
The sound of drooling is still ringing from time to time, and everyone around is now looking at Huo Tianci with horror, as if they saw demons and ghosts Similar.

“Okay…Okay, amazing!” Those who thought Huo Tianci would be striking a stone with an egg were all dumbfounded at this time, because the result of the young taller being defeated was completely beyond Up their imagination.

“Body Refining 9th Layer realm, defeating the mysterious 2nd layer realm, is it possible that this kid, is the expert on the list?” Someone exclaimed.

“Listening to what you said, I seem to recognize him. He seems to be Huo Tianci, the newly promoted Fanbang expert, who frightened Song Junjian directly in the Fanbang race. .”

“Scared back? Didn’t it mean that Song Junjian was seriously injured before the game, so he surrendered?”

“The serious injury before the game is correct, but the serious injury is this. Huo Tianci did it.”

“What? He did it!” Hearing this, the people around opened their eyes widened again, and came out again in astonishment. Because of this, they Don’t know.

“It turned out to be like this.” When other people came here, they fully understood everything, that is, Huo Tianci is a real person, not walked the lucky dog ​​excrement at all, and became an expert in Fanbang. of.

“I’ll just say, that kid must be out of the ordinary, this super genius, we better not conflict with it, otherwise, that person will definitely be our end.” , This man pointed his finger in the direction of the young and tall man. At this time, the young and tall man couldn’t even stand up. His little brothers were taking out some medical pills to help him heal his injuries.

“Boss, Boss! Are you okay?” His little brothers are so nervous at this time, because Huo Tianci’s this move completely hit him, even if he doesn’t die in the end, that’s it. At least half his life was lost.

“No…no, it’s okay.” The young tall man coughed up blood and said slowly while shaking his head. When the boys saw this, they finally relaxed. At the same time, they still Prepare to avenge the young tall man: “Boss, you are here to heal your wounds, we will help you clean up that kid!”

“No…no.” The young tall man pulled his clothes and let He shouldn’t do this, because Huo Tianci is so powerful that he completely surpassed his imagination. If they go like this, they are definitely going to die.

“What about the less wind?”

“Life is more important.”

After these four words were exported, everyone was silent. Because the young and tall guy is right.

Seeing that Huo Tianci defeated the young tall man, Qin Feng was completely stunned. Because of his wishful thinking, it can be said that Huo Tianci was completely overthrown.

“This little boy, how can he be so powerful!” Qin Feng was a little dumbfounded, because the Profound Realm vs. Body Refining Realm, this is an absolute strength suppression, but this strength is suppressed in front of Huo Tianci Just like a piece of paper, it breaks with one poke, not only that, Huo Tianci also tore this piece of paper completely, completely knocked down the person hiding behind the paper.

Qin Feng didn’t expect this at all, so to speak, everyone present did not expect it, because it was too exaggerated and too shocking.

“God bestowed younger brother, you are amazing!” Nangongya ran to Huo Tianci with a look of admiration, and said to him, because Huo Tianci won the battle just now very beautifully, almost all It can be said that the battle was won by an absolute overwhelming advantage, and Huo Tianci’s strength is only in the Body Refining 9th Layer realm. This connection makes it impossible for Nangongya to worship.

“Generally, he he he.” Huo Tianci put away the beheading knife, scratched his head, and said modestly.

After that, he returned to his original position and continued to protect the law for everyone in the Wu family.

“MD, all the plans are disturbed by this kid!” When Nangongya voluntarily ran to Huo Tianci’s side, and was talking and laughing with him, Qin Feng couldn’t get out of the air. Because of this treatment, this kind of praise after hero saving the beauty, he should have enjoyed it all, but as a result, they were all monopolized by Huo Tianci alone, which made him extremely unhappy.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that this is still his own assist, because the people who came to pick things up just now are all his subordinates. When thinking about this, Qin Feng has one. Kind of the urge to slap yourself, because this is the legendary.

“No, the limelight must not be monopolized by that kid! I must do something, otherwise, Ya’er will definitely hate me more and more, thinking that I am not good at all.” Qin Feng clenched his fists, really couldn’t swallow the breath, but it was definitely not realistic to go directly to Huo Tianci’s troubles, so he had to think about other ideas, but in this black river tower, Any good idea? So that he can show off?

Qin Feng couldn’t think of it anyway.

“By the way, go to the tower!” Qin Feng divine light flashed fiercely.

“If I board the 10th floor of the black river tower, Na Ya’er will definitely treat me differently.” Qin Feng was stunned, and he finally made up his mind and started to In the 2nd floor of the black river tower, I am looking for a way to the 3rd floor.

“Haha, I found it!” Qin Feng found the entrance of the stairs, but when he was about to move forward, an invisible barrier bounced him back with a “boom”.

It looked like it hit a glass door.

“hahaha.” When the people around saw Qin Feng walking up there stupidly, they all burst into laughter.

“What are you laughing at!” Qin Feng was upset at first, but now that he sees someone daring to laugh at him that way, he is even more unhappy.

“You, come here to Laozi!” A little dwarf smiled so badly, Qin Feng, who couldn’t bear it in the end, pointed his finger directly at him, ready to make him pay a price.

However, in the next second, a big man with a height of 1.9 meters stopped in front of the little man: “What are you looking for my younger brother for?”

“younger brother “Looking at the 1.9 m big guy, Qin Feng only felt that his legs were a little weak, because he really didn’t expect that this man turned out to be the big brother of that little man, and then he glanced at his strength, fuck, a mysterious 4th layer environment.

In the end, Qin Feng smiled bitterly and replied with a smile. He said: “No…no, nothing, I just look at your younger brother, he looks very personal, he he he.” Qin Feng was embarrassed. It doesn’t work, because his current strength is only in the mysterious 3rd-layer realm, that is to say, he can’t beat this big guy.

“Have personality?” The big guy smiled, and then he stared at Qin Feng and said, “Then tell me, my younger brother, how can I have a personality? If you can tell I’m not satisfied, then I’ll beat you up with personality!” How could a big guy not know what Qin Feng wanted to do just now? It’s probably because his younger brother looks so good to bully that’s all. Otherwise, that many people just laughed. Let his younger brother go there alone, so it is obvious that he is looking for soft persimmons.

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