“My little friend, hurry up here, please, is there anything I can help?” The guardian Martial Arena Elder looked very excited, because he can win the first place in the list, that is all a genius amongst geniuses, such a person, no matter where he is, he is a guest on the seat, and finally this Elder moved the seat under his buttocks behind Huo Tianci.

For this, Huo Tianci was a little embarrassed, and then he bluntly said: “This is Sir Elder. This time I will come here to earn some martial value and upgrade the Martial Palace token. Finally, take some High Rank missions to do.”

“Wu value? You show me the token.” This Elder is named Li, and then I saw this Elder Li, slightly wrinkled He raised his eyebrows, because everyone on the list shouldn’t be so chilly, and they should all come here to use gambling and fighting to earn martial value.

Since I don’t know which piece Elder Li is referring to, Huo Tianci directly handed over the two tokens to him.

“So you are the Lone Night!” Turning over the Fanbang token, I saw this Elder Li, and he was shocked instantly, because at the bottom of the Fanbang token, it was engraved The word guye, and the name of guye, is known to everyone in Wushi. After all, within half a day, he defeated the eleventh prince Liang Zhan in one fell swoop, and finally won the number one person on the list.

This number one title is so-called heavy. It is precisely because of this that Great Liang Nation’s National Daily Daliang Daily also specifically reported on Lonely Night. Such an honor is definitely not The existence that ordinary people can enjoy.

“Suck!” In the end, Elder Li was still deeply sucked in a cold breath. After so surprised for a long time, he slowly vomited it out, because this really surprised him. Up.

“Wooden token, and only ten points of martial value! You…” After activating another token, this Elder Li was even more surprised by 30%, because ten points of martial value , You can get it by just doing a small task, and then talk about the wooden token, it shouldn’t be, because the wooden token does not meet the status of Huo Tianci, who was once the number one on the list.

“Is it possible that this lonely night, is a pseudo-genius?” When he saw this, Elder Li suddenly muttered these words.

The pseudo-genius mentioned by Elder Li means that when he is in a realm, he is particularly powerful, but after the breakthrough, he disappears completely.

For this, Huo Tianci is also embarrassed, because he has never been to this Martial Palace since he was in the Profound Apprentice Realm, so he didn’t fight for anything like Huangbang or Xuanbang. Finally, it was reasonable to cause this Elder Li misunderstanding.

“Elder Li, it’s like this. I have never been to Martial Palace since the breakthrough to the Profound Realm, so these tokens have never been upgraded.” Huo Tianci told the truth.

Looking at Elder Li, he immediately understood the nodded: “It turned out to be like this, so you can take the liberty to ask, what is your current strength…”

For this, Huo Tianci immediately Pretending to be compelling: “The kid is not talented, right now Xuanshi’s 5th layer level.”

“What are you talking about? Xuan…Xuan…Xuan, Xuanshi!” Elder Li looked awkward, just like that. After a daze for a while, he thought he had just misheard: “You said you…what state?” Elder Li asked again.

And Huo Tianci still pretended to be unmistakable: “Immediately the 5th layer of the profound master.”

“Suck~~~!” This made Elder Li amazed. There was a lack of oxygen, because he did a rough calculation, the time between Huo Tianci’s first place in the Fan List and now, it seems that it has not even been half a year.

For half a year, from the first stage of the Profound Disciple Realm, I leap directly to the 5th layer of the Profound Master Realm, this…

This Elder Li thought to himself, I want to commit suicide, because it took him 30 years to do so. On the contrary, Huo Tianci only took less than half a year.

“Little friend, do you want to challenge the ranking list?” Elder Li wants to see the upper limit of Huo Tianci.

For system, it slammed immediately.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for triggering the task-the [challenge list] task.

“ding” [Challenge to the list], the first task is activated, the task is required to become an expert on the list, the task reward, [intermediate lottery bag]*1.

To be honest, Huo Tianci originally wanted to decline, because his current purpose is only to earn some martial value, and then to take the High Rank mission that’s all in Martial Palace, but the system suddenly triggered The task instantly disrupted Huo Tianci’s rhythm.

Because the rewards in the [intermediate lottery bag] are much better than the [elementary talisman gift package], and even if the task is received, the system will not give the rewards of the [elementary talisman gift package] , Then there are two more talks, and the [intermediate lottery bag] is different, because there are so many good things in it, almost nothing is lost.

[Intermediate lottery bag]: After opening, it can be randomly obtained, Pill Recipe reward, talisman drawing method reward, cultivation base value reward, golden lottery coin reward, platinum lottery coin reward, and special lottery fragments, six One of the rewards.

Because of this, Huo Tianci finally agreed to Elder Li’s suggestion without even thinking about it.

And Elder Li is also great, and then I saw him say to Huo Tianci again: “Lonely night, if you can enter the ranking list, then I will make an exception and give you a chance to do a big task. , By the way, do you know that Vermilion Fruit of that century?” Finally, Elder Li also questioned Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci certainly knows, because the one from the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe was photographed by him. Seriously, it’s a bit unpalatable, but the added cultivation base value makes Huo Tianci amazed, at least 100 million , If the face is good, 200 million can be.

“Of course I know that eating one piece can increase the martial artist’s ten years of hard cultivation. It is one of the best heavenly material earthly treasures of martial artist cultivation under the mysterious Spirit Realm. “Huo Tianci said.

“Is it possible that this task…” Elder Li said that, but Huo Tianci suddenly thought of something.

In the end, I didn’t wait for Huo Tianci to say it, but I saw that Elder Li was already nodded: “Yes, this task is related to the hundred years of Vermilion Fruit, and more than that, so you must Cherish this opportunity, because as long as you miss it, there will never be another time.”

“Boy, many thanks Elder Li!” Huo Tianci thanked him more, because it surprised him so much.

“Go, take out your strength, and let me have a look.” Elder Li is looking forward to it, looking forward to the performance of Huo Tianci, who once won the Number One Person of Fanban.

Compared with the original Fanban, Huo Tianci walked into the War Zone domain after carefully understanding the rules.

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