In the last “Hundred Years Ye Ji” Dan Lou, only their own salesperson and Na Ye shopkeeper were left.

This shopkeeper is a collateral member of Ye Family. After seeing this, his expression instantly became a few characters, and finally he said to the next person: “Go Look up this Tongrentang, what is the origin?”

Soon, Ye Hongyun also learned about this incident.

“What! There is no business today!” Ye Hongyun was shocked, because “Hundred Years Ye Ji”, but the largest medicine pill building in Fuzhou City, there is no one. Now you tell him that there is no business. How can you make him believe it.

“Big brother, I have already checked, it is the new Tongrentang that has done a good job!” Ye shopkeeper said with a sullen expression.

Afterwards, he said: “They have a magic formula in their hands. That formula can be made into a magic ointment, which can restore the wound to the original in half a minute. It is precisely because of this that all the business has been sucked away by them.”

“Recover as before in half a minute?” Ye Hongyun only felt that you are talking about Heavenly Book, because how is this possible!

This shopkeeper knows that Ye Hongyun will not believe it. No, he asked someone to buy a few bottles.

“This is the elementary level and only works for the Body Refining Realm martial artist, while the intermediate level works only for the Xuanjie martial artist, and the advanced level works for the Xuanjie martial artist. “

While talking, this shopkeeper also put the three types of healing medicine ointment on the table.

“Then how does this work?” Ye Hongyun curiously asked.

“After stopping the bleeding with a hemostatic pill, then apply some on the wound.” However, when this guy finished speaking, he was completely speechless: “Big brother, stare at me. What does it mean?” This leaf shopkeeper, kind of have one’s hair stand on end.

And that Ye Hongyun was jié jié and said: “Fourth child, my strength, but Great Profound Master, so I can only try it with you.” In the end, I saw this shopkeeper. On the arm, Ye Hongyun made a forcibly cut.

The cry of killing a pig almost lifted the roof of the Alchemist Guild.

“This turned out to be true!” Ye Hongyun, who was surprised at seeing the wound really healed as before, couldn’t sit still completely because it was incredible.

After that, he immediately asked this shopkeeper: “Then, did you find out about the background of Tongrentang?”

“I inquired about some, it is said that your old rivals, potential Yuan is pill concocting inside. To be more specific, I am not quite clear. Anyway, it is very mysterious.”

“Qian Yuan? is it possible that, is this the Danlou he opened? Then he thought In this way, fight against our Ye Family? But he doesn’t think that this is simply a dream!” Ye Hongyun used the palm of his five fingers to fiercely pat on his sturdy wooden table.

“Then there is, I am now in Fuzhou City, Alchemist Guild’s President! All the Alchemists in it can be dispatched by me! A small hidden abyss, what can I do! Reduce the price, put medicine The price of pill will be lowered to me! Let me see how he fights with me!”

Ye Hongyun is right, he is the president, he can mobilize the entire Alchemist in Fuzhou city, but He has forgotten that there are such a group of people in Qian Yuan’s hands. Of course, they are all very young, but their battle strength is not bad!

What’s more, Tianhe Chamber of Commerce is still behind, and it strongly supports it, because these people are the future! This alone is worthy of Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, investing for them, and paying for them!

Yes, these people are exactly the pill concocting disciples in Danlou in Fuzhou Academy, Huo Tianci, and it is one of them, and it is precisely because of the existence of such a group of new forces. Huo Tianci and Qian Yuan dare to confront the pill concocting Aristocratic Family Ye Family, because they don’t need to be afraid at all!

“Huo Boss, as you expected, the medicine pill in “Hundred Years Leaf” has all started to reduce prices!” Huo Tianci the past few days came and stayed outside the Academy because he wanted Fight with Ye Family.

“Very well, now, just follow what I said before, they sell 60% medicinal pills, then we sell 70% medicinal pills, they sell 70%, then we sell 80%, anyway, must be 10% higher than them!”

The reason Huo Tianci did this was because of the number of comparisons. They were simply inferior to Ye Family because Ye Hongyun was from Fuzhou. City, Alchemist Guild’s President, he controls all Alchemist in Fuzhou City, so Huo Tianci will definitely be defeated compared to the quantity, but if compared to the quality, Huo Tianci prides himself, he will definitely not fake anyone.

Because of Eight Trigrams Furnace, the quality of all medicine pill can be improved to 100%. What’s more, he has a “major new product” today, which will be released soon!

Yes, Foundation Establishment Pill, ready to live!

Furthermore, Tianhe Chamber of Commerce also held an auction specifically for this purpose!

This auction has attracted countless people. The big Aristocratic Family Patriarch in Fuzhou City. However, the purpose of these Aristocratic Family Patriarchs is not for themselves, but for their next generation.

Because the thing that Tianhe Chamber of Commerce is preparing for auction is a martial artist that can increase the 9th layer of the mysterious practitioner, and the probability of breakthrough to the mysterious realm is medicine pill.

The most important thing is that the additional breakthrough success rate is at least 30%. That is to say, as long as you buy one, their sons and daughters can Without any bottleneck, he directly breaks through and becomes a profound practitioner.

This all makes the owners of Aristocratic Family crazy about it.

“Father, child, I have been in the realm of the mysterious 9th layer, and I have been stagnant for a full year and a half. Now the big opportunity is here, you must buy one for me.”

“Don’t worry, dad, this time, I must do my best!”

The Aristocratic Family owners present at this time, they all have this idea in their minds. As the saying goes, who doesn’t I hope my children are well.

Finally, for their children, they all went crazy.

“Tongrentang? What does this mean? Foundation Establishment Pill!” However, after waiting for a long time, there is still no trace of the Foundation Establishment Pill, but a big Tongrentang plaque slogan has been dismissed by several people. , Carried on the auction stage of Auction House, and was placed in the most conspicuous position. After this scene appeared, the impatient Aristocratic Family owners all frowned. At this time, they were all thinking to themselves, what the hell is happening in the Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, a beautiful Auctioneer, who followed closely from behind, walked up, and then she pointed to the three characters of Tongrentang, and the full of smiles explained to everyone: “Everyone is waiting , The little girl is here first, and I’ll make it to everyone. As for the slogan, it’s because the Foundation Establishment Pill, which is the medicine building of Tongrentangdan, commissioned our Tianhe Chamber of Commerce to auction.”

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