The last purple robe tutor came out to interfere with this matter. However, after an investigation, there were more than 20 tutors and saw Huo Tianci drinking with tutor Liu Shuai

In other words, Huo Tianci has a very sufficient alibi.

“This Senior Sister is full of nonsense. It must be, drink too much, or else, you want to blame me and get me wronged!” Huo Tianci stared at the Senior Sister closely. There was a serious questioning sound on his face.

The Senior Sister was wrong, because she really wanted to blame Huo Tianci and get him wronged, but what she didn’t expect is that things will become like this in the end. In the end, she had no choice but to say that she had drunk too much, otherwise, she would be in trouble.

“It turns out that I drank too much, he he he, let me just say it, junior brother Huo, no matter how shameless, he wouldn’t do such bad things. Now it seems that this It should have been a misunderstanding.” Ye Han was aside, extremely embarrassed, because his plan to kill two birds with one stone failed again.

“Yes, yes, it’s a misunderstanding, it’s a misunderstanding.” Seeing Ye Han opened his mouth, Senior Sister immediately said it was a misunderstanding.

But the matter is here, but it is not over yet.

“The robber Neiyi has been caught! The robber Neiyi has been caught!” At this moment, a group of male disciples rushed here.

In addition to this group of male disciplines, there are also some Senior Sister Junior Sisters behind. At this time, their faces are all angry.

“Teacher Xue, you must call the shots for us!” The purple robe tutor is named Xue. He is one of the five major purple robe tutors at the Academy. He is more than 50 years old and has a kind face. After he heard this, his face changed drastically.

“Where is the thief now?” Teacher Xue asked with an extremely solemn expression, because the theft of a woman’s internal belongings is really shameful.

It is precisely because of this that there are that many male disciplines who come to help selflessly. After all, this is an excellent opportunity to express yourself. If you are not careful, you will get some Senior Sister Junior Sister’s favor, that can be posted, so male disciples are very angry about this.

“Reporting to Teacher Xue, that Neiyi thief, is now surrounded by us in the Dongfeng Courtyard, but after that, we lost someone with us. However, we have evidence that Neiyi The thief must live there.” The person who said this was Hu Lei.

After that, he also submitted evidence, a woman’s internal support.

Neiyi was packed in a black bag. After Mentor Xue opened it and took a look, he immediately nodded.

“Then how did you discover him?” Instructor Xue curiously asked.

However, Hu Lei already had a countermeasure. Of course, this is what Huo Tianci helped him think about.

“Teacher Xue, it’s like this. Tonight, some of us were going back to the other hospital to rest. On the way, we ran into a panicked man head-on. We didn’t care at the time. When he ran away, something fell. Finally, we stepped forward and saw that it was the woman’s inner thing. Afterwards, we guessed that this person was probably the thief who made waves in the past few days. , So almost, we immediately divided into two groups, one team followed the thief, the other team called for reinforcements, which meant that this perverted man was bound to be completely caught, and finally we found that the man fled to Dongfeng In the other courtyard, it’s a pity that there are more than 1,000 small courtyards in the Dongfeng courtyard. If there are any, we don’t have the right to inspect it. Therefore, this is why we have come to ask Mentor Xue for your advice.”

After hearing this, Teacher Xue immediately waved his hand: “It should not be too late, and immediately investigate the Dongfeng Courtyard, otherwise he will probably run away after the thief becomes aware of it!”

“Dongfeng Courtyard, isn’t that where I live?” Ye Han suddenly became nervous for some reason.

In the last investigation, the problem was really found.

“Teacher Xue, I found this in the bushes here!” A male student found a three-point formula.

This makes the Senior Sister Junior Sisters who follow behind, they are ashamed. At the same time, they are also even more angry at the Naiyi thieves.

“Who lives in this other courtyard?” Teacher Xue pointed to the other courtyard in front of him, and asked a blue robe instructor next to him.

The blue robe tutor checked and immediately replied: “It’s Ye Han!”

“no no no, I don’t, this must be someone who is setting me up!” Ye Han thought. This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible. After that, he explained in a panic: “Teacher Xue, this may be the thief Naiyi, who accidentally fell when he passed by me. Please also ask Tutor Xue. , Must be aware.”

At the same time, Huo Tianci came up to make up the knife: “Senior Brother Ye has a distinguished family background and is also a star Alchemist. I just think there must be a lot of Senior Sister Junior Sister. I like him, so Disciple also thinks that there must be something wrong with this.”

“Yes, yes, I can’t get a woman, do I need this inner support?” Ye Han panicked, even I can’t say anything.

“no no no, I mean, I simply don’t need this.” Ye Han immediately changed his words.

But at this time, Hu Lei started to make up for the knife: “No, my god, this Neiyi thief, I have heard about it. It is said that it is a perverted heart, so it steals a woman’s personal objects. It’s okay to be powerful.”

“Huh? Psychological perversion? So, Senior Brother Ye is even more impossible, because Senior Brother Ye usually treats our Senior Brother Junior Brother in Danlou. Guys, it’s very good. During the few days I was doing miscellaneous work, Senior Brother Ye also gave me a top grade medicine pill, but I didn’t have the nerve to ask for it, so I returned it to him. Senior Brother Ye often helps me. Just this afternoon, he helped me and poured a bucket of dirty water. How could this be a psychopath.”

Huo Tianci began to deliberately praise this Ye Han is now, as the saying goes, the higher you hold it, the more you fall. At this time, Huo Tianci still The words mean more than they say, which satirizes Ye Han. Of course, these insinuations, Only Ye Han could understand it.

“The top grade medicine pill? Give it back to me? Tonight, help pour the dirty water?”

At this moment, Ye Han thought, give him medicine pill, is it possible that is that profound pill!

There is still dirty water, how could he help Huo Tianci to pour it, because not only can he not help, but he also deliberately poured the dirty water on the corridor and let Huo Tianci clean it .

“It turned out that it was this dog, who was deliberately harming me!” After learning that Huo Tianci had done something about Xuan Dan, Ye Han became angry, and the veins all over his body burst, but reason suppressed Upset his anger.

“This dog must be deliberately annoying me, but let me tell you, these little tricks are useless to me!” Ye Han thought, Lao Tzu is not angry, anyway, the Xuandan matter , It’s all over.

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