these mysterious black robed man are still a little timid, because if something goes wrong, then they are these Ghost Soldiers, ghosts, fish and meat on the cutting board Of course, they are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that they have not completed the sacred task assigned to them by the Young Master.

Cautiously walked out, after seeing the Ghost Soldier ghosts there was nothing unusual, they dared to continue to accelerate their pace, to the location where the explosion sounded, and quickly rushed away.

The other side.

Huo Tianci and Luo Yong are fleeing like crazy, because the sound of the explosion just now attracted countless Ghost Soldiers.

However, just when these Ghost Soldiers were about to catch these two people, they saw a whistling sound, and they disappeared into the ground.

“Damn, there are so many!” Although Huo Tianci gasping for breath, the expression of excitement on his face became more and more intense.

Finally, he looked at Luo Yong’s body.

“Brother Yong, know what to do later, right?” Huo Tianci said hehe haha.

In contrast to Rayong, his face was stunned: “What should I do?”

“Just to attract those, Ghost Soldiers, when the time comes, I use one Magic weapon, kill them directly.” This is the countermeasure Huo Tianci thought of before.

Huo Tianci was originally prepared to use Shadow Clone to seduce, but Shadow Clone does not have a trace of “popularity”. Although it can attract those Ghost Soldier ghosts, it will not be like just now. A large group is attracted directly.

But Rayong is different. He looks so white and fat, and he knows it is delicious.

“Brother Huo, I am strong, not fat.” Luo Yong thought to himself, you are trying to harm me.

“Then you go or not!” Huo Tianci changed the appearance of hehe haha 鈥嬧€媌efore, and began to become more serious, and then he used some sugar-coated cannonballs to start the temptation: “Those Ghost Soldier ghosts , There are at least a few hundred large, 10%, that is at least a few dozen yuan, of course, dozens of yuan, certainly can not make you breakthrough to the 30th order of spirit strength, but I have a special method to make one piece Spirit Soul spar directly becomes five or six. When the time comes, these dozens of Spirit Soul spar will turn into hundreds of Spirit Soul spar. Is your heart moving?”

“Hmm.” Luo Yong nodded.

“Also, do you want to become the Master of Symbol Array?”


“Since I want to, when I am done, I will Let the master of a rune formation accept you as a disciple and call you the technique of rune formations. Now, I will tell you the plan in detail.”

I have to say that it is really difficult to fool people.

“Brother Huo, you said that your magic weapon can destroy hundreds of Ghost Soldiers with one shot. Then, can I survive?” Luo Yong said with a sad expression.

“Didn’t I say that, you use the Escape Talisman to escape first, and then I will explode!” As for what this magic weapon is, I believe many people have already guessed it.

Yes, it is the rpg rocket launcher. Huo Tianci has carried it on his shoulders, and the warhead Huo Tianci is going to use is the armor-piercing high-explosive warhead, when the time When comes out, there will definitely be a bang, and then a piece of fire sea, and at the end, just wait for the Spirit Soul spar, hua hua’s rain.

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