Because Huo Tianci is very insidious, he even took advantage of his inadvertent attention, took advantage of small tricks and used force to push him out. In the end, because the whole person lost his center of gravity, he could only stumble and be thrown by a dog. Nibbles, if he was a little prepared, he would definitely not be like this.

“Are you very dissatisfied?” Huo Tianci of course guessed what he was thinking, because it was really aggrieved to lose. After all, he was thrown out by his own brute force. It is the essence of the eighteenth-year-old dreaded clothes, with the help of strength.

Apart from this, there is another essence, which is four or two.

“If you are not convinced, then I will give you another chance.”

After hearing this, Dong Pengfei immediately stood up from the ground. Since he had just suffered a loss, this In time, he became much more clever, and then he turned his fist into his palm, and fought Huo Tianci very carefully, because in this case, Huo Tianci could not use his strength to push him out. Up.

But as a result, the soft Huo Tianci suddenly burst out with a combination of strength and softness. This power only appeared for a moment, but in this moment, with Huo Dong Pengfei, who was struggling with Tianci in close quarters, was shot and flew out in an instant. In the end, he turned up to the sky, landed on his back, stumbled and flew out eight-nine meters away.

“What the hell is that move?” After being thrown out again, Dong Pengfei was blinded, completely blinded, because he who fought with Huo Tianci just now did not lose the wind at all. As a result Suddenly, Huo Tianci’s soft fists burst out with an extremely powerful force, and then in an instant, this force bounced off him. Because it came so suddenly, Dong Pengfei was not at all prepared. It can’t be said that there is no defense, but it is not expected at all.

This is the combination of strength and softness in four or two ways. Either you don’t make a move, if you make a move, you will hurt the enemy!

“Not convinced yet?” Huo Tianci walked over and asked him with a slight smile.

Of course Dong Pengfei was not convinced, because of this move, he came too suddenly, if he was prepared, he would definitely…

Oh! …Why!

However, the result of dissatisfaction was to be abused. In the end, I saw Dong Pengfei crying for his father and his mother, yelling that he would never come again, because it was so weird, no matter how he fought Huo Tianci , The final result was that I was thrown away, and I fell into a shit.

At this time, the system hint is on.

Congratulations to the host, “Ding” has successfully practiced the 1st Style that has been drenched in clothes to the Small Success Realm.

Looking at Dong Pengfei, who was smashed in front of him, Huo Tianci slowly shook the head. Because of this, he was fooled by him and successfully became an experience baby.

If Dong Pengfei knew about this, he would cry and say to him: I treat you as a big brother, but you kill me as a monster, wu~ wu~ woo.

At noon, after lunch, the three of Huo Tianci moved towards the Wushi city south of the black river fort.

“It’s so lively!” After entering the city, the first thing you see is the various street stalls and grocery stores. From time to time, there are martial artists carrying wild beast corpses walking on the street. At the same time, there is an endless stream of a nobody, shuttled in the city of Wu, and it’s so lively.

“Brother Tian, ​​this whole area is the sphere of influence of Wushi, and this street is called Wushi Avenue. After walking to the end, it is the Martial Palace we are going to.” Dong Pengfei Explained very carefully.

Wushi, the full name of the martial artist market, was originally a small organization created by some powerful individual martial artists. It was originally intended to create Early-Stage, just to facilitate the martial artist to trade and exchange things privately. Then they help each other. After a long period of tempering and growth, it gradually grew from a small force, a small sapling, to a big tree.

And Martial Palace is the core of the city, because it controls the laws of order in the city, and helps deal with the trivial matters among the martial artists. It is precisely because of its existence that the city can Will come to today.

According to Dong Pengfei, the strength of Martial Palace can even compete with Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, but no one knows whether it can be.

Finally, under the leadership of Dong Pengfei, Huo Tianci and Heizi stepped into the Martial Palace. As soon as they entered the door, a majestic atmosphere immediately assaults the senses. Because of the appearance in the Martial Palace, just follow that Like the Imperial Palace compound, it’s tall, big, and upper, and it’s particularly wonderful.

In addition to being big, it is more gorgeous inside. It is said that it is golden paving and silver lacquer. That is not an exaggeration.

“Brother Tian, ​​this is Martial Palace. Compared with the Auction House of Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, it is more than 30% more generous.” Every time Dong Pengfei comes, he will first sigh. After sighing, he took Huo Tianci to the counter of Martial Palace.

At this time, an old man with a sixtieth birthday is sitting in it casually.

“Brother Tian, ​​here is the registration office.” Huo Tianci came to Martial Palace to compete for the Fanban and become an expert on the Fanban. The 1st Step to compete for the Fanban is to sign up and said To be blunt, it is to pay the fee, pay the registration fee of 100 silver taels, and then the management of Martial Palace will help you arrange your first opponent.

Play against the puppets!

“Put down the silver and go to the line by yourself.” When it was Huo Tianci’s turn, the old man moved towards him and threw a wooden token, and after that, he pointed to the test room next to it.

There are as many as ten test houses. Even so, they can’t hold up a lot of people. Looking at the long line in front of the test house, Huo Tianci smiled helplessly, because he really didn’t. I thought, in this World, there are even queues.

“Then, let’s line it up.” Finally, helpless Huo Tianci had to queue up.

To challenge the expert process of Fanbang, Huo Tianci has heard Dong Boldly talk about it before.

First of all, the challenger must pass the qualification test, that is, holding the wooden token in his hand, go to the test room to fight the battle puppet, and then the Martial Palace manager will pass the number of fights between you and the battle puppet. To judge whether you are qualified to challenge Fanbang expert.

This is the first, and the second is to go to the martial arts platform and win ten games in a row. After that, as long as you can win ten games in a row, Martial Palace will give you one time unconditionally and directly challenge the expert. In the end, as long as you can challenge successfully, then you will be an expert in Fanbang.

Compared with the second method, the people who choose the first method account for the absolute majority, because the battle puppets are limited to the point and will not cause any harm to the challenger.

As for the Wudoutai, as long as you go up, life and death is up to the sky, but despite this, many people have challenged in the past because it is very exciting, of course, more because they have reached Can’t directly challenge the qualifications of Fanbang martial artist.

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