“It turned out to be the cause of the rust, too. After all, it has been more than a thousand years.” After checking the fracture, Huo Tianci shook the head a little regrettably.

But for Huo Tianci, this is still a huge wealth, because he can use it to dissolve it. When the time comes, if the mysterious iron is separated, then he is a big profit.

“Then, I will not refine the weapon by myself. In the end, if it succeeds, it will still be a mysterious weapon.” After Yue Zi zi thought about it, Huo Tianci broke the sword in two. , Included in Heaven and Earth Bag.

After that, the digging continues.


Another spark flashed out.

“It turned out to be another mysterious tool!” But unfortunately, this mysterious tool is still rusty. Because of the excessive strength just now, Huo Tianci’s shovel directly used it. Shattered to pieces.

“It seems that I need to dig lightly.” Huo Tianci felt distressed when he saw this, but he still picked up all the scraps cautiously because the system told him , Even so, the decomposition machine can also decompose.

“Blade, spear, sword, halberd, is it possible that this is one of the battlefields of the war?”

After more than an hour of excavation, Huo Tianci almost didn’t know how many skeletons and weapons he dug out. Finally, he guessed that this area should be the place where the experts of Dayue Kingdom and the subordinates of the powerhouse of the Xuanhuang powerhouse fought for their lives, otherwise. , In this area, it is impossible to be so densely covered with corpses, scattered with weapons.

“Go on, there must be something below here, otherwise, these powerhouses can’t be so concentrated that they can’t die. Seeing how they are fighting, they should be rushing for something, or Yes, I am desperately protecting something.” While looking at the hands of some skeletons and still holding some weapons tightly, Huo Tianci unknowingly said these in his mouth.

However, he really guessed it right.

In the end, only a huge array appeared in Huo Tianci’s eyes.

Of course, Huo Tianci doesn’t know this Formation, but the system can directly check its details. When the thought moves, the mouth silently checks, and the last string of words came to Huo Tianci’s mind.

“It turned out to be Transmission Array, but is there such a large Transmission Array?” I probably checked it visually. This Transmission Array has at least the length and width of five meters. It looks like a circle. Facing the front of the big formation, there are densely covered with some strange lines, apart from this, and there are three large, medium and small pits.

“These potholes should be used to place profound stones. Finally, when the profound stones are activated, the large array can be activated, but where does this Transmission Array lead?”

Just when Huo Tianci was thinking about this, only a ding sound was heard, and the system hinted.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for finding the treasure and successfully completing the breakthrough mission in the Profound Realm, the first ring!

“Is this the treasure?” Huo Tianci was surprised by how much the prompt sound came. He originally thought that he wanted to activate the Formation and then send it to the other side of the Transmission Array.

As a result, this Transmission Array turned out to be the treasure, and because of this, Huo Tianci triggered several missions in a row.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for triggering, repairing the Transmission Array mission, mission requirements, repairing this Transmission Great Array, mission rewards, and a golden lottery coin. (Note, to repair this large array, at least, the strength of the Profound Master Realm, and the Array Master level of two-star gold etc.)

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for triggering, activating the Transmission Array task, task requirements Activate Transmission Array, task reward, and a gold lottery coin (Note: To activate this Transmission Great Array, a total of 1 top grade black stone, 18 high grade black stone, 36 middle grade black stone and low grade black stone seventy Two.)

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for triggering: A-level expedition missions, mission requirements, enter the Transmission Array, and complete a series of follow-up missions, mission final rewards, a platinum lottery coin .

In a sigh of relief, Huo Tianci triggered three missions in a row. Although the missions sounded very long, they were three sentences in summary. Repair the Transmission Array, activate it, and go in.

To be honest, even if the system does not trigger the task, Huo Tianci will activate this Transmission Array, and go to explore it, because he is very curious about why this great Yue country was destroyed and what to say Angry Xuanhuang powerhouse, that must be motherfucker’s nonsense, this sentence is like you are unhappy, obviously it is to find a reason, in other words, there must be this and so on.

After all, murdering to seize the treasures in this World is as common as eating and drinking.

“The story here must be very exciting. For now, let’s restore it first to prevent others from discovering it.” After planning everything, Huo Tianci gave this area to Restored as before.

Finally, Huo Tianci left here, because he does not have the strength of the Profound Master Realm, and is equal to the Array Master level of the two-star gold, so now, he can only release all this first. Staying aside, and then waiting for the strength to come, come and explore again.

Just then, the system hint sounded again.

“ding” system hint: Profound Realm, the second link of the breakthrough task is open! Mission requirements, become Fuzhou Academy elite disciple.

“This second task is quite simple.” But the next second, Huo Tianci was stunned, because how did he get out.

When I came before, Huo Tianci flew over by relying on the bamboo dragonfly, and also used the poodle Rengar’s character card, and finally entered invisible, and then safely arrived here, but Now, the poodle’s character card time has come, which means that Huo Tianci can no longer be invisible.

When I get here, someone will definitely say that flying high is enough. Of course Huo Tianci wants to fly high, but in this barren ancient land, high in the sky, there is a murmur of air. If you absorb these hostile energy, people will be attacked by demonic energy, lose consciousness, and eventually become a monster. It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci only dares to fly in the air, ten meters away from the ground.

But this will be attacked by those tree spirits, especially the black wood tree spirit in the 9th layer of the Great Profound Master, because that girl has ten meters in his bare body shape. How high, if this product launches an attack on Huo Tianci, it must be, Huo Tianci must be ten deaths without life.

“Damn, is it possible that I have to wait here for three days?”

The cooldown time of the poodle Rengar’s character card is three days, but Huo Tianci, Can’t wait three days, because he still has a breakthrough task to do, and what’s more, he will fight Na Feng Xiao to the death at the end of the month.

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