“Isn鈥檛 it just a few ten thousand meters? Young Master, I鈥檒l clean it!”

“Furthermore, we still have Shadow Clone available.” So, I divided out ten Huo of Shadow Clone Tianci, began to clean up.

“I will divide the area into ten, and then one for each person. Don’t be lazy, there are rewards to be taken.” Huo Tianci, the body, said to the Shadow Clone Huo Tianci.

Shadow Clone were nodded, and then went to work separately.

An hour later, a mentor rushed back to Fuzhou Academy. After that, he started at the foot of the mountain and slowly climbed up to the main hall to report the incident. However, it surprised him that every time he walked a section of the road, he could actually see the same person.

“Don’t I, what the fuck?” This made the mentor inexplicably scared.

“Master Dean, I just seemed to hell!” After he came to the main hall, he immediately reported the matter to Luoqiushan.

In fact, Luoqiushan had already discovered it a long time ago, and finally he concluded that this should be a peculiar secret technique.

“Can Avatar create the secret technique of real Avatar?” This tutor had a silly look, because he hadn’t heard of it, and there were such moves.

And Luoqiushan said: “The world is so big, there is no lack of strange things, we are just that, a dust that’s all, by the way, you do what I ask you to do Are you okay?”

“This….” As soon as this matter was mentioned, the instructor’s face darkened: “Master Dean, I forgive my subordinates for incompetence.”

As soon as this word came out, Luo Qiushan looked annoyed: “This old fart, I have invited him ten times, but he still refuses to agree! What does he want? Have you checked it out?”

“Actually, he has already checked it out. He wants that…cold iron stone.”

“Cold iron stone? Even he deserves it!” Luo Qiushan looked on. Disdain: “Then, don’t look for him anymore, let’s go to someone else, this old bastard, I really think we are very valuable.”

On the other side, Huo Tianci who was fined for cleaning.

“This kid really is here!” I saw a group of second world masters, and rushed over.

But in the next second, the Huo Tianci in front of them disappeared instantly. At the same time, Huo Tianci, the main body on the mountain, received this message.

“It’s this group of people!” This group of second masters was exactly the six princelings who had been blasted down the mountain by Huo Tianci before.

It is estimated that Huo Tianci was punished here, so I came to watch the joke.

“Fuck, why is this dog missing? is it possible that yes, I have dazzled eyes?” One of the fatty, rubbed his eyes, and said, then, so did the others, and finally this The group of pustules looked at each other in blank dismay, dumbfounded.

Until someone said: “MD, regardless of him, let’s get dirty here first!”

“Okay!” Actually, this is the purpose, that is, let Huo Tianci, When the time comes Huo Tianci couldn’t explain to the tutor Liu Shuai for failing to complete the task of punishment. It is estimated that they will be punished next. When the time comes, they will make trouble again, Huo Tianci will be punished again, and the cycle continues.

“ji茅 ji茅 ji茅, I want you to take action on internal injury to us, now, prepare to bear our anger!”

After half a minute, Huo Tianci Shanshan Came here, after all, a few ten thousand meters away.

“What are you doing!” Huo Tianci was mad when he saw these idiots, even holding paint in their hands and splashing them everywhere.

At last I saw this area, red, orange, yellow, green, azure, blue, purple, a large area of 鈥嬧€媟ed, orange, yellow, green, azure, red and green!

“I rely on your mother!” Huo Tianci, who was mad, burst into a swear word, because he was about to finish cleaning, but now, a dike of a thousand miles burst because of an ant hole, It’s all over.

“hahaha, know how good we are!” At last, one person splashed the paint in the paint bucket in his hand towards Huo Tianci’s body.

They originally thought that Huo Tianci would become that kind of soup chicken, and still the colorful kind of soup chicken, but as a result, the huge golden bell appeared and completely cut off everything.

In the next second, through the cyclone power of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique, Huo Tianci gathered all these splashed paints into one.

Finally, Huo Tianci wrapped this cyclone, surrounded by profound energy, and there was still a “cannonball” of paint inside, and returned it to this group of people.

It looks like a balloon filled with water. The group of people who hit the ground in the end all hit the ground, because this is not a balloon, but a “steel” ball. After all, There is a cyclone, and the power of profound energy.

“It hurts!”

All six of them fell to the ground, their mouths screaming for pain, but the so-called big pustules.

“What do you want to do?” The six people didn’t think that Huo Tianci would dare to take action against them in the crowd. Besides, they were princelings.

“If you dare to move me, I will let my father kill you!”


Huo Tianci ignored it and threw away directly with a slap.

“Do you dare to hit me? Do you know who my father is!”


It’s another slap, not sloppy at all.

Immediately afterwards, he slapped out again, the man was a little bit stunned, and finally he cried and said: “I…I, I just didn’t say any more, why are you… 鈥hy, still beating people.”

“I beat you because of this paint!” Huo Tianci roared out wildly.

But the man said again: “Then they are also splashed, so why not hit me.”

In the end Huo Tianci picked him up and said: “Who let you TM is the closest to me!”

As soon as these words came out, the other five people immediately took a big step back, which forced the child hard.

“Did I let you stand? All squatted down for Lao Tzu!” Huo Tianci Now, the so-called furious.

Because these six little boys lost two of his silver lottery coins, looking at the colorful ground, Huo Tianci wanted to kill.

“You let me squat and I squatted, my father…”

Before this guy finished, Huo Tianci had already kicked him: “It’s useless if your father is a heavenly king! Also, if I want you to squat, you must squat for me! If you dare to beep with Laozi, I will kill you!”

“Why? Stare at me for what? I’m upset, just get up! Try one and see!”

When Huo Tianci yelled so wildly, these six normally arrogant princelings were all lingering at this time. In place.

“Now, I’m resting my head on the ground, I’ll lick it clean!” Huo Tianci is almost a bit crazy, because these are two silver lottery coins. If you change it to something else, Huo Tianci probably can still Better, but now, he is mad anyway.

Seeing six princelings, squatting on the ground around Huo Tianci, the others passing by just felt funny. At this moment, a mentor came over when he saw it.

“This discipline.”

However, before the instructor finished speaking, Huo Tianci shouted directly: “Disciple, you are paralyzed, let me go!”


“What do you look at, I haven’t seen a handsome guy! And you, who made you stand up!”

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