Fuzhou City, the gate of Gu’s house.

He Dachao and his servants, who were beaten as pigs, finally came here through hardships, but the Gu’s guard at the door did not let them in at all.

“Who are you?” Because of the disfigurement, the guardian of the Gu family couldn’t recognize He Dachao at all.

This can be so anxious: “I am He Dachao, and my Big Uncle is Gu Hongtao. I want to see my Big Uncle now and see my Big Uncle!”

Finally , He Dachao finally met his relatives Big Uncle, Gu Patriarch, Gu Hongtao.

“Da Chao, how did you become like this?” If you didn’t recognize the jade pendant hanging on He Dachao’s chest, Gu Hongtao almost didn’t recognize it, because He Dachao’s face was just like It’s swollen like a pig’s head.

“Big Uncle, you have to call the shots for me. Someone bullies me.” He Dachao added fuel and jealousy, and told Gu Hongtao about his humiliation and beating.

“Dachao, don’t cry, Big Uncle will be the master for you.” Gu Hongtao’s knees are only Gu Fengtang, such a son, and now Gu Fengtang is abandoned, his biological younger sister’s son, But he is the only one.

“By the way, you go and meet your cousin Feng, eh~.” Gu Hongtao never thought that his treasured son would be castrated, and what is more, he returned No revenge.

Just after He Dachao left, a middle-aged man with white hair walked into the house.

This person is Song Tianzong, his son died, his younger brother died, and finally the Song Family was destroyed. This made him white head overnight.

“Master Gu, there is news about the little beast!” After these words, Song Tianzong’s originally dull eyes flashed with murderous intention.

As for Gu Hongtao, the same is true.

“Is it finally here!” Gu Hongtao has been waiting for this day for too long, because in this way, he can take revenge on his treasured son.

Originally, Gu Hongtao was prepared to send someone to kill Huo Tianci directly, but not long ago, a shocking news reached his ears, that is, the City Lord Nangong of Fuzhou City. Ba, is hitting the mysterious Spirit Realm world.

Before warned him that the person who didn’t let him get crooked was Nangong Ba, so Gu Hongtao gave up this idea, because as long as Nangong Ba breaks through to the Spirit Realm realm, it will be great Liang Nation, no one can stop him anymore. When the time comes, even if Gu Hongtao has some connections, it can’t be resisted. Nangong banishes his Gu family’s determination, so in the end, he had to give up.

There is another way to kill Huo Tianci, but there are countless ways. He doesn’t need to ruin all of himself for this quickness, and even then the entire Gu family, because it’s not worth it. when.

“Then follow the plan!”

“Okay, Master Gu, I will prepare everything now.” With that, Song Tianzong left.

After Song Tianzong left, a man-looking man walked in.

“Still not working.” Seeing the doctor shook the head, Gu Hongtao slowly closed his eyes, because he was about to give up. In fact, he knew at first that this was impossible. After all That place has been trampled on, how can it be restored?

“Gujia Master, I forgive my limited medical skills, but Young Master’s daily life problems have been completely cured, but that is a little lacking.” The daily problems mentioned by the doctor are of course Problems with urination.

Gu Hongtao nodded, said: “Hurry up and get 1000 taels of silver and send it to Doctor Wang to his home.”

“That’s it, I would like to thank Patriarch Gu for his kindness.”

On the other side, the Huo Tianci people who have just stepped into Fuzhou City.

“Wow~, it’s big!” Heizi was almost dumbfounded, he looked like a child, and his eyes were full of longing.

Huo Tianci is the same, Dong Pengfei and Ren Hui’s brothers are the same.

Because of the luxury of Fuzhou City, words cannot express it.

“This road is at least three wide as the black river fort, no, it should be four!” Dong Pengfei said.

Huo Tianci nodded, and the road is too long and too long.

“Little Brother, Little Brother.” At Huo Tianci and the others, when they were about to wander around in Fuzhou City, ten-twenty young people in their early days called them.

“Are you?” Huo Tianci asked politely.

“This is Little Brother, my name is Ma Liu, I see how you look like, it should be, you just came to Fuzhou City, and you are also preparing to take the Fuzhou Academy, outer sect selection examination, why not In this way, how about being a guide for you?” After a little froze, Ma Liu said again: “Of course, the price is very fair, and there will be absolutely no suspicion of slaughter. Besides, you can have five people, whatever you want. It’s just a small amount of money.”

Ma Liu has a lot of eyesight, because he can tell at a glance, Huo Tianci, this group of people, by no means ordinary, because you have seen a bunch of Are the genius experts of the Profound Apprentice Realm still wearing common clothes, so it is obvious that they are disguising themselves.

I have to say that Ma Liu’s vision is very sharp and unique.

“Then, lead the way.” Huo Tianci touched it casually, and threw an ingot of silver directly into Ma Liu’s hand.

Ma Liu squatted after taking over, and immediately introduced to the crowd with great enthusiasm, everything in Fuzhou City.

Ma Liu said that the division of Fuzhou City, like people, is divided into three, six or nine. Now they are in the outer circle area, which is the poorest area. The residents living in it are the most Grassroots workers at the bottom, but don’t underestimate these workers, because the construction and daily needs of Fuzhou City are all done by them.

After walking like this for about fifteen minutes, rows of tall buildings appeared. Compared with the previous three- and two-story tiled houses, the so-called changes were like Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

“Here is the wealthy area.” Ma Liu introduced: “The people who live inside are all businessmen.”

After that, Ma Liu and Huo Tianci and the Others told a short story. The story came from 30 years ago and Fuzhou City 30 years ago. There was actually no hierarchical planning. Everyone lived together casually.

At first, I don’t feel anything, but over time, contradictions will inevitably erupt. Because the rich simply look down on the poor. From time to time, they insult and bully, because in the hearts of the rich, the poor are Low and the others should work extremely hard for them. In the end, in a conflict, a civilian child named Luoqiushan, in a rage, directly slaughtered the bosses of the top ten trading companies in Fuzhou City. Exhausted.

“Fuck!” When they heard this, everyone exclaimed again and again, because this is too awesome, it’s their idol.

“Then, what happened to Luoqiu Mountain?” Huo Tianci couldn’t help but asked, Dong Pengfei and the others next to him were all with this curious expression.

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