The last two violent all their strength, then squeezed their fists, and moved towards each other and killed each other.


This fist, neither side used any martial skill moves, only brute force.

However, only this is the case, both of them also showed a strong air current at once. This is the fist wind that only appears when the strength reaches a certain level, and finally the fist wind blows. As a result, a fist-powered airflow was formed, and in the end I saw the two fist-powered airflows struck each other around the two people.

During this period, the rumbling sound continued to be heard. In the end, it was estimated that the strength was equal. After the collision of several dozen seconds, the two airflows slowly dissipated and disappeared.

At the same time, I saw the two fists banging together, and they all took a few steps back.

“It seems that I have the upper hand!” The big guy took five steps back, while Huo Tianci took eleven steps. According to the original agreement, whoever retreats, even if he loses, if he retreats all , Then according to the number of steps back to decide whether to win or lose.

The big guy is five, and Huo Tianci is eleven, so the big guy will say that he has the upper hand, but he knows in his heart that Huo Tianci’s brute force is almost the same as his As for why he only took five steps back, that’s because he was subconsciously showing his profound energy to stabilize his figure while he was backing. Otherwise, he would definitely take more than ten steps back, when the time comes It’s really not certain who will win.

“I used profound energy. In this first game, even if we are tied.” The big guy said beforehand that he didn’t use profound energy, but in the end, he still used it subconsciously, so In the end, he took the initiative to count as a tie.

Huo Tianci nodded, I have to say that this big guy does things very straightforward and upright, because he doesn’t say that no one will know.

“But with these two punches, I am going to use my profound energy! You have to be careful!” The big guy doesn’t want to tie.

However, this is exactly what Huo Tianci wants, because he doesn’t want to tie, and what’s more, if it doesn’t, it’s meaningless: “Fight!” Finally, Huo Tianci shouted and punched again. , Boom killed up.

“Come on!” So are the big guys, and the last two were killed together again.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique!

Huo Tianci does not have profound energy blessing, so it can only display the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique.

In the end, I saw a vigorous dragon body, and a vigorous elephant body wrapped around Huo Tianci’s right fist.

this fist, at least three hundred cattle!

Looking back at the big guy on the opposite side, I saw a thick white aura, which completely enveloped his right fist. At the end of the fast moving speed, that white aura, like a car exhaust Generally, it is stuck in the air, leaving a deep white wave.

Mysterious energy is condensed and vigor is transformed into form. To be honest, such a confrontation, you don’t need to look at it, you will also guess the result, because vigor is simply not enough to contend with mystery.

But Huo Tianci’s strength is not simple strength, but strength of dragons and elephants, even if facing profound energy, so what!

Huo Tianci is confident that he will win!

The same is true for the big guy.

bang!! !

The two punches of the last two were completely blasted together. Suddenly, one after another powerful astral qi, violently spread out from around the two people’s bodies, and then followed by a circle. On a circle, everyone only felt that the entire black river tower was trembling, because the force that blasted together was so powerful.

After astral qi stopped, I saw Huo Tianci and the big guy, staggering back again for a few steps.

“It’s amazing!” After this fist finished the bombing, everyone was dumbfounded. Of course, they were all dumbfounded by Huo Tianci, because Huo Tianci actually took the big punch. , But that, but the fist of profound energy.

How can ordinary strength be hard-wired? This is really incredible.

What’s more, the big guy at this time has stepped back by as many as 17 steps, while Huo Tianci is only fifteen steps that’s all. Although it only won two steps, it’s huge. Everyone can see the difference clearly, because Huo Tianci is just the strength of the Body Refining Realm, and that big man is in the Profound Realm.

“Awesome!” Although very unwilling, Huo Tianci did indeed win.

“Since Brother Huo, you are so good, then I will show your true ability.” The big guy only feels a bit embarrassed, because he actually lost to the Body Refining Realm martial artist.

However, he still has a chance to turn defeat into victory because there is still nothing to beat.

“Me too!” Huo Tianci also has trump card moves that have not yet come out.

“In this case, then I’ll go!” The big guy shouted violently, and said: “Liuhe boxing method!”

With the sound of violent shouts, the big guy swung out six in a row. After remembering the shadow of the fist, under the blessing of the profound energy, these six shadows of the fist, as if alive, condensed into a real state, and fiercely’s moved towards Huo Tianci swung to the past.

Huo Tianci did his part, and also used his housekeeping skills.

Spike Fang Fengfeng Fist!

After the move, Huo Tianci’s fist wind hovered in the air.

Afterwards, under the unique cyclone power of Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique, I saw this fist wind slowly condensing and forming, and finally emerged a wolf-like appearance.

Afterwards, as the fist wind fought faster and faster, this fist-shaped wolf became bigger and bigger. Finally, the wolf opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and revealed it. Its fangs come.

At the same time, Huo Tianci began to absorb the profound energy in the profound stone, and then transported this gurgling profound energy into the fist wind of Langya Fengfeng Fist, and merged with it into one.

In the next second, I saw the giant wolf showing its fangs, as if he had come alive, grinning with fangs, and not wicked.

Finally accompanied by Huo Tianci’s punch, the giant wolf dived into the air, showing its fangs, and biting out. It looked like a real giant wolf leaped out of Huo Tianci’s hands. In general, it doesn’t work well.


This bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl-like bite completely shattered the six mysterious shadows that were blasted by the big guy. After seeing this, Huo Tianci immediately retracted his fist and stopped. Stopped the fist body that wanted to continue to attack.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci’s fist, which stopped an inch in front of the big forehead.

The big hair was completely blown by the fist wind, and his whole person was completely stunned.

Because Huo Tianci completely defeated him, he didn’t expect it at all.

At the same time, he is still curious about one thing, that is, why Huo Tianci can use profound energy, and seeing how that profound energy is used, it seems that Huo Tianci is above him. , The feeling of proficiency is like an expert who has been immersed in the Profound Apprentice Realm for many years, completely mastering the use of profound energy.

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