Why is this? why?

Those Martial Palace Elders have been asking themselves this sentence, as for others, they are relatively calm, because they have seen this way of winning seven or eight times before. .

I have to say that the insider is watching the doorway, and the outsider is watching the excitement.

“Is it possible that this is a spirit strength attack!” Elder Li seems to have seen some clues, but he is not quite sure because of such a spirit strength attack, he is the first Once I saw it, after all, in his memory, the spirit strength attack only dazzled the enemy’s head, and such a terrifying fear that caused the enemy to collapse completely, he had never seen it.

I have to say that Elder Li鈥檚 guess is right, but he only guessed half of it, because Huo Tianci鈥檚 this move is based on the spirit strength attack. , That is, Hu Weihai, applied a certain Illusion Technique. In the end, as long as the spirit strength is not as high as Huo Tianci, then it will definitely have a mental breakdown, leading to a coma. If it looks like it, it seems to be shocked. It is almost that. Make sense.

“This lonely night must have a very powerful spirit strength that people can reach! Is it possible that, he is still an Array Master?” Elder Li speculated.

It’s a pity that he didn’t guess everything, because Huo Tianci, not only the Array Master, but also the pill concocting controller, he has a hand.

“Who is next!” After just a stare, after killing Hu Weihai in seconds, Huo Tianci began to look around all around, looking forward to the next opponent on stage.

Unfortunately, no one dared to do it next, because the methods Huo Tianci revealed had completely scared everyone in the Martial Arena.

What’s more, Huo Tianci has not made a move, in their eyes.

So they simply don鈥檛 know, if Huo Tianci makes a move, what the result will be, and because of this, they are all wondering if Huo Tianci makes a move, would they? It was instantly killed by Huo Tianci, and it became die without a whole corpse.

“My God, no one dared to challenge again on stage!”

Waiting for one minute, no one dared to come on stage, waiting for a quarter of an hour, there is still only Huo Tianci in the ring , In the end, I saw an incredible sound from the audience, because of this situation, there has never been an appearance on the martial stage challenged by the ground.

This kind of strength, this kind of mysterious, is really incredible.

In the end, there was no way. Martial Palace Elder, who was the referee, had to announce that Huo Tianci had won the seventh straight victory.

After that, the referee Elder looked around all around and asked everyone: “The eighth straight win, someone dares to come on stage and fight this expert?”

As a result, no one Dare to answer, all around there is a dead silence, like ten thousand li World of Ice and Snow, shivering and not daring to say a word.

“The ninth consecutive victory, anyone dares to challenge?” Elder asked again, and as a result, as before, no one dared to answer.

“Congratulations to this lonely night, becoming an expert on the list, 8273!” After Elder read his name, he suddenly froze for a while, and then only saw him speak to himself : “Guye, such a familiar name.”

This name is Elder Li just now. He didn鈥檛 care much about the list given to him at first, but now, he browses tightly knit. Get up, because everyone is exclaiming at this time.

“It turned out to be Lonely Night!”

“Who is this Lonely Night?” Some novices didn’t know.

But some people who knew it answered him: “I have won it before, super genius who is the number one on the list!”

“Where the number one is the first? is it possible that, Is it the one who has been in the Liang Daily?” Everyone suddenly realized that as soon as this was said, Elder, the referee, was of course no exception.

“No wonder, strength crushes everything, it turned out to be Lonely Night!”

However, this is not the point. The point is that Huo Tianci was won 3-4 months ago Fan ranked first, and now, he actually broke into the local list.

Think of this, everyone is even more horrible to see, because this is even more exaggerated!

“3-4 months, from the body refinement to the Profound Master Realm, is this servant still a human being!” Everyone was amazed, because such a leap, even a genius, at least has to be For three or four years, as for not being a genius, ten or eight years is the majority. Even if it is three or 40 years, there are many people, and Huo Tianci, 3-4 months have done this, it all amazes them, this Wait for the monster-like growth rate.

“Do you guess this lonely night, will it be the same as last time, and won the first place in that place.” Some people began to speculate about this. After all, this is not someone else, but that Gu Ye, a peerless great genius who had not been for a long time before, relying on his incomparable strength, defeated the eleventh prince Liang Zhan in one fell swoop, and directly won the first place on the Fan List.

“I think, this squad! But it is hard to say whether it can win the first place on the list, because there are countless super powerhouses on the list, but this lonely night into the top 100, it should be nothing big Question.”

Just as everyone was whispering, Huo Tianci on the ring clinked in his mind the system hint after the task was completed.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for completing the first ring of the [challenging list] task and becoming an expert on the list.

“ding” gets the task reward鈥斺€斻€怚ntermediate lottery bag銆?1.

“Ding” [Challenge Landing List] The second ring of the mission is opened, and it enters the top one thousand places. The mission reward-[Intermediate lottery bag]*2.

Since the system hint is available, everyone is looking forward to it, so Huo Tianci directly chose to continue the challenge.

Of course, the place to continue the challenge is not here, but in the battle room.

Because of the previous use, Huo Tianci is very handy this time.

After entering the battle room, the virtual phantom array started to operate immediately, and then I saw Huo Tianci, who directly said to the ranking spirit: “I want to challenge the expert who is the thousandth place ranking.”

The spirit of the earth list not at all answered directly, but after a few seconds of silence, then he said: “In verifying the identity, the challenger: Gu Ye, No. 8273 on the earth list, The highest record in the past, the first in the general list, the yellow list record: none, the mysterious list record: none.”

“Now, if you want to challenge the list, the thousandth expert Huang Liang.”

“Huang Liang is not in the battle room, 987th expert Wu Guang, is looking for an opponent, do you want to challenge him?”

“Challenge rewards and punishments, succeed, directly replace Wu Guang, Become the 987th expert on the top of the ranking list; if you fail, you will be expelled directly from the ranking list. Please consider it carefully.”

Finally, the ranking list spirit of this place also added a sentence.

“The penalty for failure is so severe!” This made Huo Tianci sigh, because he lost, he had to start all over again, starting from the Martial Arena like Blade Mountain oil pan, once again Getting a ten-game winning streak is a terrifying thing, but for Huo Tianci, it’s still very simple, but for others, it is definitely Blade Mountain oil pan, which is not an exaggeration at all.

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