“Oh, good.” After nodded, Wu Qiushuang immediately refined Juli Pill again, and the result was exactly as Ling Yan said, because it continued to heat the pill furnace in the end.

However, this time, Wu Qiushuang chose to directly turn off the flame. As a result, the pearl-like condensate pill was successfully released. After counting, there were still seven.

“The quality is also good, at least 80% of the medicinal properties. I have to say, Qiu Shuang, you are really a pill concocting genius. It took only one month to break through to a one-star pill concocting. In the realm, to think at that time, your elder sister, me, but it took a full half a year.” Ling Yan sighed slightly, the Fire Attribute was so profound.

“Sister Ling Yan, you are too undervalue oneself, who doesn’t know that you are now hitting the realm of one-star gold level, I am far from it.” Wu Qiushuang is not modest, of course this is because , Ling Yan is really amazing.

“Then come on together.” With that, Ling Yan, like a big sister, patted Wu Qiushuang’s shoulder.

Wu Qiushuang nodded, said, he said a word.

“By the way, Master is Senior, what are you doing in the past few days?” Ling Yan asked suspiciously, because Qian Yuan had been locked in the pill room during the past few days. , The door does not go out and the door does not move, almost rarely come down and walk around.

Wu Qiushuang knows something: “Master, the past few days, he has been asking me to send him the materials for refining the solid essence pill. This should be, he is refining the solid essence pill. It’s also strange that Master didn’t refine the profound pill, but wasted time refining this little solid pill. Why?”

Speaking of the solid pill, Ling Yan immediately thought of the past few In the days, a strange thing happened in Fuzhou City, that is, the Guyuan Pill, which is rarely circulated in the market. Somehow, it suddenly increased in these few days. The most important thing is that The quality of Guyuan Pill is extremely high. Among them, out of the ordinary, there is ten out of ten, that is, the existence of 100% Guyuan Pill.

Alchemist, who can refine the ten-percent medicinal Guyuan Pill, does not say that it is the city of Fuzhou, even the entire Great Liang Nation, it does not exist, so care, these medicine pill, that is The Guyuan Pill was snatched by countless Alchemists because they all wanted to find the extremely superb pill concocting technique from this super high-quality medicine pill, and then use this to break through their Alchemist realm.

Because of this, the original solid pill of 100,000 taels is now almost fried to 1,000,000 two.

The refiners of these Guyuan Pills are now standing in front of Wu Qiushuang and Ling Yan. Yes, this person is Huo Tianci, because those super high-quality Guyuan Pills are Huo. Tianci used the Eight Trigrams Furnace to refine it, and later it was sold by Dong Boldly. As a result, the sale was crazy, because the entire Pill concocting world of Great Liang Nation was crazy for it, and the potential Yuan, it is one of them.

Because Qian Yuan is trying to refine the ten-percent medicinal Guyuan Dan, but it is a pity that he has never succeeded, even if the medicinal properties are only 90%, he has not practiced After coming out, this also made Qian Yuan extremely amazed, the master’s super-high pill concocting technique.

At the same time, there are countless people looking for the trace of this master, but it’s a pity that this master is now working in this Danlou.

“Ten percent medicinal Guyuan Dan! Really or fake?” After listening to Wu Qiushuang, his expression was astonished to the extreme, because Guyuan Dan is difficult to refine, and it has ten percent medicinal properties. This is simply a fantasy story.

“It is 10%. Even President Ye of the Alchemist Guild has issued a statement saying that this news is indeed true, so this is a complete sensation.” Ling Yan also sighed.

“By the way, Huo Xiaozi, I heard Qiu Shuang say that you know everything, so can you pill concocting?” Ling Yan suddenly asked Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci looks like I am an expert: “That is necessary, otherwise, can I be Qiushuang’s boyfriend.”

“Fuck you, talk nonsense.” Wu Qiushuang gave him something immediately.

Huo Tianci clutched his chest, laughed and explained: “I’m talking about a male friend, is it possible that, are you serious?”

“Of course not. “Wu Qiushuang raised her head, just like the white swan, not proud of it.

Ling Yan also felt funny seeing these two people bickering: “Then how many stars do you have?” Ling Yan asked again, because she wanted to see Huo Tianci, what’s so great about it Wu Qiushuang kept talking about her every day, that fatty Tong Fang also talked to her every day.

Huo Tianci scratched his head: “I haven’t gone to the exam yet, wait until you have time.” Huo Tianci actually wanted to say that those Gu Yuan Dan was actually made by him, but in the end, He suppressed this idea again, because it must not be said outside, otherwise, it would definitely be endless trouble.

“Then you can refine tools?” Since it is not Alchemist, it must be a Refiner Master. Because Tong Fang is a Refiner Master, Ling Yan thought that Huo Tianci is also a Refiner Master.

“This, I haven’t taken the test for the time being, but I will melt the iron.” Huo Tianci is still hiding his strength.

“Melting iron?” On the other hand, Ling Yan showed a look of surprise, because melting iron is the most basic technique of the Refiner Master. The most ugly thing is to heat the furnace, and then Pour in the pig iron, and finally boil it into molten iron.

But in the next second, Huo Tianci hit his face directly.

“I can smelt profound iron now, no matter how high it is, it won’t work.” This is called low-key pretence, because profound iron is currently the highest and highest iron material. ,none of them.

This also made Ling Yan, who was a bit disdainful before, suddenly surprised, and his mouth became an “O” shape, because this is a bit powerful, it can even be said that it is extremely powerful.

“In addition to melting iron, I will also make talisman, but for the time being, I will only make one kind.” In fact, Huo Tianci would like to say that he would also inscribe the instrument, but His instrument, namely rune, is a bit too powerful, or let’s put it this way, too advanced, because it doesn’t need profound energy to activate, you can directly bless the power, if you say it, no one guesses. Will believe, so Huo Tianci chose silence is golden.

“He will also make a talisman!” At this time, Ling Yan has been stunned by Huo Tianci, because this is exactly the same as Wu Qiushuang said, Huo Tianci can do everything, he is an all-around man what.

“Qiu Shuang, in the future, if I am a talisman made of molten iron, I will come to you directly.” Ling Yan is somewhat envious, because this kind of man is rare, just like that panda.

“Okay, when the time comes, I will look for him.” And Wu Qiushuang, pointed at Huo Tianci again, for this, Huo Tianci just wants to say that you can really play.

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