Because it feels like a waste of how to use it, this Gold Coin card, Huo Tianci has never been used, after all, there is only this one.

“Wait until the business, when entering the Huolan Nation, use it again.” Huo Tianci secretly thought.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the birthday reward-the art of fire escape from the fairy fire!

“There is actually a reward!” Huo Tianci was a little surprised, but what made him even more surprised was that this reward turned out to be a ninjutsu.

[Fire escape phoenix fire technique]: One of the fire escape ninjutsu in the anime “Naruto”. Basic ninjutsu commonly used by the Uchiha clan (Grade C). Fireball is continuously spit out from the mouth. The attack trajectory is like the fruit of impatiens. The trajectory of Fireball can be manipulated by chakra, and at the same time, shuriken can be added to enhance the formidable power.

“Damn, I don’t have shurikens.” After seeing the introduction, Huo Tianci made a little complaint, but Huo Tianci can make it.

Eight Trigrams Furnace was taken out, and immediately after a thought moved, Divine Fire of Six Ding within it, helped Huo Tianci to make a five-handed sword.

“This trick is also good.” Huo Tianci was a little excited. After all, anime fans, now being able to use the moves in anime characters, will be a little excited.

When I get here, the birthday rewards are gone. I have to say, they are quite generous. One directly increases the cultivation base and the other passive cultivation. As for Durex, it is a daily necessities, the last fire escape Phoenix Fairy Fire The technique gave Huo Tianci another attack method.

Compared with the Phoenix Fire, Huo Tianci wants more Fireball, because the formidable power of the Fireball is greater than that of the Phoenix Fire. Of course, the Phoenix Fire There is also an advantage, that is, it can control the trajectory of the Fireball.

Yes, each has its own advantages.

In this way, another day was prepared. On the morning of the fourth day, Huo Tianci, who had everything ready, came to Martial Palace again.

“This task is of great importance. If you have specific issues, when you arrive at the destination, the Chief Elder of Tianhe Chamber of Commerce will explain to you. Now, let’s go!” After Qi, Elder Li led everyone out.

After counting, there are as many as twenty people.

Along the way, no one spoke, they all bowed their heads and hurryed. Finally, I saw a group of Huo Tianci, leaving the Great Liang Nation boundary, and came to a heavy mountain jungle.

“This is Wuyue Mountain!” Huo Tianci frowned slightly. As for why Huo Tianci knew this place name, it was because this place was related to the Great Yue country 1600 years ago.

According to Huo Tianci’s reading of ancient books, the Wuyue Mountain was the heir of the emperor of the Dayue Kingdom 1600 years ago, and was the place where Martial Dao was secretly refined. Later, due to the destruction of the Dayue Kingdom, it completely disappeared.

“Since it has disappeared, why come here?” This made Huo Tianci a little confused.

But the chief Elder of Martial Palace helped Huo Tianci and the others solve this puzzle.

At the foot of a hidden mountain in Wuyue Mountain, at this moment, there are already countless black robed man wearing Martial Palace black robe, and at last I saw an old man with a white beard. In front of everyone.

This person is Lin Yue, the chief Elder of the Great Liang Nation, Martial Palace.

“I have seen Lin Yue Elder!” In the next second, countless black robed man cup one fist in the other hand saluted, Lin Yue waved his hand, indicating that everyone does not need to be polite, and wait to look around everyone. Later, he said.

“This mission is called Secret Realm Treasure Treasure. Someone among you should have been there before. As for where this Secret Realm is, I won’t go in circles with you anymore. It was 1600 years ago. , The place of Martial Dao where the princes of Dayue Kingdom had been refining Martial Dao. Although Dayue Kingdom has been destroyed, this Secret Realm is still there. As for where is this Secret Realm.” When he said this, Lin Yue paused. Then he turned to look at the middle age person behind him: “Lao Fang, open it.”

“Yes.” After saying yes, he saw the person called Lao Fang in his arms. I took out a jade token, and the jade token was so golden. I knew it was not a normal thing at first glance. In the end, I saw this old man and inserted the golden jade token into a small slot at the foot of the mountain.

For a while, the mountain rustled slightly, and gradually, a stone gate secretly thought appeared in front of everyone.

The secretly thought gave out a white aperture, which was not like Zeng Xiantong. After this scene appeared, I saw countless black robed men, all of them gaping.

“The place where Martial Dao is practiced, is it possible that is a different space!!!”

Among the crowd, there seems to be someone who knows.

Lin Yue looked at the person who made the sound, and then nodded: “Yes, the Martial Dao place where the prince of the Great Yue Kingdom used to be the Secret Realm was a different space. That’s why, this place, back then The reason why it has not been completely destroyed, as for what the different space is, the old man will take advantage of the leisure time when the entrance is opened, and talk to everyone.”

“The different space is actually some Hidden spaces that have not been discovered before. Most of these spaces are naturally formed, but among them, out of the ordinary, there are some Heavenspan Great Experts, which smash the spaces and open them up by themselves. As for those Great Experts, why open up this space It was nothing more than raising spiritual animals, cultivating spiritual grass, and asking for convenience. In the end, Great Expert left due to some reasons, and these vaults containing heavenly materials and earthly treasures died out. I guess that Dayue Country was accidental. I got such a treasure of Great Expert’s Secret Realm Space. In the end, I hid it privately and used it as the practice field of the princes. Unfortunately, after the Great Yue Kingdom was destroyed, this place disappeared.”

“Fortunately, in the past few years, we have been inadvertently obtained by Martial Palace, but it is a pity that although we have repaired the channel connecting different spaces, the channel entrance is extremely unstable, and only Martial artists below the realm of the Profound Master can barely enter it. Otherwise, if the strength is too strong, the tunnel will not be able to support it. At that time, the passage will be broken. Maybe the martial artist who enters it will be affected by the turbulent space channel. , Torn to pieces, which is why, Martial Palace will select you talents and come here.”

“so that’s how it is.” Huo Tianci suddenly realized that, afterwards, this Lin Yue Elder, I told you about the precautions of Secret Realm.

“Because the entrance was once destroyed, and our repair capabilities are also limited, so each time this entrance is opened, it can only last for ten days at most. That is to say, you can only Stay in it for ten days. If you can’t get out after ten days, you must stay in it forever. You must remember this.”

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