Because of Huo Tianci’s strength, it is a lot higher than him.

But this guy is quite optimistic: “What about high strength! The result is the truth!” I have to say, this guy is quite right, because in the end Huo Tianci only took a punch , And got rid of him.

“Strong! This Huo Tianci is really too strong!” Everyone exclaimed.

“It is said that the Senior Brother Ling Feng of that year was like this. One man was in charge, and no one was invincible! Now, this Huo Tianci has appeared again! It seems that starting this year, Fuzhou Academy is going to change!”

“Well, because the talents are exhausted, yes, according to my gossip, there are actually many powerhouses that have not appeared. These powerhouses are all direct The Academy who entered, not at all, participated in this assessment. It is said that they all have background.”

“Very background?” The words made this person a little puzzled: “Since there is a background, So what do they come to Fuzhou Academy for?鈥?This person thought, Great Liang Nation’s Academy, but there are more, and it is better than Fuzhou Academy, dozens of places are available, County City Academy, imperial city Academy, they are countless , But in the end, why choose this Fuzhou Academy? This is really intriguing.

“This…, how did I know? Anyway, the news is right.” That person is also incomprehensible, because this person’s analysis is very reasonable, so the Academy is gone, why I have to choose the Fuzhou Academy. I have to say that there must be something in it. Of course, they didn’t think much about it, because this is not their lackey, which can be guessed.

In Fuzhou Academy.

“Did the results come out?”

Compared to the martial stage competition, the mentors in the Academy are all concerned. One is related to the origin of the freshmen; the second , It is about their pocket money, because these mentors, can all bet, guess who will be the first freshman this year.

“Say it, I’m really anxious!” When I saw the tutor who came back, the other tutors were very impatient.

“I have become a pauper, who did you say won it!” This tutor was crying, and just wanted to find a quiet place and cry loudly.

“haha, I knew it was Huo Tianci!” Fang Bai jumped up when he heard this, because he was betting on the right treasure.

“What? Huo Tianci! I drop a mother, I can’t even lose the panties.” It seems that this instructor also bet that Mo Peng.

In the end, some of these mentors were happy and some were worried.

Meanwhile, other places in the Academy.

“Qiu Shuang, Ya’er, the freshman came out first, who do you guess he is?” After Li Xueer learned the news, she ran to Wu Qiushuang’s courtyard immediately. In this case, Nangong Ya was also there.

“It must be him.” Wu Qiushuang doesn’t need to guess, it must be Huo Tianci.

Nangongya replied and said: “The last name is Huo, the first name is Tianci.”

“That’s right.” To be honest, Li Xueer was surprised, unexpectedly Huo Tianci won first place. But after thinking of Huo Tianci’s absolute background, she felt normal.

Here is joy, but in other places, there are complaints.

“What are you talking about? That little beast won the first place in the new life without dying!” Gu Fengtang was shocked.

“Young Master, don鈥檛 worry, this thing is like this, because Song Tianzong and the assassin group were discovered, so in the end… eh~.” At the last time, this The servant even sighed, because this is the only blame. Song Tianzong was so stupid that he was caught by the instructor of Fuzhou Academy. Fortunately, they were not involved.

But Gu Fengtang couldn’t bear this tone.

“I want him to die!” As he said, Gu Fengtang also smashed the coffee table in the room to pieces.

The next person saw this and immediately relayed some of Gu Hongtao’s words to him.

“Don’t be in a hurry at this time.” People would also say that Gu Fengtang was nodded, and then gritted his teeth and became silent.

Except here, the other side.

“What? He is number one!” Qin Feng was stupid after hearing the news.

“He turned out to be number one!” After that, he was a little unbelievable, and he confirmed it several times with the person who communicated.

“Are you sure that the number one is called Huo Tianci?” Qin Feng asked for the third time.

The person who communicated was nodded, and then replied with a silly smile, and said, “Yes, Shao Qin, that person is indeed called Huo Tianci.” But secretly, Qin Feng’s whole family has been scolded by him. It’s passed: “MD, didn’t I say, that person is called Huo Tianci, your motherfucker is deaf!” Of course, this person dare not say clearly, after all, this Qin Feng is the son of Vice-City Lord.

“In this case, Qin Shao, then I’m leaving.” With that, the man retired.

Qin Feng said, his expression was slightly sluggish, then he sat down and stood up abruptly: “No, must kill this kid, otherwise, I won鈥檛 be able to chase him forever. To Ya’er.”

After that, he went to discuss the matter with Ye Han, apart from this. He also stopped by the princeling courtyards and strolled around.

This group of princelings are just those who were previously convicted by Huo Tianci. Of course, they can’t beat Huo Tianci, but they can, disgusting Huo Tianci.

Anyway, as long as Huo Tianci is not happy, then Qin Feng is happy!

Fuzhou Academy outer sect.

A tutor wearing a purple robe is staring at the new batch of Outer Disciples, these disciplines are just the Huo Tianci people who have passed the third round assessment.

“The old man’s surname is Shi, you can call me Elder Shi.” As soon as these words fell, the following discipline immediately said respectfully: “Good Elder Shi!”

This Let this Elder Shi be quite satisfied. The feeling of complacency also arises spontaneously. Then he motioned to everyone to stop, and then went on to say: “old man is here, first congratulate everyone, and become my Fuzhou Academy disciple. “

Then he waved his hand, and a table that was ten meters long behind fell in front of him. On that table, there were many rewards.

This is the top ten commendation gift for freshmen.

Finally, his expression condensed, shouted: “New students first, Huo Tianci!” The imposing manner is a bit magnificent. There are thousands of new disciplines off the court, and he is immediately in awe, because first, there must be this. The power of the king!

“Congratulations.” Elder Shi handed all the rewards for the first place to Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci looked at a wooden token in his hand with a stunned look. At this moment, he was thinking: “Isn鈥檛 it said that the reward for the first place is from the Yellow Grade mysterious technique? What does my wooden token mean?”

Just when Huo Tianci was about to ask, I saw Elder Shi and spoke first: “This wooden token is the opening token of Academy Cheats , When the time comes, you go to the cheats and choose a Yellow Grade Grade 9 mystery.”

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