“This bunch of dogs dare to dig my corner!” On the other hand, Ye Hongyun looked furious, but for him, it was only mad at him that’s all, and disgusting to him that’s all, because he But in Fuzhou City, Alchemist Guild’s President, under his hands, they are all Alchemist. After five walks, they can find another five.

However, how could Huo Tianci not think of this.

“Sorry, President Ye, the master of Qianyuan yesterday, has invited me to join Tongrentang.”

“I will give you 20 yuan a month of low grade black stone!” Ye Hongyun Prepare to bleed and buy people’s hearts with high prices.

Unfortunately, Huo Tianci’s price is higher.

“Really sorry, President Ye, someone from Tongrentang, is going to invite me to open a branch in Qinshui City, and then let me be the chief Alchemist plus the chief shopkeeper. You have 20 yuan of low grade black stone this month. , I really have no blessings, you should go find someone else.”

“Opening a branch? is it possible that this Tongrentang is trying to destroy my Ye Family’s Danlou industry!” Ye Hongyun listened After these words, the whole person was dumbfounded.

After that, he immediately reported the matter to Ye Family Patriarch, Ye Han’s grandfather, Ye Han.

Ye Han has a look of disdain for this, because in his Ye Family, there are thousands of Alchemists, and to say something bad, thousands of Alchemists, one person refines one. The medicine pill is enough to completely destroy that Tong Ren Tang.

Ye Hongyun thought about it. Then he started a price war with Huo Tianci according to Ye Han’s idea, that is, the price of medicine pill was always lower than Huo Tianci’s, so he had to Said that this trick did help him attract a lot of popularity, but it also made Ye Hongyun’s “Hundred Years Leaf” continue to lose money. Fortunately, he has a powerful Ye Family as his backing. Otherwise,” “Hundred Years of Ye Ji” within a month, it will be closed down.

“You kid, really amazing! Even before half a month, Tongrentang was turned into the first Danlou of Fuzhou City. Seriously, I don’t admire you now. “In the Dan Building of Fuzhou Academy, Qian Yuan is talking with Huo Tianci. Now Qian Yuan is full of smiles, because Huo Tianci really did it. It was a scene of fighting against the Ye Family. , Of course, this is just Fuzhou City, but it is also very impressive.

“Take your time, we eat it one city and another city. After all, one bite can’t be eaten as fatty. When we finally break into parts, it is the Ye Family medicine pill industry. The day of destruction!” Huo Tianci already has a comprehensive plan.

Qian Yuan nodded straight, and said: “Rational! Reasonable! You kid, really smart.”

“You must be smart. By the way, master, then Tong Ren Tang, I am now I’ll leave it to you for management.” Tongrentang is now on the right track, so Huo Tianci has also become an arm-flinging shopkeeper.

After that, Huo Tianci returned to Zhongfeng Courtyard.

Forget it, he hasn’t returned for almost two weeks.

“Brother Tian, ​​what secret mission did you do?” Seeing Huo Tianci’s return, Dong Pengfei and the others were very curious.

“Go outside to hunt and kill the demonic beast of the Profound Realm.” Huo Tianci punched haha, not at all to tell the truth.

“Damn, kill the demonic beast!” The crowd exclaimed for a while, but after thinking of Huo Tianci’s super strength, they didn’t take it seriously.

At this moment, Hu Lei ran into the yard excitedly.

“I won, I won!” Hu Lei held a medicine pill in his hand, and said excitedly.

In contrast to other people, they all look envious.

“Damn, why did this kid win the second prize twice in a row!” Ren Hui, a few people, went to Tongrentang a few days ago to buy medicine pill, and then participated in lottery, but no luck. How good is it? Basically, most of them are participating prizes, but Hu Lei is a bit against the sky, and today, he won two second prizes.

Seeing Huo Tianci coming back, Hu Lei immediately said hello: “Brother Tianci is back, by the way, Brother Tian, ​​Tongrentang outside, do you know it, but it’s hot, this morning, there are beautiful women Look.”

“What? Beauty!” Whenever she mentioned a beauty, Dong Pengfei immediately got excited: “Damn, you brat why didn’t you tell me.”

“I I called you, and I called you several times, but you, sleeping like that dead pig, I couldn’t wake up no matter how I shouted, so I took Li Kang to go, and in the end, I bought it easily. Hemostatic pill, and guess what, he won the second prize.” Hu Lei felt happy when he touched the 90% medicinal blood vine pill in his hand.

Speaking of lottery, Hu Lei broke another anecdote: “The special prize was taken away this morning!”

“What? Taken away!” Compared to others, Huo Tianci is even more surprised, because the lottery props he designed are a big turntable.

The big carousel is round and then divided into more than a dozen parts, among which the participation prize accounts for 80%; the third prize accounts for 15%; the second prize accounts for 3%, and the first prize Prizes accounted for 1.9%, while the special prizes were only 0.1%.

To put it bluntly, the pointer is larger than the 0.1%, unless the pointer’s tip completely overlaps with it, otherwise, this special prize will not be taken away for a lifetime. .

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the special prize was taken away by a discipline of Fuzhou Academy.

“Fuck, who is taking this shit!” Huo Tianci thought to himself, the character of this product is a bit against the sky, this can be obtained.

In the end, I saw Li Kang and Shanshan came over.

“No way.” Everyone was shocked.

“It’s Brother Kang, I went with him in the morning.” Hu Lei was also envious, because it was tantamount to becoming a profound practitioner.

To be honest, Li Kang originally didn’t want to go, because Hu Lei didn’t go to buy medicine pill, but to see the beauties, but he was sorry and refused, so he followed it and took a look. In the end, didn’t expect won this big prize.

Don’t want Dong Pengfei, who is envious, because if he doesn’t sleep like a dead pig, maybe this prize belongs to him.

Because Hu Lei originally wanted to call him to play together, but because he couldn’t get up, Hu Lei called Li Kang.

“It is said that this thing is now worth four 100,000 gold taels! And even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.” Hu Lei was envious.

“I rely on, four 100,000 gold taels. Doesn’t that mean, 40 million tael of silver!” Everyone sucked, because it was a huge sum of money.

“You brat want to treat me.”

“Of course.” Li Kang was so excited anyway.

In this way, I left Huo Tianci half a month and returned to Fuzhou Academy.

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