“Song Wuyan?” Seriously, if Song Tianzong hadn’t mentioned these three words, Song Tianheng would have almost forgotten this person, and after searching for it, Song Wuyan seemed to have disappeared. He was completely gone, because everyone said that he hadn’t seen him in the past few days.

“MD, it really is fake! This Song Wuyan, dare to swindle me!” After hearing the news, Song Tianzong directly tore the fake Treasure Map in his hand to pieces.

“Where is his family?” Song Tianzong really didn’t expect that such an anti-skeleton boy would appear next to him.

“It’s all gone, it’s probably this dog thing, it was premeditated!” Song Tianheng was also angry, and finally the two angry, directly in the assassination hall in Wushi, spending a lot of money, offering a reward for Song Wuyan’s head .

At this time in another courtyard of the Song Family mansion, in the spring boudoir, two bodies like water snakes finally stopped their primordial movements. One man and one woman were sweating profusely. Lying on the bed.

This man and woman are those of Gu Fengtang and Song Manjia.

“MD, that little hillbilly!” Gu Fengtang was still angry at this time, after all, he was swollen by Huo Tianci’s pretense.

On the side, naked Song Manjia is stroking his chest, telling him not to worry about Huo Tianci in general: “Gu Ge, a small character that’s all, it’s not worth your anger for him. I guess that The little hillbilly only has a small amount of money. If it is based on background and strength, Gu brother, you are not better than him.” Song Manjia revealed the curve of her figure and said enchantingly. From time to time, she would tease Gu Fengtang. The nerves made him excited again. I have to say that Song Manjia is really good at dealing with men. It’s no wonder that she can be more open at Fuzhou Academy.

Gu Fengtang was so teased that the blood energy all over his body boiled again. This made his unhappy mood suddenly improved a lot. After that, he rushed again like a wolf preying. Song Manjia’s body was lost.

After an hour passed, the two people who felt hungry walked out of this spring-filled room. At this moment, Song Tianzong, who had been waiting for a long time near the Bieyuan, immediately greeted him.

“Father!” Seeing that it was his father, Song Manjia immediately introduced Gu Fengtang.

“It turned out to be my uncle.” Gu Fengtang was somewhat embarrassed. Later, he explained a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure: “I was reviewing some knowledge on Martial Dao with Manjia just now. “

Since Gu Fengtang said he was reviewing the knowledge of Martial Dao, Song Tianzong thought he was reviewing the knowledge of Martial Dao. After all, it was not easy to pierce this layer of window paper. After that, he still photographed Gu Fengtang. Let him review carefully: “Young people, just have to have this enthusiasm to study hard! Uncle is very optimistic about you.” Song Tianzong is very satisfied with Gu Fengtang, after all, Eldest Young Master of Fuzhou City.

Gu Fengtang nodded his head straight: “Thank you, uncle for the compliment. By the way, uncle, this is a small gift for you. I hope you don’t dislike it.” With that, Gu Fengtang took the gift that he had prepared. Take it out from Heaven and Earth Bag and deliver it to Song Tianzong’s hands.

Seeing a few small bottles with the size of a thumb, Song Tianzong was a little bit inexplicable, because he was thinking, what can be put in such a small bottle?

Until he opened it and took a look, he was surprised and aloud.

“This is, blood essence!” Song Tianzong’s eyes widened after seeing a mass of solidified red blood drops.

Seeing Song Tianzong’s surprised expression, Gu Fengtang also felt that he was worthy of face. Later, he flattered Song Tianzong: “Uncle really is as wise as a torch. The treasures in these three small jade bottles are exactly that ominous beast blood essence undoubtedly, and all of them are Grade 3 blood essence, which is selected by me and Manjia together. Manjia said, this can help you uncle, so Xiaosheng just bought it without saying anything. I got it off.”

“What? It’s all Grade 3 blood essence!” After hearing that it was Grade 3 blood essence, Song Tianzong’s excitement directly reached Peak. It really is a blessing and a misfortune. Now there is such a powerful son-in-law, who is he afraid of!

“Fengtang, uncle is very satisfied with your gift!” With that, Song Tianzong patted Gu Fengtang on the shoulder again, expressing his high degree of satisfaction with him, and Song Manjia looked at him. In the eyes, that is not enough, because she is very capable now.

After that, the three of them went to Song Family’s main and guest hall together to collect the dust for Gu Fengtang.

At halfway through the road, Song Manjia curiously asked where Song Junjian was: “Father, where is Junjian? Brother Gu came this time, but he also brought him a small gift.”

Song Manjia still didn’t know the news that Song Junjian was seriously injured in bed, because Song Tianheng did not dare to tell her, Song Tianzong knew about this, because Song Tianheng had just explained to him, and at the same time, he also Knowing that the person who injured Song Junjian had a very big background, and finally forced to this point, Song Family let it go, but now, things have turned for the better, because there is a young man from Fuzhou City on their side. in.

So Song Tianzong immediately became sad and began to complain to Song Manjia: “Manjia, your younger brother, he was beaten seriously.”

As soon as Song Manjia heard this, she immediately moved towards Song Junjian’s Bieyuan and ran away. When she saw her younger brother was seriously injured and lying in bed, she was distressed.

“Sister…Sister, you must avenge me.” Song Junjian looked haggard, and finally he coughed and said to Song Manjia, who was rushing in, of course, what he said, It was completely said to the Gu Fengtang on the side, because he wanted to use Gu Fengtang’s identity to compete with Huo Tianci.

“Brother Gu, she is my younger brother.” Song Manjia immediately went to ask Gu Fengtang. How could Gu Fengtang not help? At the same time, this is also a good opportunity for him to show his strength, and finally want to show himself Gu Fengtang, without even thinking about it, he agreed: “MD, dare to bully people, don’t you think Gu Fengtang is in my eyes!”

“Sister…, this one?” Of course Song Junjian He knew about the existence of Gu Fengtang, but he still pretended not to know him because he wanted to pretend to be miserable.

“He is your future big sister, and I used to mention Gu Fengtang, Gu Fengtang.” Song Manjia touched her younger brother’s forehead and introduced Gu Fengtang’s identity.

As soon as these words came out, Song Junjian instantly became more energetic: “So you are the cousin Feng that my sister often mentions!” After that, he pretended to stand up and went to greet Gu Fengtang. However, he does not raise.

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