“The mountain gate of Fuzhou Academy has a total of Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth steps. After a while, Uncle Cui Yuan in the Academy will open a large array on the steps. This large array, called the Nian Li array, is a powerful spirit. strength, and the unique spirit method displayed, as everyone knows, spirit strength, also has the ability to attack. The light one can make people dizzy, and the heavy one can make people dull and lose all battle strength.”

When Ye Lingfeng said this, everyone who took the exam below looked astonished.

“Being stupid and sluggish? Isn’t that a fool!” Some candidates suddenly retreated, because the price was too heavy.

For this, Ye Lingfeng said with a smile: “For your safety, we have a way of protection. That is the jade token that you just got. This jade token will When the candidates are exhausted, they are broken and open to protect your lives. Of course, the broken jade token means that you have lost the qualifications for selection. Now, I wish you all good luck.” The words fall, Ye Ling The wind disappeared above the high gate.

Looking at the candidates below, they whispered and kept talking.

“What if this jade token, when the time comes, doesn’t work? Then we all become fools?”

“That’s right, I Han Chuang has been practicing Martial Dao for ten years. If I step on it and become an idiot, when the time comes, what should I do.”

“This first test is too difficult. Click it. It’s no wonder that outsiders always say that Fuzhou Academy is a concentration camp of geniuses. From this point of view, it really is so.”

“Eh~, the first test is so difficult. If it gets to the back, Then, can we still get along, and the risk is still so great that we will become idiots directly, this…”

Finally, some candidates left here with fear because they didn’t want to Become a fool.

This kind of situation happens every year, and this kind of candidates will certainly not be too high in their future Martial Dao achievements, because they don’t say it’s persistence, even their determination to try. Not at all. How can such a Martial Dao attitude make them survive on the slaughter-filled Kowloon mainland!

If you use a common saying, it is better to go home and play in the mud, and this kind of people are destined to fail for a lifetime. They are the losers for a lifetime.

“A bunch of cowards.” Looking at the candidates who left, and everyone who remained, they all looked disdainful.

“Let’s set off too.” Huo Tianci certainly won’t flinch.

Dong Pengfei and the others next to them, knowingly nodded, and then they walked up the first step with everyone.

After that, we walked through the thirty-forty section.

“It seems, it doesn’t feel much.” Huo Tianci was puzzled, because he didn’t feel any discomfort at all.

Heizi and Ren Hui and Ren Bin are the same brothers, because this is the same as normal mountain climbing.

Only Dong Pengfei frowned slightly: “Brother Tian, ​​I feel that my head seems to be bigger than before.” Dong Pengfei felt a little discomfort.

Looking at the other candidates next to them, several of them were already dizzy and fainted on the ground.

At this moment, the jade pendant in their hands shattered in an instant, and in the end they saw them as a whole, disappearing in place. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that they were teleported to the foot of the mountain.

“Is this the power of Array Master!” Huo Tianci only felt that it was a bit magical.

“Dog stuff, let me finally find you!” At this moment, behind Huo Tianci, there was a sharp voice.

Curiously turned his head and took a look, Huo Tianci five people immediately laughed.

Because there are two pig heads and three in their eye sockets.

“What a laugh! Don’t think I don’t know, this is what you did!” This person was in the small town before, dragged into the sack by Huo Tianci and Dong Pengfei, and beaten up. He Dachao, and his fellow.

In the past few days, although the swelling on my face has disappeared a little, the red and purple appearance is even more funny.

“I said, you must tell evidence in everything, you say we fight, then you show evidence.” Huo Tianci will not take the initiative to admit it, and if there is, these two should be the same. hit!

“Dare to quibble! Gu Gao, it’s him, you must help us get revenge!” He Dachao pointed to Huo Tianci and said aggressively to the group of people walking behind him.

This group of people are the children of the Gu family. Every year, the Gu family sends some handsome young men to participate in the outer sect selection exam at Fuzhou Academy. The leader this time is the current number one genius of the Gu family, Gu Gao .

“Is it them?” Gu Gao received the order to help He Dachao and take revenge. Now seeing the enemy is in front of him, Gu Gao raised his hand and moved towards Huo Tianci directly. On the forehead, swiped over.

“hahaha, I let you bully me, this is the end!” Gu Gao has a violent temper, He Dachao thought, Huo Tianci this time, he will definitely be dealt with miserably.

However, as a result, the Heizi on the side took a small punch and threw the Gu’s number one genius, Gu Gao, into the air. In the end, I saw this product, like a wooden barrel. On the stairs, all the way down the foot of the mountain.

In the end, everyone looked at it, and Gu Gao’s face was full of blood, and his nose and mouth were all crooked. It was a bit horrible.

Huo Tianci knows the strength of Heizi, and Ren Hui, even more so, because when he was at the Black River Fort, Ren Hui often wrestled with Heizi. However, as a result, the mysterious disciple was in the 5th layer. Ren Hui has never won once.

“Really two perverts.” This is Ren Hui’s evaluation of Huo Tianci and Heizi, the master and servant.

The opposite.

“What? Brother Gu Gao was defeated!” He Dachao’s heart was tense, and he hurried back a few steps, because he really didn’t expect that Heizi, a little bit, would be so powerful.

“This, I should be…I have admitted the wrong person, it was not you who played it, it was not you, I remembered it wrong, he he he.” He Dachao smiled bitterly because of the strength gap between them , It was a bit too big, and he had no choice but to admit it.

“Next time, brighten my eyes, otherwise, hmph!” After warning He Dachao, the five Huo Tianci continued upward.

In contrast, He Dachao’s group of people was relieved.

“Dachao, don’t panic, when we get inside, we naturally have a way to deal with them.” One Gu family said to He Dachao.

“Then, where’s Gu Gao?” Looking at the foot of the mountain, Gu Gao, who was already unable to get up, felt he couldn’t stand it.

“Don’t worry, someone will take care of him, and what we have to do now is climb to the top of the mountain and pass this first test.” Seriously, Gu Gao was punched and defeated. The Gu family did not expect that because Gu Gao, but with the strength of the Profound Apprentice Realm, was defeated like this, this made these Gu family members a little hard to accept.

Of course, this also shows that Huo Tianci is so powerful.

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