“If you know your mistakes, you can change it. If you are afraid, you are afraid. You don’t know where you are wrong. At this point, you are still too young. Learn more in the future.” Huo Tianci is a pair of rigorous schemes and deep foresight. appearance.

“Too young?” When he was said to be young, Dong Pengfei instantly became unwilling, because he was 18 years old this year. On the other hand, Huo Tianci looks like 15-16 years old.

But he did not refute, because Huo Tianci gives people the feeling that it is not only 15-16 years old, because his mind and his outstanding vision are very human. Comparable.

Compared with these, Dong Pengfei really looks too young.

“Thank you, Brother Tian, ​​for your advice.” When he got here, Dong Pengfei was deeply impressed by Huo Tianci, because what Huo Tianci has is not just his background, but more , His own excellence.

At this moment, seven jade bottles the size of thumbs were put on the auction table by the maids, and then Miss Ziyun began to introduce them one after another.

“These seven drops of blood essence are only ordinary ominous beast blood essence, but they are all very high in quality. According to Treasure Inspecting Maater, they are at least from the hands of a two-star Alchemist. It is also our Tianhe Chamber of Commerce. What we obtained just now happens to be used as a warm-up field.”

“Warm-up field? Is it possible that, there is also the blood essence of the grade!” The last few words As soon as it came out, the inside of Auction House instantly boiled.

Huo Tianci is also staggering. He originally thought that his seven drops of blood essence would be the finale, but he didn’t expect that there are even more powerful things, Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, It is indeed the Chamber of Commerce of Tianhe.

“It is two drops of Grade 3 blood essence, and one drop of Grade 4 blood essence.” At this point, Zi Yun, an Auctioneer, no longer hides it.

“It’s no wonder that the great characters of the Wu and Song families all come out in full force. They are fighting for the blood essence of Grade 3 and Grade 4!”

“I just said Well, the ordinary blood essence, how could it alarm so many people, it turns out that there are such great treasures as the finale!”

“There are so many great characters, presumably our small families cannot get that. A few drops of blood essence, but those ordinary blood essence bids, I still have a good grasp.”

“Fully is full, but the effectiveness of the small True Blood Dan is simply not enough. The True Blood Dan is comparable, eh~, in the final analysis, I still have insufficient money in my pocket. Otherwise, I really want to fight hard to compete for that grade blood essence.”

There was a lot of discussion, and the most mentioned word was the True Blood Dan.

True Blood Pill is made from six kinds of ominous beast blood essence, and three kinds of yellow spiritual grass, and refined into medicine pill. It can be used with the expert below the spiritual realm, blood essence and spiritual. The higher the grade of grass, the more the types, the higher the level and utility of the refined True Blood pill, so the Song Family and the great character of the Wu family will come out and bid for these three drops. Grade blood essence.

Because as long as they can refine Grade 2 True Blood Dan, Song Family Patriarch, Song Tianzong, and Wu Patriarch and Wu Mount Tai can try to attack the realm of the profound master. As long as one of them becomes a profound master, who You can completely grasp the Black River Fort, and the family without a breakthrough is almost a mortal ending. Everyone knows this.

As for the small True Blood pill, the medicine pill is refined by using non-grade blood essence and non-grade spiritual grass. Because the effect is not as good as the Grade 1 True Blood pill, this is why It is called Little True Blood Dan.

However, the usefulness of some small True Blood Pills can be better than Grade 1 True Blood Pills.

“Ms Ziyun said just now that those ordinary blood essences are very high in quality, and they are all refined by the second-star Alchemist. You said, is it possible to refine top grade small The True Blood pill is here?”

“It is said that the top grade small True Blood pill is effective in beautifying the real Grade 1 True Blood pill. If this is refined, it will be a big profit. No, they must not be snatched away.” As they said, those who focused on ordinary blood essence became more and more excited.

“True Blood Pill!” These words, Huo Tianci heard everything in his ears, and then he figured it out, refining this True Blood Pill, of course, he needs to draw the Eight Trigrams Furnace, otherwise, everything is a fantasy.

“Let’s go back to draw at night.” Huo Tianci came the past few days and saved a lot of lottery coins. It should be possible to draw one or two, so he planned to go back at night and draw again, because There are so many people here, it is very inconvenient.

After blasting the scene thoroughly, Zi Yun on the auction stage began to bid for the blood essence in the first jade bottle.

“This drop of blood essence is, Body Refining 9th Layer, ominous beast, the blood essence of unicorns, as everyone knows, the blood essence of unicorns, it is the best blood in quenching weapons One of the essence, as long as the tempering can be used, in addition to the hardness of the weapon, there can be a trace of wild beast in the weapon. It is said that the master is in need of this thing. If you buy it, you can give it to the master, maybe the master When I am happy, I can help all the guests to create a magic weapon.” Zi Yun’s smiles and words can stir the heartstrings of all the buyers present. I have to say, this level of disaster. The beauty of this person is not only beautiful, but also extremely high in mind and means.

No, as soon as I heard Master Kuang’s need, the buyers of the auction house were all enthusiastic.

Among them, Wu’s family and Song Family in particular.

“must be bought as a gift to Kuang master!” This is the thought of everyone in the auction room at this time.

Finally, Zi Yun embroidered her eyebrows, smiled charmingly, and said: “The starting price, ten thousand tael of silver!”

“I will give you ten thousand!” Zi Yun said just fine. Someone immediately called out the price.

“Twelve thousand!” The voice of the increase followed closely.

When the price reached 15,000 taels, some family members began to sell.

“I pay 20,000 yuan!” This price is called by the people of Wang Family.

After that, the Xu Family Zhou Family was also constantly competing. When the price reached 30,000 taels, the Wu family and Song Family, the huge monsters in the two black river fort, finally shot.

“I’ll pay forty thousand!” Song Tianheng directly increased the price by 10,000 taels, and then he turned his gaze to Mount Tai Wu who was aside.

Wu Mount Tai’s heart is tight, it is really didn’t expect Song Tianheng to be so fierce, people are all 1000 taels 1000 taels plus, it is good for him, it directly becomes ten thousand .

The blood essence of ordinary ominous beasts is no more than 20,000 silver taels that’s all. Even the blood essence of unicorn beasts is no more than 25,000. Now it costs 40,000 silver taels to buy. To be honest, this fool knows that he has suffered a big loss.

However, even if you suffer a big loss, you have to buy it, because the Kuang master needs it.

“MD, fight with him, I will make 41,000 taels!” However, just after Wu Mount Tai finished speaking, Song Tianheng on the side puchi directly and laughed wildly.

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