“Awesome!” Ren Hui was convinced, and Ren Bin on the side was even more so, because this was a bit bullish.

However, it’s even better, and it’s still to come.

“Brother Tian, ​​we captured the killer alive!” Dong Pengfei shouted with a loud voice.

Huo Tianci three people hearing this, they immediately moved towards Dong Pengfei’s direction.

“Brother Tian, ​​this kid has very hard bones, so he doesn’t say anything.” Dong Pengfei was torturing him, but the killer didn’t frown even at all.

“You got it alive?” Ren Hui curiously asked.

“How could it be me? Brother Heizi captured him alive. You didn’t see it just now. That guy, Hua hua’s three-clawed claws, this little bastard, was beaten in an instant.” To be honest, Dong Pengfei was also dumbfounded at the time, and finally Dong Pengfei kicked and made a knife, and then he caught the killer alive.

“Who sent you here? Do you want to say it! Do not say it!” At the end of the speech, Dong Pengfei began to torture him again, but Huo Tianci told him not to do these useless work because of him. I already knew who did it, and it was definitely Song Tianzong and Gu Hongtao who did it.

In other words, this assassin is not worth a dime, and if you ask, you can’t ask anything, because these assassins are all dead, and they are not prepared. People who go back alive.

Sure enough, after not waiting long, some black blood stains flowed from the corner of the killer’s mouth. If you guessed it correctly, this product should have bitten the poison hidden in the teeth. Sac and then committed suicide.

“By the way, this killer, it seems that I did not kill, then, can you complete the task?” Huo Tianci suddenly remembered this.

System let him relax: “As long as all the killers die, then the task is completed.”

“hu~, it scares me to death.” Because of Huo Tianci, I really want to get it. That hold spell.

In this way, Huo Tianci succeeded in killing three killers.

After that, the five people discussed the following matters, because they are now facing a big enemy.

Not to mention being wanted by all the candidates, there are also many powerful assassins who came to assassinate them, and finally Huo Tianci decided to solve these assassins first, and the most convenient way to solve these assassins , Is to report to the Academy’s mentors and ask them to help.

Moreover, these killers shouldn’t have appeared here. Speaking of which, those mentors, but also responsible for them, because those mentors simply didn’t guard the cold wind valley well. The entrance and exit, so this caused it, these killers slipped in.

Unfortunately, Huo Tianci also guessed wrong, because the appearance of these killers was due to internal help, not because of the Academy instructor’s negligence.

However, even worse luck is that the mentor that Huo Tianci found is also the inner corresponding mentor.

“Is there a killer?” I have to say that this instructor’s acting skills are 100 points, and then he smiled and said: “Huo Tianci, your five-member group is wanted by all the candidates, the Academy senior , But you all know that you shouldn’t be afraid, so you will say that there is a killer.” This instructor is clever.

Huo Tianci also did not expect that this matter has already caused wind and rain in the city, but he is really not afraid: “Teacher Zhang, what I said before is all true. There is really a killer, come to kill us.”

“Teacher Zhang, we really are not lying to you. Brother Tian said, it’s really all the truth. This is what happened two hours ago. At that time, we killed two and captured one alive.” Dong Pengfei also said.

“Catch one alive!” As soon as the words came out, the instructor’s heart was nervous: “Then…what about the person?” Then he immediately asked, because he was very afraid of himself, Poke out.

“Taking poison to commit suicide.” Dong Pengfei was also embarrassed.

Heard of suicide, this instructor was suddenly relieved, and then he asked: “Since you have all killed, then you should have brought the corpses. As long as the corpse doesn’t look like an examinee, then I’ll help you report it to your supervisor and send someone to investigate the matter thoroughly. What do you think?” This tutor, left a step for himself, because as long as Huo Tianci has no corpse, he It can be fooled.

Huo Tianci didn’t expect these, but now going back to find those killer corpses, it’s impossible at all, because maybe it’s gone.

“There is no corpse, then I can’t do anything about it, because to thoroughly investigate this matter, the selection examination must be suspended, and the suspension of the selection examination may involve tens of thousands of candidates, of course, if Finally, if the killer is found, it is better, but if there is no such a basket, I would not dare to recite it. I believe that other tutors are the same.” This tutor will also say.

“Then what should we do? Can’t be assassinated by those killers all the time, right?” Dong Pengfei was almost mad.

“Really sorry, because there is no complete evidence, my little gray robe tutor, but I can’t do anything at all. Or else, go find another tutor and try it.” Recruit Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Chīmèi Divine Method.

Of course the five Huo Tianci went to look for it, but unfortunately, no one dared to agree to help him, because this black pot is really too big. If there is a killer in the end, it would be better, but as long as there is no , That is definitely a sly, so instructors, they dare not make a private decision, and promise to help Huo Tianci and the others, because of this busyness, very thankless.

“Brother Tian, ​​what should we do now? Those mentors, none of them believe in us.” Dong Pengfei wanted to die helplessly.

“It’s not that they don’t believe it, but that they are afraid of carrying a scapegoat, MD.” Huo Tianci couldn’t help but explode.

“In other words, from now on, we have to rely on ourselves, are you afraid?” Huo Tianci didn’t know how many people there were, but what he knew was that these killers The strength of’s is not low, maybe there will be experts of the Profound Realm in it, which is very tricky.

Seriously, Ren Hui and the others still murmured in dim sum, but then again, when they killed three killers as easy as blowing off dust before, none of them Scared.

“Not afraid!” Ren Hui said first.

“Heizi is not afraid!” Heizi clenched his fists and looked optimistic.

“MD, die if you die.” Dong Pengfei is also willing to go out. As for Ren Bin, he is also nodded with a firm face: “We fight with them!”

See four With a fearless appearance, Huo Tianci immediately said the word “good”: “Good, then we will catch a turtle in a jar for him now!”

Is it a killer? , Imitate the dog and steal chicken, right, then Huo Tianci today, let them thoroughly see what is a real killer.

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