“Eh~, I really don’t know what they are afraid of.” Ren Hui was also a little confused.

“such is human nature, this is exactly that. The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the catastrophe is about to fly.” Huo Tianci is a person who came here, because of these things, he is on the earth, and he can see that Few, as a result, didn’t expect that in this Kowloon mainland, it was so unconcerned.

When I thought of this, Huo Tianci helplessly shook the head.

“Then what about these seven people?” Ren Bin asked.

“Of course, it’s an afterthought!” Huo Tianci never relented to the enemy.

However, the scene of killing these seven people happened to be seen by the Purple Gold Alliance reinforcements who were rushed for reinforcements.

“Fatty actually died!” After seeing the fat fat fat body, the other people in the Purple Gold Alliance who had come over long, were all stunned, because no matter how bad this fatty is, there are mysterious disciples too. The strength of the 3rd-layer environment.

“Hey~, they seem to be the people on the reward order!” Huo Tianci and the others look like these people once the formation eye is familiar, and finally they took out the paper and took a look. Confirmed the identity of Huo Tianci and the others.

“They are the group of five who killed Huajie yesterday!” Someone was excited.

“haha, people are good luck, sure enough, you can pick up gold wherever you go.”

“Yes, yeah, if you catch them, then go to Qian The male alliance receives the reward, this fuck, it is definitely a fortune!” Hua Jie, is Hua Qianxiong’s younger brother, and this Hua Qianxiong is the boss of the Qianxiong Alliance, which is literally It can be seen that after learning that the younger brother was killed, Hua Qianxiong immediately issued a reward order and took out fifty cold wind fruits to offer a reward for the head of Huo Tianci and the others.

In the valley of cold wind, silver is not currency, yes, this cold wind fruit is money, fifty cold wind fruit, this price, but it is not cheap, so some candidates He copied the portraits of Huo Tianci and the others, and prepared to try his luck.

“It’s really them! Let’s chase after!” After seeing this, all the people from the Purple Gold Alliance chased and killed them, without turning their heads back, just like the fat fat fathead who died , As if it had nothing to do with them.

As a result, Huo Tianci and the others did not find it, but let them meet. Xu Yun had joined the crowds before taking the first step.

After these people from the Purple Gold alliance appeared, they frightened Xu Yun, Xu Qianshan and the others, because they thought that the people from the Purple Gold alliance found them.

“Have you seen them?” The leading man took out the portraits of Huo Tianci and the others, and put them in front of Xu Yun and Xu Qianshan.

“Isn’t this Huo Brother them?” Xu Qianshan’s heart was tight, and he didn’t say anything. He just thought about it, and then he said, “No, no, we haven’t seen them again.” Xu Qianshan shook the head, everyone else, because Huo Tianci and the others, have already taken everything under their shoulders. If they still stabbed the head secretly, it would be nothing.

One Didn’t you hear that, the man immediately yelled: “MD, I thought there was a drama this time, eh~, it’s really bad.”

“By the way, if you have news from them, you can come directly. Our Purple Gold Alliance reported that when the time comes, it will definitely benefit you.”

“Definitely, definitely.” Xu Qianshan said with a smile on his face. After that, he pretended to ask this person and ask the truth. What happened.

That person is also direct, after all, this is not a big secret.

“That’s it. By the way, this group of five killed people from our Purple Gold Alliance just now. If you see it, you must report it. Otherwise, it’s with me Purple The Gold Alliance is the enemy!” After speaking, this team immediately left the place and continued to search for the whereabouts of Huo Tianci and the others.

On the other side, the five Huo Tianci who found a safe place to rest.

“Qianxiong Alliance? Reward order?” Huo Tianci’s [Clair and Wind Ears], but I heard everything.

“One person is offering a reward of fifty cold wind fruits. This makes me want to catch myself.” I have to say that this Hua Qianxiong’s shot is a bit unstoppable. , One person fifty pieces, five persons, that is two hundred and fifty pieces, so many cold wind fruits, maybe they can compete for the first place among the new students.

At the same time, this also illustrates Hua Qianxiong’s anger, because he is also one of the strongest competitors in the freshman. Now he takes out all the fruits and uses them as a reward. , Has given up the idea of ​​fighting for the first place, because he wants to avenge his younger brother. As for how the portraits of the five Huo Tianci came from, of course, those who Huo Tianci let go yesterday did it and had to Say, I can’t let the tiger returns to the mountains. If Huo Tianci were a bit tougher yesterday, maybe all of this would not happen.

However, this is not a bad thing, because Huo Tianci will also take the first place in the new student. Now there are so many people who want to kill him. Wouldn’t it be, instead, give him a gift The fruit of the cold wind, I have to say, Huo Tianci is quite capable of thinking in another way.

“Heavensend Brother, it doesn’t seem to be very safe here?” Huo Tianci is now on a plain, with a wide field of vision, Ren Hui thought, with one glance, they would have to Exposed.

“Don’t worry, I have a sense of measure.” Huo Tianci can be blessed with supernatural powers, within a radius of 1,000 meters, all are under his control.

“Wait a moment, let them see us.” Huo Tianci won’t sit still.

“Now, moved towards the jungle run on the left!”

When a team of Purple Gold Alliance saw Huo Tianci and the others, they saw only five Huo Tianci, Quickly moved towards the jungle and rushed in.

“Boss, I found them, they are there!” The little boy said with his finger.

“Quickly catch up, those are two hundred and fifty cold wind fruits!”

However, in the jungle, covered by trees and grass, these people from the Purple Gold alliance, Like that headless fly, lost the goal.

“Where are those people? I obviously saw them running here?”

“Is it possible that, is it hell?”

Seeing the five people disappear out of thin air, these two dozen members of the Purple Gold Alliance frowned.

Until, there was a sound above the head.

“Young Master, I’m here!” Huo Tianci, holding a decapitating knife, dropping from the sky, cut and killed one person in an instant. Then, he attacked horizontally and slashed vertically. Killed Yellow Springs.

The last move is to create a world of breakthroughs, directly blast the three people in front of you!

“This kid is really strong!” Huo Tianci’s little demon hand, but the so-called shocked these people, just when they were surprised, the two brothers Ren Hui and Ren Bin on the tree also jumped. Next, joined the battle.

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