As for Chu Xiang’er, winning the distance is just around the corner, because Ding Rong’s speed method requires profound energy to display, and Huo Tianci’s movement speed rune can work as long as it is inscribed. Of course, that The speed method, to a certain extent, is faster than the six speed rune, but Huo Tianci has already given Chu Xianger a trick, that is, the first five minutes, only offensive but not defending.

When the time comes, as long as Ding Rong’s profound energy is insufficient, and then unable to use the speed method, then, if Chu Xiang’er does not do it, Ding Rong will lose without a fight.

On the arena, Chu Xiang’er carried a woman’s light sword, and kept dodgeing from left to right. Ding Rong, who had made the sword frustrated, was completely upset.

“Chu Xianger! If you have the ability, don’t hide! We have a just and honorable battle!” Ding Rong started the fierce battle, but Chu Xianger didn’t respond at all, because he won. Everything, afterwards, I saw that she continued to play guerrilla tactics with this Ding Rong in accordance with the methods Huo Tianci gave her, and I would hide when I defended, and I would dodge when you attack.

“The opportunity is here!” Since Ding Rong has been using the speed method, most of Ding Rong’s profound energy has been consumed. At a node, Ding Rong took a sigh of relief, see Therefore, Chu Xianger took seven steps, picked up the sword, and directly flew the long sword in Ding Rong’s hand into the air. In the end, she was able to breathe a full sigh of relief, and she shot out with the palm of her left hand and hit it. Na Ding Rong’s right shoulder, and then only Na Ding Rong was seen. He withdrew seven or eight steps and fell out of the ring.

After seeing this, the Ding Family group couldn’t sit still, especially that, Ding Family Patriarch Ding old man, and then he immediately went forward to check Ding Rong’s injuries.

Apart from this, and a brocade clothed youth, also flew to the front.

“Ronger, how are you?” This brocade clothed youth has a nervous expression on his face.

“Brother Cheng, I’m fine, that’s Chu Xianger, too despicable.” Ding Rong was only slightly injured, but at this moment, she was very congested, because she was too embarrassed to lose Bent.

“Brother Cheng will help you get revenge now!” In the previous battle, this person called Brother Cheng, but all of them are in sight. That Chu Xianger has always avoided his edge without fighting, and finally imitate The dog and steal chicken succeeded, which is really disgusting. Then he looked at the Chu Family in front of him and said sharply: “The third game in the end, I will fight!”

On the other hand, Chu Liang smiled and said, “This brother, we are fighting, but we have two wins in three games. Now we have two wins. In other words, we have won, is it possible that you Ding Family, Still want to break the contract?”

“Three rounds are three rounds, I didn’t say anything about two wins.” Ding Family owner Ding Old Man hit haha ​​at this time, because he is a grandson -in-law, extremely powerful, if he plays, don’t say Chu Liang, even if Chu Liang is a grandfather, that can’t win.

“Ding old man, don’t you want to break the contract?” Chu Liang’s grandfather was annoyed, because the two of them have been gambling and fighting since ancient times, but they won two games in three games.

“Chu old man, don’t slander the good guys and slap me forever. I didn’t break the contract. I’m just seeking truth from facts that’s all. What we said before was just playing three rounds. Now although we lose Two rounds, but I believe that my grandson-in-law can pull strongly against a crazy tide, with one enemy three, and finally turn defeat to win. Of course, if you are afraid, it is not too late to give up.” Nading old man , The strong words are not good.

On the other hand, Chu Old Master who was provoked on the other side was full of anger, because this old man dared to look down on them.

“If this is the case, then I will convince you if you lose!” At last Chu Old Master agreed to the battle.

At this time, Chu Liang asked to fight: “grandfather, I will fight! I want to let the Ding Family know thoroughly that our Chu Family man is amazing!”

“Okay, This is the bloody nature of our Chu Family man. As long as you can win this time, grandfather will reward you with a True Blood Dan!” Chu Old Master patted Chu Liang’s shoulder, and then he was very satisfied and nodded.

Because of this, Chu Liang was full of fighting intents. After that, he boarded the ring, pulled out the long sword from his hand, and pointed at Ge Cheng.

“This brother, I don’t seem to have seen you before.” Chu Liang said with a look of contempt, but the next second, this guy was completely in place, just like that Shuang Eggplant-like.

“My name is Ge Cheng, and I come from Qingzhou City. Now, in the Inner Sect of Qing State Academy, cultivation Martial Dao!” Ge Cheng put his hands around his chest, staring at Chu Liang, and this At the same time, the imposing manner on Ge Cheng’s body was like a sharp sword, fiercely pierced into Chu Liang’s eyes.

Because of this, Chu Liang took three or five steps back.

“The profound practitioner is the expert of the profound practitioner!” The move just now is the condensed energy gathering ability that the profound practitioner possesses, that is, condensing the profound energy into a solid state, and finally attacking the opponent , And it is precisely because of this that Chu Liang takes three or five steps back.

Seeing that Chu Liang retreated without doing anything, everyone in the Chu Family underneath was dumbfounded.

“It turned out to be a profound expert! No wonder Na Ding old man has such a strong confidence!” Chu Old Master also saw Ge Cheng’s strength, and finally he turned pale with fright. Because of his strength, he is only the first level that’s all of the profound practitioner. In other words, Ge Cheng on the stage is at least five or five times better than him, maybe even more powerful than him.

“We admit defeat!” In the end, for Chu Liang’s safety, Chu Old Master directly chose to surrender.

But Chu Liang was very dissatisfied, and then saw him use a sword move and directly moved towards Na Ge Cheng and attacked.

“such insignificant ability!”

For this, Ge Cheng only smiled casually, and then he just waved a palm out of thin air, and then Chu Liang was completely shaken out Out of the ring.

It is estimated that the strength gap is too great. After Chu Liang fell to the ground, he also vomited a mouthful of blood.

Huo Tianci saw this and immediately gave him a pill for protecting pulses.

“This little friend is?” Chu Old Master didn’t know Huo Tianci because Chu Liang didn’t at all tell him this last night.

Because of Chu Liang’s speechless, Chu Xianger told Chu Old Master the identity of Huo Tianci.

“It turned out to be a distinguished guest from Fuzhou Academy. If the old man had a poor reception last night, I hope you don’t take it off.” Chu Old Master thought to himself, could this be the savior of their Chu Family.

But after taking a glance at Huo Tianci’s strength, Chu Old Master instantly felt like a deflated ball, and his whole body was softened, because Huo Tianci’s strength was only in the Seventh Realm of Profound Apprentice. That’s it, asking him to fight against Ge Cheng who is a profound practitioner. Isn’t this going to court death?

Just when Chu Old Master was preparing to surrender and surrender, I saw Huo Tianci deng deng deng stepping onto the ring. At the same time, Huo Tianci also said: “This game , I will fight you!”

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