“Among them, Space Array should be blessed.” Huo Tianci thought to himself, otherwise, the black river tower that looks less than a thousand square meters on the outside cannot have a few hundred thousand meters in it. Spatial.

At the same time, this made Huo Tianci more certain that the identity of the master of the black river tower is actually a fact of the master of the talisman formation.

The Transmission Array at the door, the restricted Formation in the tower, and the Space Array that can expand the space by tens of thousands of times.

This is not a symbolic master, what else can it be?

“It’s amazing.” Huo Tianci sighed with infinite emotion. The master of the black river tower was amazing because of the various Formations, which made him amazed.

“It seems that the Array Master will learn it in the future.” Huo Tianci thought.

“Hey, this is…”

“Oh, it’s something that system rewards me. What is fairy beans? I want to see how you are. Bean method.” This happy bean like a broad bean is what Huo Tianci rewarded him when he completed the first stage task just now, and it was also called fairy beans. To be honest, Huo Tianci was a bit spit on it. .

However, after checking the attributes of this fairy bean, Huo Tianci only felt that his face was swollen because it was indeed a fairy bean.

“Damn, it turned out to be the fairy bean in Dragon Ball. I thought it was the happy bean in the button game.” Finally, Huo Tianci acted like a treasure and took this fairy bean , Put it into the Heaven and Earth Bag.

[Xiandou] (the name of a kind of magical food in the anime dragon ball, cultivated by the Kalin fairy who lives in Kalinta) after use, it can quickly heal internal and external injuries, and ten Heaven is not hungry.

I believe anyone who has watched Dragon Ball should know how powerful this thing is. The protagonist Sun Wukong in it can counterattack this thing again and again. To be honest, Huo Tianci was a little surprised, and the system unexpectedly took it. As a reward, it was given to him. It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci would treat him like a treasure and put him away, because this is equivalent to giving him one more life.

After putting away the fairy beans, Huo Tianci began to look for the silhouette of Wu Qiushuang and the others.

However, the luck is a little bit bad. He didn’t find any of the members of the Wu family who entered the 1st floor maze. That is to say, Wu Qiushuang is at least 5000 metres away from him (ten thousand Half), this is not good news.

It’s Dong Pengfei, who is very close to him, and less than several hundred meters. I guess it’s because I came in with him just now.

“What are you doing? Sneaky.” At this time, Dong Pengfei was tapping the wall of the maze with his finger.

Huo Tianci’s sudden appearance, it almost scared him to death, and then I saw this kid, holding a sharp sword in both hands, and pointed at him trembling with fear.

“Brother Tian, ​​it turned out to be you, hu~, you look scared me.” Seeing that the person here was Huo Tianci, Dong Pengfei immediately put the sword away. He thought it was the enemy. .

After a sigh of relief, he happily replied to Huo Tianci and said: “Brother Tian, ​​listen.”


is a muffled sound.

“Hollow?” Of course, Huo Tianci heard it. Huo Tianci, who was excited immediately, leaned forward, wanting to see with Dong Pengfei, what is inside this stone.

Because there are treasures everywhere in the black river tower, I’m afraid you won’t find it.

“Is it possible that, is it Xuanwang’s treasure?” Huo Tianci couldn’t help but asked excitedly.

“I don’t know, so I was about to watch it, but didn’t expect, Brother Tian, ​​you came suddenly.” Dong Pengfei actually left a dogshit luck, because when he was sent in just now, He didn’t stand up, and then knocked on the wall. As a result, after the sound of knocking his head appeared, he immediately felt something was wrong, because this sound was different from the sound of a normal wall. Finally, when he compared it, he realized that , The inside is hollow.

“Then open it up and take a look.” Huo Tianci was in a hurry.

“Hmm.” After that, Dong Pengfei used a sword to cut through the half-covered wall.

“MD, it’s so hard.” After stabbing more than a dozen swords in a row, a small crack was pierced into the wall. I have to say that this wall is a bit stiff because of the weapon in Dong Pengfei’s hand. But it is a sharp sword of the ninth rank of Fan.

After cleaning up the gravel again, a palm-sized jade bottle appeared in front of the two of them.

The jade bottle is a celadon color, simple and simple, revealing a little out of the ordinary.

Just after Dong Pengfei took the jade bottle out of the stone wall, ka ka ka, the sound of gears rang out from the wall, and finally saw the wall in front of them, Slowly sinking.

“This is it possible that is, a great treasure!” Dong Pengfei thought that there would be a bigger treasure behind this wall.

Huo Tianci also thought it was, but when he took a clairvoyance, his liking zi zi complexion immediately darkened. At the same time, he was still pulling Dong Pengfei next to him. , Ran in the opposite direction.

Because behind this is an ominous beast of the Profound Apprentice Realm TM.

In the end, I saw a six-eyed tarantula with a body length of more than four meters, using its twelve spider legs, quickly moved towards them and killed it.

Six-eyed tarantula, the Peak ominous beast of the first stage of the mysterious disciple, its strength, compared with the martial artist of the 2nd layer realm of the common disciple, is even more unconcerned.


I probably felt that I couldn’t catch up. As soon as the six-eyed tarantula opened its mouth, four or five strands of spider silk carrying green liquid, whiz whiz whiz moved towards Huo Tianci and Dong Pengfei who fled first, Entangled.

This green liquid is a paralyzing toxin unique to the six-eyed tarantula. As long as it is stained with a trace, it will numb all over the body and become slow. This is why the six-eyed tarantula can cross classes. Because of the war between human martial artists, it is extremely difficult to deal with because of this product.

Fortunately, Huo Tianci wears light boots. In addition to this period of time, he has improved his training. The speed is not fast. As long as he twists his body a little, he can naturally avoid these anxieties. The spider silk that came, but Dong Pengfei on the side was not good.

“Brother Tian, ​​leave me alone, run away!” Dong Pengfei’s neck was entangled by the poisonous silk. Although the sharp sword in his hand cut the connection between the poisonous silk and the six-eyed tarantula, His entire thigh was numb, and in the end, he couldn’t even move.

In the end, Dong Pengfei, helpless, had to let Huo Tianci escape quickly, because this was an ominous beast of the Profound Realm. They were impossible to beat. If Huo Tianci came to rescue him, maybe even him Will also be buried here.

“I knew it, I would not be greedy anymore.” With a bitter face, Dong Pengfei only felt regretful, looking at the celadon jade bottle in his hand. At the same time, he was completely aware of it. Existing with danger, the true meaning of this sentence.

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