So, Huo Tianci said: “I want it!”

However, when Huo Tianci was about to dig out the money, he saw a dignified pulsed young master with a folding fan in his hand. The silver ticket was shot on the counter.

“I will double as much as he pays.” In the end, this product also put out a more arrogant sentence.

“What to look at? Don’t you know who our Young Master is!” Seeing Huo Tianci aiming at this side, the servant next to the pampered young master immediately yelled.

“Unhappy, holding back, no money, just get out!” Compared with the pampered young master, this guy is even more arrogant, a posture of the fox exploits the tiger’s might.

Seeing this, Dong Pengfei couldn’t help it.

“Do you know the dog stuff, come first, come later?” Dong Pengfei was not empty at all, so he cursed directly.

For this, Huo Tianci directly stopped him: “What are you doing?”

“Brother Tian, ​​he is….” Dong Pengfei was a little confused, because he was helping Huo Tianci. Ah, why Huo Tianci stopped him.

“It’s still your master.” The pampered young master thought Huo Tianci was scared, and was going to give him the guest room.

But the next second, I saw Huo Tianci say: “I told you not to lower oneself to somebody’s level with the dog, and then, if the dog bites you, can you still bite the dog back?”

This sentence makes sense at one point, and Dong Pengfei understood it instantly.

“Brother Tian taught us that we are human, we don’t lower oneself to somebody’s level with the dog.” Dong Pengfei smiled knowingly, and then bit the word “dog” very hard.

On the other hand, the pampered young master and the subordinates, the angry face is blue.

“You…you!” The pampered young master wanted to speak back, but he didn’t know how to say it, so he could only speak with silver.

“There is nothing to say about country bumpkins from the countryside. Since they are staying in a store, then use silver to speak.” After that, the pampered young master pointed to the banknote that was just placed on the counter. , Said happily: “See what this is, silver ticket, silver ticket of 10,000 taels!” Aside, the guy greeted him and sang the double reed: ” Young Master, don’t introduce them to these country bumpkins, because even if you introduce them carefully, they won’t understand it, because these country bumpkins probably don’t even know what the bank notes are.”

Feelings, the master and servant, thought that Huo Tianci came out of the mountain ditch.

When thinking about this, Huo Tianci smiled unknowingly, but he was not surprised, because the clothes they are wearing now are simple coarse cloths, which are regarded as country people. It’s normal, but as for why it is dressed like this, it is of course low-key. Otherwise, Huo Tianci can still wear golden clothes.

But now, they are despised, and the thing they despise is not other, but the silver ticket. Then the people said, Huo Tianci, they have not seen the silver ticket. This, think about it. It feels a bit funny.

“Silver tickets for 10,000 taels!” The store exclaimed, because such large-denomination silver tickets are indeed extremely rare.

The crowd around the audience was even more surprised, because this shows that the pampered young master is a local tyrant.

“You pay 10,000 taels, right, okay, then I will pay 20,000.” Huo Tianci also didn’t want to be underestimated. In the next second, he would directly issue a gold ticket.

Compared with the silver ticket, the visual impact that the gold ticket brings to people is even stronger. When looking at the golden light shimmering piece of paper in Huo Tianci’s hand, everyone exclaimed, I reached the Peak in an instant, and some people were even sucking in a cold breath because of this, even more trenches!

“I…I…I, I didn’t say I made ten thousand!” Suddenly, the pampered young master panicked because he took out ten thousand tael of silver, which does not mean He paid 10,000 tael of silver, and another 10,000 tael of silver could buy another courtyard here. If he really can afford the money, why bother to come here to squeeze What about Inn, don’t you think?

“That is to say, you are a poor man?” Before Huo Tianci said this, Dong Pengfei on the side made up this blade first.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Bin also said: “What did you say just now? Don’t be happy, just get out if you don’t have any money, right?”

“In that case, then Just get out of here.” Huo Tianci pointed at the gate of Inn, facing the pampered young master and his servants, and said casually, I have to say that invisible pretense is the most deadly.

And this slap, can also be called extremely loud.

“hahaha, this is a typical pretence, but it’s just that little brother, it’s not enough.” A group of people pointed at Huo Tianci and gave a thumbs up.

“That’s right, look at the house, and you’ll get the gold ticket directly. Nothing else. Look at the bullshit. The silver ticket is all shot on the table, but I still want to take it back, saying it’s not a bid of 10,000. Taels, cut, if you knew that, why should you take the banknotes out? I want to scare people, I’m really scared, and I will give you a word at the end, next time you don’t have money, don’t come out and pretend!”

Just being said by gossip, the pampered young master actually rebounded.

“Who said that I have no money! I just want to say, one room, 10,000 silver taels for a day, is this possible! With the ability, you come to live!”

“That’s it, there is ability, this is forcing you to pretend, and dare you to say that our Young Master is not, the typical hillbilly, the country bumpkin!” The fellow still echoed.

“Oh, hello~, it’s still irrational, and it’s not our pretense, telling others, how much you are, I double, now I can’t pretend, hahaha, what a shame! “

“I think so, otherwise, if you have a kind, you just come back. People now pay 20,000 yuan, and you don’t need to pay 30,000 yuan. As long as you pay 30,000 yuan, you can be What I said just now is all farting, but you, it seems that you can’t.”

People who come to take the Fuzhou Academy exam are basically handsome young men from small cities. This Young Master just now, Three sentences not to leave the country bumpkin, the country bumpkin, in fact, has already aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone.

In the end, being besieged by everyone’s words like this definitely deserves it.

“MD, dare to say that I can’t do it!” The Young Master was so excited, and finally broke out: “I pay 30,000! 30,000 silver!”

as The saying goes Good, people fight for a breath, Buddha fights for a stick of incense, this pampered young master is ready to fight Huo Tianci, after all, a man cannot be said to be no good!

But Huo Tianci said: “It seems to be less than 10,000 yuan. Didn’t you just say, how much I am, do you double? Now I bid 20,000 silver, you should pay 40,000 The two are right, of course, if you swallow the sentence just now as a stool, then I will pretend not to hear anything.”

Huo Tianci is as if nothing has happened yet. Said.

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