“The starting price, 150 Academy points, and 80% of the medicinal properties. In the end, I auctioned a total of five! Not three. This can be considered for everyone, a big benefit.” Huo Tianci originally only wanted to sell three, but when he saw so many people, he sold two more.

“A broken medicine pill, even dared to sell 150 Academy points, you are not robbing you!” As soon as this price came out, some people who didn’t understand immediately thought that Huo Tianci was a black businessman Some of them even sprayed out Huo Tianci, saying that this broken medicine pill, whoever buys it, is a fool.

But those who understand, immediately scolded these idiots as pig-headed three, not to mention, a little bit of indignation, and gave these idiots a big kick.

“Stupid thing, do you know this Foundation Establishment Divine Pill, don’t talk about anything else, before Luo San’s stuff, but relying on this divine medicine, overnight, breakthrough became a profound practitioner. What’s more, this thing is outside, and you can’t even buy it at any cost. Luo San’s goods are still greedy and dark for ten days. Only then, in the Danlou of Tongrentang, I was lucky enough to buy one. The junior brother Huo only sells 150 Academy points. Seriously, everyone can laugh secretly.”

“Yes, I think this is extremely cheap. After all, the effect is obvious to all. What’s more, the Tong Ren Tang also collected a lot of data. It is said that they have sold a total of 320 Foundation Establishment Pills. After eating, they broke through and became a profound practitioner overnight, which was enough to achieve There are two hundred and thirty people, and there are still 40-50 people waiting for a breakthrough a few days later. I see which one increases the success rate of 30% breakthrough, which is simply 80-90%.”

“I agree with what you said, my cousin is such a breakthrough, that is to say, with this Foundation Establishment Pill, he is a profound practitioner, let alone 150 points, even two hundred and fifty Point, three hundred and fifty points, then I have to buy one of it, and you, the squirt, get out of it if you don’t buy it, don’t take up the pit, don’t shit, talk nonsense, after all, good stuff, you It’s no use spraying it again, because everyone’s eyes are bright.”

“Yes, just get out if you don’t buy it!”

“Yes, get out! Stupid stuff!”

In the end, Huo Tianci was the discipline of the black quotient, and it was directly sprayed into a stupid by everyone, because good things are good things, and then spraying it is useless.

“Everyone listens to me, these dogs are the juniors of the hundred years of leaves.”

“One hundred years of leaves? This is not that, Ye Family people Huh.”

Speaking of Ye Family, everyone immediately thought of Ye Han, the thief in clothes who was expelled from Academy before.

“No wonder the mouth is so smelly and the person is so wretched. It turned out to be Ye Han’s relatives. Also, there is no Foundation Establishment Pill in Bai Nian Ye Ji, so don’t smear the Foundation Establishment Pill of the black house. This is simply a villain!”

“Yes, it’s a scumbag. It’s no wonder that now, no one buys medicine pill from the Centennial Yeji, this is what it deserves!”

The last few Ye Family juniors were directly pushed out of here by everyone.

“It turns out to be from Ye Family, no wonder.” Huo Tianci saw this, that was a bad laugh. Fortunately, his Foundation Establishment Pill has been completely famous. Otherwise, these dogs When things are so dark, they must be smelly, and what’s more, real gold is not afraid of fire.

Huo Tianci boasts that his Foundation Establishment Pill is “real gold”!

After Ye Family’s dog spray left, Huo Tianci, holding a small wooden stick in his hand, rang a gong directly. This gong was found for him by Zhuang Zizai, as the so-called, auction , The guy must have everything complete.

Finally, Huo Tianci said in a high-pitched voice: “The first Foundation Establishment Pill, now start to shoot! The starting price, 150 Academy points!”

The voice hasn’t fallen yet, one compares The Inner Sect Senior Brother at the top directly yelled at a high price of two hundred points.

But another Core Disciple is even more ruthless.

“I’ll pay 300!” Compared with the previous 50 points increase, this one hundred points, but the so-called is even more shocking, and what is more, this time until now, even five seconds have not passed , And the price of this Foundation Establishment Pill has doubled, I have to say, real gold, really not afraid of fire.

However, this is not over yet.

“I’ll make three hundred and ten!” When I got here, everyone who was more aggressive had slowed down the rate of increase, because in their hearts, the value of the Foundation Establishment Pill was only 300 about.

But this is still unstoppable, and the demanders are rushing wildly. Then I saw Wang Junmao, who was still motionless before, directly shouting out the super high price of 350 points.

For this, many people shook the head because it is too cruel.

“Forget it, let me fight for the next one. Anyway, there are as many as five.” Seeing that the psychological price exceeded his own too much, the Core Disciple chose to give up .

As for the Inner Sect Senior Brother, he originally wanted to fight for it again, but when he saw that the bidder was Wang Junmao, he immediately chose to give up. After all, he was the prince. Dang, if this was offended, it would definitely be bad. In the end, he also focused his attention on the Foundation Establishment Pill.

In this way, the first Foundation Establishment Pill was auctioned away by Wang Junmao with 350 Academy points.

Before leaving, Wang Junmao also thanked Huo Tianci. Seriously, at this time, he only felt that he was very sorry for Huo Tianci, because the day after tomorrow, it is Huo Tianci and Na Fengxiao. , The day of the battle to the death, when the time comes, Huo Tianci is absolutely inevitable to die, and all of this, more or less, is somewhat related to his Wang Junmao.

When I thought of this, Wang Junmao, who held the Foundation Establishment Pill in his hand, sighed his head. At the same time, he murmured, “It’s estimated that it is the meaning of the day.”

Wang Junmao doesn’t think that Huo Tianci will win, because the difference in strength between him and Feng Xiao is really too big, a profound practitioner, a profound practitioner, and the realm of the 8th layer. Yes, I think Huo Tianci is committing suicide.

At last, with a trace of inner struggle, he slowly left the small market on this side of the mountain.

His gaze turned to Huo Tianci’s body, only to see Huo Tianci at this time, but there was no trace of tension on his face, because he is now fully confident that he can kill that Feng Xiao However, Huo Tianci has to consider how to kill specifically, because it is a bit too cheap to kill directly, Feng Xiao.

After that, the auction of the Foundation Establishment Pill continued. Because of the price of the first one, the price of the following four Foundation Establishment Pill floated around three hundred and fifty points.

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