“Okay, then you lead the way.” Zhang Langguang in Ye Family is just a Zui (zui) person, Zuzu, that is, after a man and a woman get married, a man settles in a woman’s house, and Ye Yu, but Ye Family Because of this, Ye Yu didn’t put Zhang Langguang in his eyes at all, because Zhang Langguang was just an outsider because of speaking of which.

“Xiaoyu, you are finally here. On this road, you are quite fatigue.” Zhang Langguang was quite polite.

Looking at Ye Yu, this is not the case. He just called him by name, and went straight over the long table to get Zhang Langguang’s chairperson seat.

For this, Zhang Langguang can only laugh with him, because no matter how Ye Yu is, that is also Ye Family’s direct line. In the future, even if he is not the head of the family, he will be the president of the County City and the chief of Danlou. It was not an existence that could be dealt with by outsiders like him, and it was precisely because of this that Zhang Langguang dared not speak.

“It’s okay.” Ye Yu said slowly with Erlang’s legs upright.

“Zhang…Uncle Zhang, I have something and I want you to help.” Ye Yu originally wanted to call his name directly, but now he needs Zhang Langguang’s help. The name seems to be a bit unpleasant.

“Xiaoyu, you say.” Zhang Langguang thought with a smile. This is really one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause.

“It’s like this. Last night, two people offended me. I want you to help me find them.”

After that, Ye Yu will Huo Tianci and Wu Qiu Shuang’s appearance was careful, and she spoke to Zhang Langguang without fail.

“It’s okay if you can’t find a woman. The key is that this man is about 15-16 years old, about 1.6 m in size, with a slightly inverted face and thick eyebrows. As for the characteristics , That is to laugh, especially owe flat……”


At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and finally I saw Huo Tianci, walking in slowly with small steps.

“Are you talking about me?” Huo Tianci thought to himself, Laozi laughed, is there such a shame.

Looking at Ye Yu, his eyes trembled, and finally he pointed at Huo Tianci, shaking his arms and said: “It’s him, Uncle Zhang, this kid offended me, hurry up and grab him , And kill me!” For this, Zhang Langguang looked embarrassed, because his life is in the hands of Huo Tianci, and now you let him kill Huo Tianci, this Are you kidding me?

“Is it possible that, you are in the same group?” Ye Yu thought carefully and was extremely frightened. Because Huo Tianci appeared here, it was already explained to him that he and Zhang Langguangzhi Relationship between.

“It turned out to be you, tricking ghosts in secret!” Apart from this, this also made him think of another thing, that is, Ye Hongyun, being planted and framed.

“It seems that you did the uncle’s work!” I have to say that Ye Yu is very smart, but it is a pity that Huo Tianci is smarter and more powerful than him.

Oh~oh~oh! Pa~pa~pa!

Suddenly, one after another evil voice came from Huo Tianci’s hands.

When I listened carefully, Ye Yu still felt a little familiar.

“Is this, the pig is called?” As for the pa pa pa, everyone should know.

Finally, following the reputation, Ye Yu found the small rectangular box in Huo Tianci’s hands. At this time, in the small rectangular box, there was a man twisting his body. As for the man’s hips The person who is down, no, it should be the pig under the crotch, who is screaming.

A closer look, the man looks very familiar, and as for the pig, it is.

“I passed by a pigsty last night, and I stopped by and recorded a little bit. I have to say that Brother’s hobby is very special.” This rectangular box is a mobile phone. No doubt, Master Teng Qing and The Qianyuan master, after studying the pill concocting, returned it to Huo Tianci. After that, Huo Tianci would always be with him. In the end, he filmed this extremely wonderful scene.

To be honest, these scenes can only be seen on earth or in urban novels, but Huo Tianci insisted on using him here, in a fantasy world. I have to say that scientific and technological knowledge is the primary productive force.

“Sure enough, it’s you! I did it with you!” Although Ye Yu didn’t know what a mobile phone was, the scenes made him furious.

Looking at Zhang Langguang, he was completely confused, because the wild demon everyone was talking about this morning was actually Ye Yu, which was something he absolutely did not expect.

When he thought about this, Zhang Langguang was a little bit grateful, because it was not him fortunately.

“Want to do it?” Seeing Ye Yu attacking with a fist, Huo Tianci swept his leg directly and put it on him.

After that, Ye Yu wanted to use profound skills to deal with Huo Tianci, but in the next second, his body was unexpectedly immobile.

Shadow imitation!

Because Huo Tianci was one step ahead and controlled him with shadow imitation.

“The Profound Master Realm, I am invincible!” Finally, Huo Tianci said this a little arrogantly.

Looking at Ye Yu, the whole person is dumb.

“My body, why can’t my body move? What did you do to me?” Ye Yu said hysterically, with a look of horror.

“It’s nothing, it just controlled you that’s all.” After that, Huo Tianci stepped back, and this Ye Yu also stepped back.

Huo Tianci’s backward direction is the door, and Ye Yu’s is the window.

At this time, the windows are wide open, and this place is the fifth floor.

“The strength of the Profound Master Realm, you fell directly from the fifth floor, this should, you won’t die.” Huo Tianci also used the questioning tone, I have to say, this stuff It’s a bit bad.

Looking at Ye Yu, he grumbled and swallowed deeply. Because logically speaking, he won’t die, but he is now controlled by Huo Tianci. Some defensive mystic skills, and mystic energy protection, he can’t use it at all. If in the end, it’s head on the ground, then even It was in the Profound Master Realm, so it would have to die.

“You dare not kill me!” Ye Yu shouted, because he is dead, Ye Family will definitely send someone to track down, when the time comes, no matter who it is, it will be done.

“I don’t dare now, but it stinks you, it’s very simple, you are believing or not. I drew this video into a comic strip and printed it for everyone’s appreciation. In the end, I will find a few more flyovers. Tell the story, sing your “peerless virtues” every day?” Huo Tianci thought, Lao Tzu can have 10,000 ways to make you better than death.

“no no no, you can’t do this.” When he got here, Ye Yu was scared, completely scared, because Huo Tianci’s approach was definitely more cruel than killing him directly.

“Then be obedient, I heard that this time you are here to reopen Centennial Yeji, then do you want to let me help you.” Huo Tianci wants a puppet , A puppet who can become the head of the Ye Family, and Zhang Langguang does not meet this requirement. Because of speaking of which, Zhang Langguang is just an outsider, and Ye Family is impossible. Give him such an important position. Come to sit.

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