After all, to cooperate with brothels and other romantic places, it would lose the air of Alchemist. What’s more, Ye Family is still the century-old pill concocting Aristocratic Family, such an absolute family, you let him cooperate with brothels, how is this possible? What.

So they don’t think about this, but Huo Tianci just thought of it. For this, Huo Tianci just wanted to say: Lao Tzu came from above the earth! Play sales methods, see if I don’t play to you!

In the evening, outside the Nanshan Ziyuan Gate.

“Wait in a hurry.” After seeing Huo Tianci sitting on the stone bench, Wu Qiushuang pursed his mouth in a playful manner.

“No, I just arrived.” After hearing the prestige, I saw that Little Lass painted a light makeup tonight and changed his clothes. It seems that I was just dressing up.

After that, without waiting for Huo Tianci to speak, Wu Qiushuang spoke first: “I heard Xiaoya say that the fish in Juya Building in Western District is better, and it’s also good to watch the moon, go?”

“Go, of course.” Huo Tianci thought, you still missed one, because he heard others say that the bed inside is also very good.

After a little wretched, Huo Tianci followed Wu Qiushuang to the Juya Building in the Western District.

Juya Building is surrounded by a moat, and there are a lot of fresh fish in the moat. By then, guests can fish on the spot, and then let the kitchen of Juya Building burn. This can be considered Juya Floor, the second advantage besides the soft bed.

Because of this, the business of Juya Building has always been hot.

“Go go go, this area has been reserved by our Young Master Ye.” Just as Huo Tianci and Wu Qiushuang were going to the river with fishing rods in hand, they looked like families The guards suddenly stretched out and blocked their way.

For this, Huo Tianci frowned, because the store said that as long as there is a place on the edge of the moat, you can sit down and fish. In other words, the moat is a public place. .

“What are you doing staring at me? Are you not convinced!” When she saw Huo Tianci staring at him and staring at him, the guard who looked like Ding was still a little unhappy. In the end, I saw this servant uniform. The sleeves were rolled up, as if to give Huo Tianci some color to see.

And Huo Tianci has already taken the first step, because it is the best solution to deal with such idiots. Fists are the best solution. In the end, Huo Tianci made a arrogant and despotic punch. The guard of Jiading flew into the moat.

pu~ dong!

The movement is relatively loud. Almost all the people on the side turn their heads and look over here. As for the Young Master Ye, of course it is.

“What’s the matter?” This Young Master Ye, named Ye Yu, is the second child of Ye Family and the son of Ye Hongfei. He came this time to help the bankrupt Centennial Ye Ji and recover Opened.

“What a beautiful chick.” Ye Yu is more lustful by nature. After seeing Wu Qiushuang on Huo Tianci side, the face of this guy immediately showed greed.

“It seems that this girl should still be a young chick. This year, such a beautiful young chick is rare. If you get this, hehehe.” Ye Yu’s eyes turned and immediately He covered up his greedy color, and then he walked to Huo Tianci gracefully and said no.

“The subordinates are a bit unreasonable, and I hope this brother will forgive me.”

Although Ye Yu apologized to Huo Tianci, his eyes were always Scanning Wu Qiushuang’s body back and forth, I finally saw this guy and said again: “It was me who was wronged just now. As an apologetic, I will settle the two of you tonight’s consumption.”

Ye Yu wanted to show up in front of Wu Qiushuang, and then win her heart. Unfortunately, Wu Qiushuang does not like vanity.

“No need, let’s take care of your subordinates.” After leaving these words, Huo Tianci and Wu Qiushuang sat quietly on the edge of the moat and caught a fish.

As for Ye Yu, he was unhappy, because Huo Tianci did not accept his kindness.

“Dog stuff, I want you to look good later!” Ye Yu didn’t know Huo Tianci, and as for Wu Qiushuang, he didn’t even know him.

In the end, it is estimated that the atmosphere is more embarrassing, so Ye Yu directly took his group of subordinates, turned and left here.

“Ye Family’s second child, Interesting.” Huo Tianci took a look at Ye Yu who had left. Although Huo Tianci didn’t know Ye Yu, he was told by the system’s checking function. , Ye Yu’s origin.

“haha, I caught it first. Quickly tell me what gift you want to give me.” Just as Huo Tianci was thinking about it, Wu Qiushuang on the side picked it up with a skillful hand and pulled one out of the river. The fish comes.

Huo Tianci and Wu Qiushuang just now, whoever catches the fish first in the game, if the bet, the loser will give the other a gift.

And this gift, Huo Tianci has long been prepared, and finally I saw Huo Tianci put away the fishing rod, while saying: “Wait until the private room, I will give it to you.” Looking at Huo Tianci carefully There is no bait on his fishing rod, that is to say, Huo Tianci will lose this bet.

I have to say that Huo Tianci’s method of sultrying sisters can be.

“It’s quite big.” In the last statement, the fish weighed more than eight catties.

“There should be enough food for two people, let’s go.” After handing the fish to the shopkeeper, Wu Qiushuang put his arms around Huo Tianci’s arms and moved towards the Heaven-class private room in Juya Building Gone.

The private room next door.

“Young Master Ye, do you use the old method?” A burly man asked Ye Yu.

Ye Yu grinned and gave him a look of course.

“This dog dared not to give me Ye Yu’s face, so after a while, I will go to his woman in front of him, when the time comes, I want to see Look, how do you pretend to me!” Ye Yu is also ruthless, otherwise, he won’t get this opportunity to rebuild the “Hundred Years Ye Ji” Danlou shop in Fuzhou City.

At this time, on the other side, in Huo Tianci’s private room.

“It turned out to be like this.” Ye Yu’s plan, Huo Tianci’s ears, after all, clairvoyance is smooth.

“In this case, then I will give you a beating somebody at their own game, hmph hmph hmph.” Huo Tianci also showed a smirk.

After a while, Huo Tianci’s fish was cooked by the kitchen.

But on the way to bring the fish, the waitress who served the fish met a burly man head-on, and then I saw the burly man flicked the fingers, a drop of water wrapped in profound energy, fell into the fish In the basin, the fish soup finally merged into one.

The origin of this burly man is exactly that of Ye Yu’s men. As for what this drop of water is, I must have already guessed it, yes, it is the aphrodisiac, and it is more vicious, odd Kinky Joyous Union Powder.

In the end, I saw the waitress, opened the door of Huo Tianci’s private room, and carried the fish in.

“Two guests, your steamed fish has arrived.” The waitress did not know that the fish had been drugged, because her strength was only a mysterious disciple. On the other hand, the burly man, but the mysterious master The existence of the environment, finally dangled her eyes, and then successfully administered the medicine, it is not strange.

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