Feng Zhao himself, of course, thinks so.

It’s a pity that reality is too skinny, because Huo Tianci’s eyes have long seen everything through.

On the way back, he lowered his waist and looked from a distance, Feng Zhao’s whole person passed by Huo Tianci.

That’s right, this is a writing round, insight predicts Feng Zhao’s trajectory.

Finally, Feng Zhao panicked, because at this time, his whole person was floating in the air, as for Huo Tianci, he was right under him.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci playing like a carp. With both feet, fiercely gave Feng Zhao a blow.

Feng Zhao focused heavily on his back. Later, due to his instability, he fiercely fell onto the ring.

“MD, it hurts!” After clutching his waist and climbing up, Feng Zhao weakly stepped back, because Huo Tianci’s skills were much stronger than he expected.

“If this is the case, then you can only use that trick!” Feng Zhao was about to resort to a killing move.

Then I saw him standing steadily, and his profound energy came to his limit. Then, he shouted violently

“Look at my burning fire art!”

In the next second, the thick profound energy lingering around him turned into a skyrocketing flame in an instant.

“Old Feng, you are crazy, you actually taught him these moves! Don’t you be afraid…” As soon as this move came out, Luoqiushan and the others couldn’t sit still. Now, because the Burning Fire Art is a technique that hurts the enemy 8,000 and self-defeats 10,000.

“Don’t worry, I have a sense of measure. Zhao’er now only comprehended the 1st floor. It won’t cause much damage to the body.”

To burn Others, burn yourself first. This is the essence of the Burning Huo Jue. It is precisely because of this that Luoqiushan and the others will say whether Feng Sheng is crazy.

However, Feng Sheng, of course, is not crazy. After all, he only has a grandson like Feng Zhao, but to his surprise, Feng Zhao will be here, so he made this move.

“This kid, didn’t I tell him that it would be nice to be able to enter the top ten.” Feng Sheng taught this move, just wanting Feng Zhao to have a trump card in the Hundred Courts Tournament. Moves that’s all.

“But it’s okay, I can try that kid’s abilities.” Feng Sheng wanted to take this to see how far Feng Zhao, who used the Burning Fire Art, can force Huo Tianci, because in this brief In the moment, Feng Zhao’s whole person got a qualitative sublimation.

“Take my fist!” After the fire was engulfed, Feng Zhao stepped forward and moved towards Huo Tianci, swinging out his fists in the air.

In the next second, two groups of hot flames suddenly burst out of Feng Zhao’s hands, and a spiral impact hit Huo Tianci.

“Fisting is a fire! What kind of move is this?” Huo Tianci is a bit silly, not just him, but also some disciples who watch the game, because they have never seen such a move. .

“Then I will use fire to overcome the fire!” Amazing is to be amazing, but Huo Tianci is not empty at all, and immediately, he shot twice Fireball Technique directly.

In the end, I saw the flames of the fire fist that Feng Zhao waved, collided with the Fireball technique that Huo Tianci waved, and finally, it burst and opened.


The hot air waves accompanied by the explosion, like ripples of water, waves of swept away, the feeling of heat, made some of the spectating disciplines on the spectator stand, sweating profusely.

“This level of heat, Huo Tianci and Feng Zhao, can they handle it? After all, they are both physical body and mortal flesh.” Some disciples with low strength said so and so.

“Of course you can’t hold it with your body alone, but if you have a profound energy to protect you, that’s not necessarily true.”

As a result, of course, as this person said, Because of the scorching heat of the flame, the Fleshy body cannot be defended at all, and only through some special means can it be parried.

Looking at the ring, if you take a closer look, you will find that Huo Tianci’s whole person is covered by a profound energy, and this is also the power of that profound energy to protect the body .

As for Feng Zhao, because he displayed the Burning Fire Art, he ignored the scorching heat of the flame, or to put it this way, he is now a “fire man”.

“Damn it! It’s useless, then, how about this trick!”

Flame Fist!

Since the two rounds were useless, Feng Zhao simply gave Huo Tianci directly, and there was a firestorm.

Huo Tianci immediately used his own way to treat his body.

“Sorry, I will too!”

The technique of water escape and black rain!

The ten fingers jumped quickly between the palms, and finally accompanied by the condensation of the surgical technique, dripping oil, dropping from the sky, and then Huo Tianci fished in the air, in the black rain, performing Come out of Fireball Technique.

After the oil meets the fire, it instantly rejuvenates. Looking from a distance, it is like a falling fire that day, which is breathtaking and intriguing.


In the last two rains of fire, there was a big fight in the air. The sound of the collision was just like that of gongs and drums. .

“Impossible, this impossible!”

After seeing this, Feng Zhao’s face was ashamed, because his moves were once again resolved by Huo Tianci Up.

Don’t say so, some Fireballs even directly penetrated his flames, moved towards him and flew over, which also means that his moves are weaker than Huo Tianci’s.

“No, I don’t want to lose! I want to win, win!”

Feng Zhao was a little unwilling, and finally he was a little unwilling to admit defeat. He even fired his anger. Ge Ning formed a fire tiger.

After that, the servant touched the ground with both hands, like a real tiger, and moved towards Huo Tianci and rushed into the past.

Fire Tiger Clash!

On the way to the collision, even on the ring, there were a string of Flame Marks left behind. The flame burned and danced with the wind, which was not real.

“Little Old Hu, what can I do!”

For this, Huo Tianci was completely disdainful. In the next second, he stood steady, coiled between his palms A Golden Dragon came out, and the Golden Dragon wrapped around his body and moved endlessly. Finally, following his palms to attack, the endlessly moving Golden Dragon whizzed out directly, moved towards Feng Zhao who turned into a tiger. Bumped into the past.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!


Long Xiaoyu in the sky, even the ring trembles, and finally I see the little fire tiger, like fallen leaves swinging in the wind, He was directly shaken out of the ring.

I’m done!

The move comes down, Huo Tianci withdraws his palm and takes a deep breath.

As for Feng Zhao, he has fainted. At this time, his whole body is flushed, and some places are even scorched. I have to say that this burning technique is indeed a double -edged sword, but what is more annoying is that this double-edged sword only hurt Feng Zhao himself.

Of course, Feng Zhaowei can’t be blamed for this, but Huo Tianci is too strong.

Finally, the referee instructor waved the flag to indicate that Huo Tianci won!

“It is still a complete defeat!”

Feng Sheng’s eyes trembled, he thought that even if Huo Tianci could win, he would pay a certain price, but now it seems , He thinks too much.

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