But Huo Tianci is now.

“Damn, these two old bastards secretly made extra money without telling me!” Not surprisingly, that strange article is the junior Offensive Talisman taught by Huo Tianci from Master Cui Yuan As for the refining material, it is estimated that it is also the mysterious iron of Huo Tianci.

Finally, this first-class profound sword was sold at a high price of 1,600 low grade profound stones.

“Damn, it turned out to be the second one too!”

The next second lot is also the work of master Teng Qing, but the type has changed from profound sword to profound armor. .

Of course, Teng Qing and Master Cui Yuan, not at all, secretly sold Huo Tianci on their backs, but they couldn’t tell that’s all if Huo Tianci was not in Fuzhou City some time ago.

“Finally here!” After the two mysterious artifacts, one of today’s protagonists, Grade 9 True Blood Dan, was auctioned.

Looking at the profound pill surrounded by three pill patterns on the auction stage, everyone is a bit suffocated, because it is too beautiful and too dazzling, it looks like an unpolished jade that has been carefully crafted. People are relaxed and joyful extremely.

Sniff your nose and you will find that medicine pill’s pill fragrance is all over the auction hall. I have to say that Xuan Pill is Xuan Pill.

“This pill, named Grade 9 True Blood Dan, as for the effect, everyone should know that as long as you swallow it, you can directly increase the martial artist, three years of penance.” Auctioneer Mei announced, slowly introduced, and in the end, she also stated the auction reserve price of one of the Grade 9 True Blood Dans.

“The reserve price is five hundred low grade black stones, and each increase shall not be less than 50 yuan.” Three pieces are auctioned at a time, which will reduce the enthusiasm of customers to bid, because some customers may not I want to buy three, because of this, a single auction is generally slightly higher than the final price of three auctions together. Therefore, Tianhe Chamber of Commerce will use these three Grade 9 True Blood Dans. Sold separately.

“I am out of six hundred!” As soon as the beautiful Auctioneer finished speaking, Huo Tianci called six hundred immediately.

This shout attracted the attention of many people, because six hundred profound stones, but 60 Million tael of silver, these huge amounts are not ordinary people, they can be taken out. It is precisely because of this that some curious people want to see who this local tyrant is.

It’s a pity that Huo Tianci’s face is hidden by the black robe, and everyone can’t see it.

There are many black robed man like this in Auction House, and their purpose is almost the same, just don’t want others to see their face, after all, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

However, people with deep backgrounds don’t need to do this, because they all rely on their families. In the end, even if someone wants to beat their crooked minds, they have to see whether those people can Can bear the anger of this family.

Unfortunately, Huo Tianci is not such a rich and second generation, so I can only wear a black robe in a mask.

“This is not the one just now, how stupid people are.” Some people recognized Huo Tianci, because Huo Tianci bought three yellow tools in a row, they still remember the stupid thing.

“This person is indeed a bit stupid. I don’t know if I bought it too much. I still have two yellow devices. I think it’s useless to buy them. In my opinion, it’s better to give me one.” After all, three Huo Tianci can’t use weapons together. It is precisely because of this that many people remember Huo Tianci, remember that this person has a lot of stupid money.

For this, Huo Tianci just wants to say, the poverty is so wide, you care how I buy things.

“I pay six hundred and fifty yuan!”

At this moment, the person at the front of Auction House called out the price of six hundred and fifty low grade black stones. .

In contrast to Huo Tianci, immediately exited 750.

This frightened the person, and immediately sat down, because 750 low-grade black stones far exceeded the price of a Grade 9 True Blood Dan.

For the next two pieces, Huo Tianci didn’t want to waste time, and directly shouted the price of 750 low grade black stones.

For this, some people who hate the rich are imbalanced in their hearts. After all, why are you richer than me, and why are you handsomer than me.

In the end, there was a second product, and also called out the price of 800 yuan of low grade black stone. This second product thought that Huo Tianci had a lot of stupid money and would continue to increase it, but unfortunately He thinks too much, because Huo Tianci is not stupid, not to mention it, but also extremely smart. As for why Huo Tianci is expensive, it is only because Huo Tianci does not want to waste time that’s all.

“Eight Hundred Profound Stones, hum, you are either really rich or just want to play with me.” Huo Tianci whispered. In the end, he just chose to give up because he had already bought two The most important thing is that he doesn’t want to be fooled.

Seeing Huo Tianci silently, that second guy, I panicked instantly, because when the time comes, if he can’t get the black stone, Tianhe Chamber of Commerce will definitely scrap him .

In the end, this “really stupid” chose to escape, but three days later, his body was hung on the crooked neck tree outside the city gate. I have to say, if you don’t die, you won’t Die.

After the shooting of the three Grade 9 True Blood Dans, today’s highlight is finally here, the Centennial Vermilion Fruit.

“Hundred-year Vermilion Fruit, one of the heavenly material earthly treasures. After eating, it can increase the martial artist’s ten years of penance.” The introduction of the century-old Vermilion Fruit is short and simple, but it can’t resist. Everyone’s hot eyeballs.

“The starting price is one thousand low grade black stones, and the price increase shall not be less than 100.” After the beauty Auctioneer Mei Xuan said, she saw everyone and immediately turned her attention to Huo Tianci. People are stupid and have a lot of money.

Of course, Huo Tianci did not disappoint them.

“I will pay two thousand dollars!”

“Fuck, this man is such a hero!” In the next second, this sentence appeared in everyone’s hearts .

Then I saw only one person, weakly telling the price of two thousand 100 low grade black stones, but in the next second, Huo Tianci directly bid three thousand yuan, just ask if you are afraid.

“What a generous person.” In the end, even the beautiful Auctioneer Meixuan was marveling at Huo Tianci’s moat.

“I will give out three thousand, whoever is one piece taller than me, just take it away.” Huo Tianci said this, because he was afraid of someone, so he continued to die.

In the end, no accident happened. Huo Tianci took this century-old Vermilion Fruit into the arms.

Tianhe Chamber of Commerce background.

“It turns out that the local tyrant is you, an adult. The villain is still guessing whether it is the Aristocratic Family First Young Master from which County City is coming.” Dong had a bold face, because Huo Tianci is too crazy, anyway, he hasn’t seen anyone who can buy things like this at Auction House.

“You can sell this for me. As for the price, I have already figured out the 100 low grade black stone.” Huo Tianci threw a wind-riding pill into Dong Bold’s hand.

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