After that, this big guy told Huo Tianci about some matters of the Refiner Master exam very carefully, but the big guy didn’t believe that Huo Tianci could pass the selection, and even so, Huo Tianci will not participate.

“Probably, that’s it, then, I wish you good luck.” However, this courage is still worthy of praise. After speaking to Huo Tianci, he also patted Huo Tianci’s shoulder.

Huo Tianci cup one fist in the other hand expressed his thanks, and then directly moved towards the first floor and walked away.

At the registration desk on the first floor, the Master sitting at the registration desk at this time is a 24-25 years old little brother. After learning that Huo Tianci would participate in the Refiner Master assessment, he immediately added some Regarding the registration, he said to Huo Tianci: “Little Brother, please pay a piece of low grade black stone as the registration fee.”

“A piece of low grade black stone!” Huo Tianci thought, this registration It seems a bit expensive.

For this, the little brother smiled and explained: “Little Brother, if there is no charge, there will definitely be many people playing the yú to make up the numbers, come and seize every opportunity, and finally, disturb the normal Refiner Master’s selection rules, so this is the reason for this charge. Of course, if you pass the selection at the end, then I will return this low grade black stone to you intact, otherwise, Will be confiscated by our refining guild.”

“so that’s how it is, in this case, you collect the black stone.” With that, Huo Tianci directly threw a piece of low grade black stone into In the hands of that little brother.

Looking at that little brother, immediately a token was handed over to Huo Tianci.

“Then, I wish you success.”

“I borrow your good words.” Finally, Huo Tianci returned to the third floor.

When the big guy saw that Huo Tianci was really going to participate, he was somewhat blinded: “is it possible that this kid is really capable?” pay respects to assessment, but he has to pay a low Grade black stone, and a piece of low grade black stone, worth hundreds thousand silver, this big man at first, but I don’t believe that Huo Tianci can afford the money, after all, it’s just a brat. That’s why he would say Huo Maybe Tianci will not participate, because as long as it fails, it will be 100,000 taels of silver dropping water and nothing.

“Little Brother, you really surprised me.” Finally, the big man pointed to the right and said to Huo Tianci: “The selection test is at the end of this corridor. Just go in directly.”

“Thank you.” Finally, Huo Tianci walked through the ten meters corridor and came to a big room.

This big room is divided into two. The waiting area is on the left, and the examination area is on the right. There is a wall between the two and they cannot see each other.

At this time, there are many candidates in this waiting area, looking down at the book, from time to time, they still muttered in their mouths.

“The green stone, named malachite, can be used to make weapons, which can be greatly enhanced, and the speed of the weapon condensing profound energy; the yellow stone, named Huanglongyu, has an attribute of soil, grinding After being crushed and taken into weapons, it can be greatly increased. The defensive ability of weapons is the best choice for making shield weapons and treasure armor…”

Listen carefully, it turns out that these People are all embracing Buddha’s feet temporarily, reciting some knowledge of refining materials.

However, this also makes Huo Tianci think of something.

“I rely on it, the selection test is about these! Then I…” Yes, Huo Tianci thought of himself, because he thought that the refining test is just to build a weapon. Then just hand it in. In the end, as long as the grade is qualified, then you can pass the level, but now, how can this be done like the college entrance examination?

For a while, Huo Tianci was confused, because of this theoretical knowledge, he didn’t understand at all, he could only practice, that is, directly create weapons, after all, Eight Trigrams Furnace was in hand.

At this moment, a 20-year-old examinee walked out of the examination room lonely. When everyone saw this, they all followed the sighed, because it explained , That person failed the assessment.

“Next, Zhang Chuan!”

“MD, it’s my turn so soon, I really hope Bodhisattva can bless me, and this time can pass.” Then only Seeing the little brother in front of Huo Tianci, he put down the book in his hand trembling with fear, and then moved towards the examination area and walked away.

“He doesn’t need it anyway. Why don’t I have a look.” The book was placed on the ground casually, so Huo Tianci directly took it in his hand and looked at it.

“It turned out to be some transcripts, so careful, it seems that that person has done a lot of work.” Finally Huo Tianci learned some of the content of the exam from this transcript.

One is to identify the material of the refining device, that is, to look at the material, to name it, and its function.

The second is to identify the grade of ore. For example, the most common black iron can be divided into four qualities: low grade, middle grade, high grade, and top grade.

When I saw this, Huo Tianci just wanted to say, how to identify this TM, it is all black, who can tell directly with the eyes, which piece is middle grade, which piece is high grade.

The third test after that was even more nonsense. It turned out to be a holding iron, and I felt its weight out of thin air.

“This World, it’s not that you don’t have a scale! You can’t use a scale to weigh it directly. You can feel it with your hands, and it feels like an egg!” Huo Tianci is more than mad, as for the reason. It’s actually very simple, because he doesn’t know how to do it at all, otherwise, he would definitely not look like this.

And feel the weight of the iron, but a Refiner Master, the most basic skill, because in the high-intensity refining tool, you are impossible and have free time, go to use the scale to know, The weight of the iron, of course, you can prepare in advance, but in the refining vessel, accidents will appear all the time. There is more melt in the front, less melt in the back, or the iron is melted directly and so on, etc. time comes. You are using what you have prepared in advance, that will definitely not work, so you can only feel it with your hands and heart.

I have to say that it is not easy to become a Refiner Master, because there are too many doors and ways. Fortunately, Huo Tianci does not need to learn because he has An Eight Trigrams Furnace, but now the question comes, how should he go to this selection exam.

“Damn, I still feel it with my heart, even if I dig my heart out, it won’t feel anymore.” Huo Tianci was mad about it when he thought about this.

In the end, Huo Tianci also hugged his feet temporarily. Anyway, they are here. Simply, then go and have a try, take a test, and have the right to pay the tuition. After all, you can’t. Don’t go to the test after you hand in the profound stone. If it is true, it will definitely be a fool. Obviously, Huo Tianci is not a fool.

“haha, step on the line to pass!” At this moment, the candidate named Zhang Chuan walked out of the examination area with ecstasy.

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