Go back to the Cave Mansion behind the waterfall.

Huo Tianci began to help Ren Hui and engraved the big knife, otherwise, this kid must be panicked, and doing so will also relieve him.

“By the way, I seem to have a rune bag that I haven’t opened yet.” I looked for it, and it was really because there was a rune bag, which was sent by the system after completing the outer sect selection task (2). As for the one opened before, it is in the [League of Legends Junior Gift Pack].

elementary talisman package: After opening it, you can get it randomly, one for any Level 1 rune.

The reading bar is still open, and finally the light flashes with a “ding”, and the system hints.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary attack speed rune.

After that, Huo Tianci read the article of the primary Offensive Talisman in his hand, and learned it, because in this way, he can completely control the method of drawing this primary attack speed rune.

Master the “ding” drawing method!

But then, the most embarrassing thing happened, because Huo Tianci thought again, whether it is better to inscribe Offensive Talisman on this broad knife or to engrave rune on attack speed.

This makes him a little perfectionist, and he doesn’t know what to do.

Finally, I asked Ren Hui. Without thinking about it, Ren Hui said that the speed is fast, because the world martial arts, only speed can not be broken!

When Huo Tianci heard it, he thought so, because no matter how powerful the knife is, it can’t cut people, so what’s the use?

“Then, engrave the attack speed rune.” Finally, Huo Tianci inscribed the 2nd layer attack speed rune on top of the 2nd layer gravity rune.

Ren Hui played around after receiving the hand. It was obvious that the knife speed was increasing.

“God bestowed brother, you are very curious about this instrument, you can increase the speed of the sword without the urge of profound energy, is it possible that, is this some kind of advanced instrument?” Ren Hui Although it is not Talisman Array Master, he still knows some of Talisman Array Master’s greatness. However, Huo Tianci has never seen this instrument before, and he has never seen it before. This effect is even more so, because unexpectedly It was possible to increase the speed of the sword without being urged by profound energy, which surprised him.

Huo Tianci didn’t want to explain too much, so he followed Ren Hui’s words and went on to say: “It’s a high-level instrument.”

“Sure enough, I Let’s just talk about it, how can ordinary implements be so powerful.” Ren Hui nodded, when he was about to go back to retreat, Huo Tianci called him: “After one hour, come over to me to get medicine pill, because next One day, we will all retreat.”

After one hour, Huo Tianci refined 43 True Blood Pills, of which 27 are Grade 1 and 13 are Grade 2, as for the last one. Three are Grade 3 True Blood Pills refined by Huo Tianci’s character against the sky.

In addition to these grades of True Blood Pills, Huo Tianci has also refined some small True Blood Pills. Because the yellow grade spiritual grass is not enough, so we can only use the normal grade to collect it.

“So much!” When I saw Huo Tianci grabbing a handful, Ren Hui, Renbin and Dong Pengfei were all confused. They were still fantasizing, Huo Tianci took out. , Is it that jelly bean?

But after a touch, they all went back sobered up, because this is a jelly bean, it is clearly the True Blood pill.

“God gave you brother, you should have a two-star Alchemist level.” Ren Hui asked weakly. As for Ren Bin and Dong Pengfei, they did not dare to speak, because at this moment they are still in a daze. Than in the state.

“Almost right, yes, there is this.” Huo Tianci took the bingliang pill out of his pocket, because bingliang pill not only has the ability to restore, but also allows people It’s perfect to keep you hungry for a day and eat it to secluded cultivation.

Heizi needs cultivation. Of course, this kid’s cultivation is very simple. He eats and sleeps, and eats after he sleeps. So, Huo Tianci helped him get a lot of food.

In this way, the five Huo Tianci began a day-long retreat.

Multiple Shadow Clone technique!

Huo Tianci separated five Shadow Clones, one stood guard, and the other four were secluded cultivation following Huo Tianci’s body.

At this time, someone will ask, why Huo Tianci does not separate a dozen or even twenty Shadow Clones, because in this case, it can be increased by ten times, or even two. Ten times the cultivation speed.

Why Huo Tianci doesn’t want this, but his current strength is still too low. If there are too many shadow clones, the quality of shadow clones will drop. When the time comes, if you forcefully eat True Blood Dan , This kind of medical power is extremely strong medicine pill. Go to cultivation. Maybe one of them can’t be dealt with. Those shadow clones will “explode”.

Of course, Shadow Clone doesn’t matter, it’s “exploded”, and then divided, but the True Blood Dan is scarce. Huo Tianci doesn’t want when the time comes, people and wealth are empty, and five A Shadow Clone is his limit, he can eat the True Blood pill and force the limit of cultivation.

But this time, it is not only five times, but ten times!

Take out a card and check the attribute.

[Double Experience Card (One Day)] The same consumption items in the competitive game “League of Legends”.

After use, within 24 hours of the host, the cultivation speed will be doubled, and all the cultivation base values ​​obtained will be doubled.

The method of using this [Double Experience Card (One Day)] is extremely simple, just stick it on the forehead, just like the sticker.

“ding” system hint: double experience card is activated, duration, one day! Please don’t waste it!

Huo Tianci just wants to say, how could I waste it!

Because he had already put the True Blood Dan in his mouth before he used it. After the system hint sounded, he swallowed it immediately, for fear of wasting the double experience card. For a second of the time, I have to say, Huo Tianci is really saving.

Just when the crowds of Huo Tianci were secluded cultivation.

Other places in Coldwind Valley.

“Boss, don’t say here, we have searched even some places in the middle circle. If you go inside, it is extremely dangerous. I believe that those guys must not dare to go. , In that case, where are they going to hide?” In the Qianxiong League, Hua Qianxiong is at a loss, because one day has passed, and they have not yet looked for the five Huo Tianci. There was a trace, and at this moment, a notification sounded outside the door.

“Boss, someone outside the door is here to receive the reward! They said that they found some traces of the five little beasts last night.” Since the five Huo Tianci could not be found, Hua Qianxiong A reward order was issued.

Of course, this reward order is not a reward for the heads of the five Huo Tianci people, but a reward for their trail. As long as there is an insider and the information is accurate, then you can get it. The reward of a cold wind fruit, but if it is false, it is the price of death. Therefore, some people who want to come to cheat are all terrified, because a liar was given by Hua Qianxiong not long ago. Slashed.

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